Number | PhD-student | Supervisor | Date | Dissertation title | |
1 | Sven Skyum | Arto Salomaa | 19-03-1975 | Parallelisme i definitioner af sprog | |
2 | Mogens Nielsen | Arto Salomaa | 14-06-1976 | Some results on context-free Lindenmayer systems | |
3 | Kurt Jensen | Erik Meineche Schmidt | 13-10-1980 | Net theory - adequacy and applications in language theory | |
4 | Ole Lehrmann | Peter Kornerup | 13-10-1980 | Anvendelse af attribut-oversættelsesskemaer i realisation af sprogdefinitioner i alternative formalismer | |
5 | Leo Mark Christensen | Brian H. Mayoh | 24-06-1985 | Self Describing Database Systems | |
6 | Gudmund Frandsen | Mogens Nielsen | 18-08-1986 | Semantik af logikprogrammering | |
7 | Jørgen Lindskov Knudsen | Ole Lehrmann Madsen | 15-12-1986 | Understøttelse af undtagelseshåndtering i programmeringssprog | |
8 | Kristine Stougaard Thomsen | Ole Lehrmann Madsen | 07-09-1987 | Understøttelse af nedarvning i programmeringssprog | |
9 | Kurt Nørmark | Ole Lehrmann Madsen | 07-09-1987 | Transformationer og abstrakte præsentationer i en sprogudviklingsomgivelse | |
10 | Andreas Munk-Madsen | Morten Kyng | 12-10-1987 | Vurdering af systemudviklingsprojekter | |
11 | Susanne Bødker | Morten Kyng | 14-12-1987 | Brugergrænseflader - hvordan skal vi forstå dem og deres brug, og hvordan skal vi designe dem | |
12 | Kim Halskov Madsen | Kurt Jensen | 25-04-1988 | Sprogbrug og design | |
13 | Ivan Bjerre Damgård | Peter Landrock | 30-05-1988 | Ubetinget beskyttelse i kryptografiske protokoller | |
14 | Pål Sørgaard | Morten Kyng | 23-01-1989 | A framework for computer supported cooperative work, and its application to system development | |
15 | Per Hasle | Brian H. Mayoh | 19-06-1989 | Logic grammar + computer science = natural language understanding | |
16 | Uffe Henrik Engberg | Mogens Nielsen | 19-03-1990 | Interleaving versus noninterleaving in the theory of concurrency | |
17 | Kaj Grønbæk | Morten Kyng | 09-09-1991 | Edb-baserede værktøjer - muligheder og begrænsninger for aktiv brugerdeltagelse | |
18 | Torben Pryds Pedersen | Ivan Bjerre Damgård | 10-02-1992 | Distributed Provers and Verifiable Secret Sharing Based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem | |
19 | Jens Palsberg | Peter D. Mosses | 24-08-1992 | Provably correct compiler generation | |
20 | Madhavan Mukund | Mogens Nielsen | 24-08-1992 | Models and logics in concurrency - achievements and major open problems | |
21 | Anders Gammelgaard | Erik Meineche Schmidt | 21-09-1992 | From Bisimulation to Chunk-by-Chunk Simulation | |
22 | Søren Christensen | Kurt Jensen | 26-10-1992 | Farvede Petri Net: teori, værktøjer og praktisk anvendelse | |
23 | Elmer Sørensen Sandvad | Ole Lehrmann Madsen | 08-03-1993 | Værktøj til dokumenthåndtering i en programmeringsomgivelse | |
24 | Kim Skak Larsen | Erik Meineche Schmidt | 08-03-1993 | High Level Efficiency in Database Languages | |
25 | Henrik Reif Andersen | Glynn Winskel | 07-06-1993 | Verification of Temporal Properties in Concurrent Systems | |
26 | Torben Amtoft | Brian H. Mayoh | 21-06-1993 | Sharing of Computations | |
27 | Peter Bro Miltersen | Sven Skyum | 28-06-1993 | Bitkompleksiteten af endelige datatyper | |
28 | Jawahar Malhotra | Ole Lehrmann Madsen | 01-03-1994 | Techniques and tools for building tailorable systems using strongly typed object-oriented languages | |
29 | Lars Ramkilde Knudsen | Ivan Bjerre Damgård | 24-10-1994 | Block ciphers - analysis, design and applications | |
30 | Henrik Esbensen | Peter Møller-Nielsen | 24-10-1994 | Genetic algorithms for global routing of VLSI macro-cell layout | |
31 | Preben Holst Mogensen | Morten Kyng | 24-10-1994 | Challenging practice - an approach to cooperative analysis | |
32 | Sten Agerholm | Glynn Winskel | 20-02-1995 | Prioritized and independent actions in distributed computer systems | |
33 | Martin Møller | Brian H. Mayoh | 20-12-1994 | Efficient training of feed-forward neural Networks | |
34 | Claus Torp Jensen | Glynn Winskel | 20-02-1995 | Prioritized and independent actions in distributed computer systems | |
35 | Jan Depenau | Brian H. Mayoh | 18-10-1995 | Automated Design of neural network architectures for classification | |
36 | Holger Orup | Peter Møller-Nielsen | 27-11-1995 | Fast VLSI implementation of modular exponentiation | |
37 | Urban Engberg | Glynn Winskel | 05-01-1996 | Reasoning in the temporal logic of actions | |
38 | Allan Cheng | Mogens Nielsen | 24-05-1996 | Reasoning about concurrency | |
39 | Lars Arge | Erik Meineche Schmidt | 07-06-1996 | Efficient external memory data structures and applications | |
40 | Ole Villumsen | Morten Kyng | 26-09-1996 | Tools for stored interactive multimedia | |
41 | Torben Braüner | Glynn Winskel | 08-11-1996 | An Axiomatic Approach to Adequacy | |
42 | Peter Øbæk | Peter D. Mosses | 14-03-1997 | Trust and Dependence Analysis | |
43 | Alexandre Valente Da Conceicao Sousa | Ole Lehrmann Madsen | 20-03-1997 | Engineering a Reliable Object Storage System | |
44 | Gerth Stølting Brodal | Erik Meineche Schmidt | 18-04-1997 | Worst Case Efficient Data Structures | |
45 | Thore Husfeldt | Sven Skyum | 02-05-1997 | Dynamic Computation | |
46 | Søren Brandt | Ole Lehrmann Madsen | 14-05-1997 | Towards Orthogonal Persistence as a Basic Technology | |
47 | Jens Bæk Jørgensen | Kurt Jensen | 15-05-1997 | Analysing Coloured Petri Nets by the Occurrence Graph Method | |
48 | Kjeld Høyer Mortensen | Kurt Jensen | 15-05-1997 | Coloured Petri Nets - A Pragmatic Formal Method for Designing and Analysing Distributed Systems | |
49 | Søren Lassen | Peter D. Mosses | 12-12-1997 | Relational Reasoning about Functions and Nondeterminism | |
50 | Ole Ildsgaard Hougaard | Michael I. Schwartzbach | 20-05-1998 | Tractable Type Inference made Easy | |
51 | Kim Sunesen | Mogens Nielsen | 11-06-1998 | Reasoning about Reactive Systems | |
52 | Jakob Eyvind Bardram | Susanne Bødker | 29-10-1998 | An Activity Theoretical Approach to the Design of Computer Supported Cooperative Work | |
53 | Rasmus Munk Larsen | Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard | 03-12-1998 | Efficient Algorithms for Helioseismic Inversion | |
54 | Gian Luca Cattani | Glynn Winskel | 08-02-1999 | Presheaf Models for Concurrency | |
55 | Henrik Bærbak Christensen | Ole Lehrmann Madsen | 10-06-1999 | RAGNAROK: An architecture Based Software Development Environment | |
56 | Erik Ernst | Ole Lehrmann Madsen | 12-10-1999 | gbeta - A Language with Virtual Attributes, Block Structure, and Propagating, Dynamic Inheritance | |
57 | Thomas Troels Hildebrandt | Glynn Winskel | 16-11-1999 | Categorical Models for Concurrency: Independence, Fairness and Dataflow | |
58 | Anders Thorhauge Sandholm | Michael I. Schwartzbach | 18-02-2000 | Programming Languages: Design, Analysis, and Semantics | |
59 | Theis Rauhe | Sven Skyum | 06-03-2000 | Complexity of Data Structures | |
60 | Rune Bang Lyngsø | Ole Caprani | 09-03-2000 | Computational Biology | |
61 | Christian N. Storm Pedersen | Sven Skyum | 09-03-2000 | Algorithms in Computational Biology | |
62 | Lars Michael Kristensen | Kurt Jensen | 29-03-2000 | State Space Methods for Coloured Petri Nets | |
63 | Jakob Vogdrup Hansen | Brian H. Mayoh | 18-04-2000 | Combining Predictors - Meta Machine Learning Methods and Bias/Variance & Ambiguity Decompositions | |
64 | Jesper Gulmann Henriksen | Mogens Nielsen | 26-05-2000 | Logics and Automata for Verification: Expressiveness and Decidability Issues | |
65 | Kresten Krab Thorup | Ole Lehrmann Madsen | 10-11-2000 | Discourse on Genericity in Object-Oriented Programming Languages | |
66 | Marcin Jurdzinski | Mogens Nielsen | 18-12-2000 | Games for Verification: Algorithmic Issues | |
67 | Stefan Dziembowski | Ivan Bjerre Damgård | 19-01-2001 | Multiparty Computations - Information-Theoretically Secure against an Adaptive Adversary | |
68 | Niels Olof Bouvin | Kaj Grønbæk | 26-02-2001 | Augmenting the Web through Open Hypermedia - The Development of the Arakne Environment, a Collaborative Open Hypermedia System for Web Augmentation | |
69 | Jakob Pagter | Erik Meineche Schmidt | 27-03-2001 | Time-Space Trade Offs | |
70 | Thomas Seidelin Hune | Mogens Nielsen | 27-03-2001 | Analyzing Real-Time Systems: Theory and Tools | |
71 | Daniel Damian | Olivier Danvy | 18-05-2001 | On Static and Dynamic Control-Flow Information in Program Analysis and Transformation | |
72 | Morten Rhiger | Olivier Danvy | 17-08-2001 | Higher-Order Program Generation | |
73 | Bernd Grobauer | Olivier Danvy | 31-08-2001 | Topics in Semantics-based Program Manipulation | |
74 | Lasse Reichstein Nielsen | Olivier Danvy | 31-08-2001 | A Study of Defunctionalization and Continuation-Passing Style | |
75 | Mads Torgersen | Ole Lehrmann Madsen | 14-09-2001 | Unifying Abstractions | |
76 | Niels Damgaard | Michael I. Schwartzbach | 01-10-2001 | Using Theory to Make Better Tools | |
77 | Aino Cornils | Jørgen Lindskov Knudsen | 01-11-2001 | Patterns in Software Development | |
78 | Flemming Friche Rodler | Brian H. Mayoh | 16-11-2001 | Compression With Fast Random Access | |
79 | Mikkel Thomas Jensen | Brian H. Mayoh | 23-11-2001 | Robust and Flexible Scheduling with Evolutionary Computation | |
80 | Ann Christina Nielsen | Susanne Bødker | 18-01-2002 | Designing to support Mobile Work with Mobile Devices | |
81 | M. Oliver Möller | Mogens Nielsen | 19-04-2002 | Structure and Hierarchy in Real-Time Systems | |
82 | Stefan Stoyanov Dantchev | Erik Meineche Schmidt | 10-05-2002 | On Resolution Complexity of Matching Principles | |
83 | Klaus Marius Hansen | Ole Lehrmann Madsen | 31-05-2002 | Experimental Object-Oriented Modelling | |
84 | Riko Jakob | Gerth Stølting Brodal | 31-05-2002 | Dynamic Planar Convex Hull | |
85 | Jakob Fredslund | Ole Caprani | 19-06-2002 | Simplicity Applied in Projects Involving Embodied, Autonomous Robots | |
86 | Lisa Marie Wells | Søren Christensen | 28-08-2002 | Performance Analysis Using Coloured Petri Nets | |
87 | Bo Lindstrøm | Søren Christensen | 29-08-2002 | Facilitating the Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets | |
88 | Louise Elgaard | Søren Christensen | 30-08-2002 | The Symmetry Method for Coloured Petri Nets | |
89 | Anders Møller | Michael I. Schwartzbach | 30-09-2002 | Program Verification with Monadic Second-Order Logic & Languages for Web Service Development | |
90 | Rasmus Pagh | Peter Bro Miltersen | 11-10-2002 | Hashing, Randomness and Dictionaries | |
91 | Michael Thomsen | Ole Lehrmann Madsen | 29-10-2002 | Malleable Software Development - Supporting Collaboration and Iteration in Object-Oriented Software Development | |
92 | Claus Rasmussen Brabrand | Michael I. Schwartzbach | 24-01-2003 | Domain Specific Languages for Interactive Web Services | |
93 | Marianne Graves | Susanne Bødker | 29-01-2003 | Designing for Learning in Use of Everyday Artefacts | |
94 | Frank Valencia | Mogens Nielsen | 05-02-2003 | Temporal Concurrent Constraint Programming | |
95 | Christian Heide Damm | Ole Lehrmann Madsen | 19-03-2003 | Collaborative Software Development - Design and Implementation of Tools for Object-Oriented Modelling | |
96 | Jiri Srba | Mogens Nielsen | 14-04-2003 | Decidability and Complexity Issues for Infinite-State Processes | |
97 | Thomas Mailund Jensen | Søren Christensen | 28-04-2003 | Sweeping the State Space - A Sweep-Line State Space Exploration Method | |
98 | Federico Crazzolara | Glynn Winskel | 15-05-2003 | Language, Semantics, and Methods for Security Protocols | |
99 | Giuseppe Milicia | Mogens Nielsen | 16-06-2003 | Applying Formal Methods to Programming Language Design and Implementation | |
100 | Rasmus Kjær Ursem | Thiemo Krink | 20-06-2003 | Models for Evolutionary Algorithms and Their Applications in System Identification and Control Optimization | |
101 | Mario Jose Caccamo | Glynn Winskel | 23-06-2003 | A Formal Calculus for Categories | |
102 | Jesper Buus Nielsen | Ivan Bjerre Damgård | 07-08-2003 | On Protocol Security in the Cryptographic Model | |
103 | Mads Johan Jurik | Ivan Bjerre Damgård | 07-08-2003 | Extensions to the Paillier Cryptosystem with Applications to Cryptological Protocols | |
104 | Maciej Koprowski | Ivan Bjerre Damgård | 08-08-2003 | Cryptographic Protocols Based on Root Extracting | |
105 | Serge Fehr | Ivan Bjerre Damgård | 08-08-2003 | Secure Multi-Player Protocols: Fundamentals, Generality, and Efficiency | |
106 | Paulo Borges Oliva | Ulrich Kohlenbach | 26-09-2003 | Proof Mining in Subsystems of Analysis | |
107 | Mikkel Nygaard | Glynn Winskel | 21-11-2003 | Domain Theory for Concurrency | |
108 | Daniele Varacca | Glynn Winskel | 24-11-2003 | Probability, Nondeterminism and Concurrence: Two Denotational Models for Probabilistic Computation | |
109 | Bartosz Klin | Peter D. Mosses | 28-11-2003 | An Abstract Coalgebraic Approach to Process Equivalence for Well-Behaved Operational Semantics | |
110 | René Thomsen | Thiemo Krink | 31-05-2004 | Evolutionary Algorithms and their Application in Bioinformatics | |
111 | Alex Rune Berg | Erik Meineche Schmidt | 07-07-2004 | Rigidity of frameworks and connectivity of graphs | |
112 | Jannie Friis Kristensen | Kaj Grønbæk | 08-10-2004 | Interaction through Negotiation - Interaction design in a pervasive computing perspective | |
113 | Jens Groth | Ivan Bjerre Damgård | 15-10-2004 | Honest Verifier Zero-knowledge Arguments applied | |
114 | Jesper Makholm Byskov | Peter Bro Miltersen | 11-11-2004 | Exact Algorithms for Graph Colouring and Exact Satisfiability | |
115 | Bjarke Skjernaa | Peter Bro Miltersen | 26-11-2004 | Exact Algorithms for Variants of Satisfiability and Colouring Problems | |
116 | Pawel Sobocinski | Mogens Nielsen | 03-12-2004 | Deriving process congruences from reaction rules | |
117 | Esben Skovenborg | Ole Caprani | 10-02-2005 | Perceptual Features of Music and Speech - Measured by Listening Experiments, and Computer Modelled from Signal Analysis | |
118 | Kirill Morozov | Ivan Bjerre Damgård | 11-03-2005 | On Cryptographic Primitives Based on Noisy Channels | |
119 | Jørgen Iversen | Mogens Nielsen, Peter Mosses | 12-05-2005 | Formalisms and tools supporting Constructive Action Semantics | |
120 | Marco Carbone | Mogens Nielsen | 30-06-2005 | Trust and Mobility | |
121 | Bolette Ammitzbøll Madsen | Peter Bro Miltersen | 09-09-2005 | Exact Algorithms and Exact Satisfiability | |
122 | Jesus Fernando Almansa Guerra | Ivan Bjerre Damgård | 12-09-2005 | A Study for Cryptologic Protocols | |
123 | Saurabh Agarwal | Gudmund Frandsen | 28-10-2005 | GCD Algorithms for Quadratic Number Rings | |
124 | Kasper Dupont | Ivan Bjerre Damgård | 12-12-2005 | Disk Encryption, Group Identification, Byzantine Agreement, and Threshold RSA | |
125 | Dariusz Piotr Biernacki | Olivier Danvy | 15-12-2005 | The Theory and Practice of Programming Languages with Delimited Continuations | |
126 | Henning Korsholm Rohde | Olivier Danvy, Andrzej Filinski | 19-12-2005 | Formal Aspects of Partial Evaluation | |
127 | Thomas Brochmann Pedersen | Louis Salvail | 23-01-2006 | Quantum Encryption Minimising Key Leakage unider Known Plaintext Attacks | |
128 | Malgorzata Biernacka | Olivier Danvy | 27-01-2006 | A Derivational Approach to the Operational Semantics of Functional Languages | |
129 | Mads Sig Ager | Olivier Danvy | 30-01-2006 | Partial Evaluation of String Matchers & Constructions of Abstract Machines | |
130 | Ole Sejer Iversen | Susanne Bødker | 20-02-2006 | Participatory Design Beyond Work Practices - Designing with Children | |
131 | Jakob Svaneborg Vesterstrøm | Christian Nørgaard Storm Pedersen | 10-03-2006 | Heurestic Algorithms in Bioinformatics | |
132 | Branimir Lambov | Ulrich Kohlenbach | 31-03-2006 | Topics in the Theory and Practice of Computable Analysis | |
133 | Aske Simon Christensen | Michael I. Schwartzbach | 04-05-2006 | Something to do with Java | |
134 | Philipp Gerhardy | Ulrich Kohlenbach | 29-05-2006 | Applications of Proof Interpretations | |
135 | Jonas Martin Thomsen | Søren Christensen | 08-06-2006 | Home Appliance Integration by Pervasive Computing | |
136 | Christian Kirkegaard | Michael I. Schwartzbach, Anders Møller | 04-10-2006 | Programming with XML | |
137 | Simon Bo Larsen | Ole Lehrmann Madsen | 12-10-2006 | Pervasive Home Care - Technological support for treatment of diabetic foot ulcers at home | |
138 | Jesper Mosegaard | Peter Møller-Nielsen | 03-11-2006 | Cardiac Surgery Simulation | |
139 | Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen | Peter Bro Miltersen | 13-11-2006 | Constant Width and Constant Depth Computation | |
140 | Karl Kristian Krukow | Mogens Nielsen | 17-11-2006 | Towards a Theory of Trust for the Global Ubiquitous Computer | |
141 | Frank Allan Hansen | Kaj Grønbæk | 01-12-2006 | Context-aware Mobile Hypermedia: Concepts, Framework, and Applications | |
142 | Michael Bang Nielsen | Kaj Grønbæk | 05-12-2006 | Efficient and High Resolution Level Set Simulations - Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications | |
143 | Mads Ingstrup | Morten Kyng | 15-12-2006 | Towards Distributed Declarative Architectural Reflection | |
144 | Thomas Riisgaard Hansen | Jakob Bardram | 18-12-2006 | Pervasive Interaction - Designing interactive pervasive systems for complex work environments | |
145 | Jooyong Lee | Mogens Nielsen, Olivier Danvy | 26-02-2007 | Program Validation by Symbolic and Reverse Execution | |
146 | Christian Schaffner | Louis Salvail | 27-04-2007 | Cryptography in the Bounded-Quantum-Storage Model | |
147 | Kevin Millikin | Olivier Danvy | 01-05-2007 | A Structured Approach to the Transformation, Nomalization and Execution of Computer Programs | |
148 | Michael Edelgaard Caspersen | Ole Lehrmann Madsen | 31-05-2007 | Educating Novices in the Skills of Programming | |
149 | Jan Midtgaard | Olivier Danvy | 20-06-2007 | Transformation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Higher-Order Procedural Programs | |
150 | Anders Torp Brodersen | Kaj Grønbæk | 27-06-2007 | Flexible Methods for Geometric Texturing - From Terrain Visualization to Geometric Texture Mapping | |
151 | Tomas Toft | Ivan Bjerre Damgård | 06-07-2007 | Primitives and Applications for Multi-party Computation | |
152 | Gabriel Moruz | Gerth Stølting Brodal | 25-08-2007 | Hardware-Aware Algorithms and Data Structures | |
153 | Johan Nilsson | Gerth Stølting Brodal | 15-10-2007 | Combinatorial algorithms for partially ordered sets | |
154 | Michael Westergaard | Kurt Jensen | 23-10-2007 | Looking Good, Behaving Well - Behavioural Verification and Visualisation of Formal Models of Concurrent Systems | |
155 | Kristian Støvring Sørensen | Olivier Danvy | 24-10-2007 | On Reasoning Equationally: Lambda Calculi and Programs with Computational Effects | |
156 | Kari Rye Schougaard Nørgaard | Ole Lehrmann Madsen | 12-12-2007 | Programming with Location from Conceptualization to Language Design | |
157 | Troels Bjerre Sørensen | Peter Bro Miltersen | 10-03-2008 | Computing Equilibria of Two Player Games | |
158 | Bent Otto Guldbjerg Christensen | Kaj Grønbæk | 11-03-2008 | Mobile P2P in Ad Hoc Networks: Framework and Applications | |
159 | Martin Brynskov | Kaj Grønbæk | 31-03-2008 | Tools for Social Construction: A Framework for Pervasive Media for Children | |
160 | Michael Østergaard Pedersen | Ivan Bjerre Damgård | 30-05-2008 | Authentication and Privacy with Application to Pervasive Computing | |
161 | Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard | Klaus Marius Hansen | 08-09-2008 | Indoor Positioning with Radio Location Fingerprinting | |
162 | Jeppe Rørbæk Brønsted | Klaus Marius Hansen | 12-09-2008 | Vehicle to Vehicle Services. Service oriented architecture for pervasive computing systems with emphasis on vehicle to vehicle applications | |
163 | Kristian Bisgaard Lassen | Søren Christensen | 21-10-2008 | Using Formal Behavioral Models in Software Development: From Real-World Problems to Software Systems | |
164 | Søren Besenbacher | Christian Nørgaard Storm Pedersen | 31-10-2008 | Challenges in whole-genome association mapping | |
165 | Doina Bucur | Mogens Nielsen | 21-11-2008 | On Context awareness in Ubiquitous Computing | |
166 | Miroslava Sotakova | Louis Salvail | 20-03-2009 | On the Power of Two-Party Quantum Cryptography | |
167 | Martin Mogensen | Jakob Bardram | 15-04-2009 | Infrastructure Support for Collaborative Pervasive Computing Systems | |
168 | Jonathan Bech Bunde-Pedersen | Jakob Bardram | 16-04-2009 | Distributed Interaction for Activity-Based Computing | |
169 | Simon Tjell | Søren Christensen | 28-04-2009 | Formal Requirements Modeling | |
170 | Janus Dam Nielsen | Michael I. Schwartzbach | 28-05-2009 | Languages for Secure Multiparty Computation and Towards Strongly Typed Macroes | |
171 | Rune Ivan Thorbek | Ivan Bjerre Damgård | 15-09-2009 | Linear Integer Secret Sharing | |
172 | Karsten Østergaard Noe | Ole Østerby, Thomas Sangild | 01-10-2009 | Deformable Image Registration for Use in Radiotherapy, Using GPU Acceleration | |
173 | Thomas Mølhave | Lars Arge | 21-10-2009 | Handling Massive Terrains and Unreliable Memory | |
174 | Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose | Susanne Bødker | 22-10-2009 | On Human-Computer Interaction in Complex Artefact Ecologies | |
175 | Klas Olof Daniel Andersson | Peter Bro Miltersen | 31-10-2009 | Perfect-Information Games with Cycles | |
176 | Martin Olsen | Gerth Stølting Brodal | 09-11-2009 | Link Building | |
177 | Kristian Ellebæk Kjær | Klaus Marius Hansen | 17-12-2009 | Participatory Middleware Design | |
178 | Jacob Andersen | Lars Michael Kristensen | 02-03-2010 | Medical Sensor Network Infrastructures | |
179 | Allan Grønlund Jørgensen | Gerth Stølting Brodal | 29-04-2010 | Data Structures: Sequence Problems, Range Queries, and Fault Tolerance | |
180 | Martin Joakim Bittel Geisler | Ivan Bjerre Damgård | 11-05-2010 | Cryptographic Protocols: Theory and Implementation | |
181 | Brian Bunch Christensen | Susanne Bødker | 25-05-2010 | Efficient Algorithms for Controllable Fluid Simulations and High-Resolution Level Set Deformaties | |
182 | Mikkel Krøigaard | Ivan Bjerre Damgård | 21-06-2010 | On the Computational Overhead of Secure Multiparty Computation | |
183 | Bjarke Hammersholt Roune | Peter Bro Miltersen | 17-08-2010 | Monomial Ideal Algorithms: Connections to Numerical Semigroups and Scarf's Theory of Bodies | |
184 | Karl Bernhard Klose | Olivier Danvy | 02-09-2010 | On the expressiveness of Declarative Meta-Languages | |
185 | Peter Dueholm Justesen | Christian Nørgaard Storm Pedersen | 27-09-2010 | Distinct Candidates Optimization: A Novel Approach to Applied Evolutionary Multi-and Many-Objective Optimization | |
186 | Mads Darø Kristensen | Kaj Grønbæk | 30-09-2010 | Empowering Mobile Devices Through Cyper Foraging: The Development of Scavenger, and Open Mobile Cyber Foraging System | |
187 | Michael Achenbach | Olivier Danvy | 07-10-2010 | An Engineering Approach to Dynamic Program Analysis by Layering Language Abstraction | |
188 | Christian Martin Hofer | Olivier Danvy | 07-10-2010 | Embedded programming Languages and Their Representation | |
189 | Rocio Santillan Rodriguez | Peter Bro Miltersen | 12-10-2010 | Existence and computation of Equilibria in Auction Games | |
190 | Anders Bach Nielsen | Erik Ernst | 26-10-2010 | Initializing and Evaluation of Nested Class Structures | |
191 | Carolin Gabriele Lunemann | Louis Salvail | 12-11-2010 | Cryptographic Protocols under Quantum Attacks | |
192 | Jesper Wolff Olsen | Preben Mogensen | 27-01-2011 | Material Dispositions: a hybrid and interwoven design perspective | |
193 | Claudio Orlandi | Ivan Damgaard | 07-04-2011 | Secure Computation in Untrusted Environments | |
194 | Thomas Greve Kristensen | Christian Storm Pedersen | 16-06-2011 | Virtual Screening Algorithms | |
195 | Karen Johanne Kortbek | Kaj Grønbæk | 27-06-2011 | Staging as a Holistic Perspective on Interaction Design for Public Enviroments | |
196 | Pooya Davoodi | Gerth Stølting Brodal | 04-07-2011 | Data Structures: Range Queries and Space Efficiency | |
197 | Gert Læssøe Mikkelsen | Ivan Damgaard | 08-08-2011 | On the protection of digital identities through threshold cryptography | |
198 | Konstantinos Tsakalidis | Gerth Stølting Brodal | 23-09-2011 | Dynamic data structures: Orthogonal range queries and update efficiency | |
199 | Nikolaj Gandrup Borchorst | Susanne Bødker | 28-09-2011 | Participatory citizenship - supporting citizen empowerment in digitally mediated public service provision | |
200 | Jesper Nielsen | Christian Storm Pedersen | 28-10-2011 | Engineering algorithms for finding patterns in biological data | |
201 | Morten Bohøj | Susanne Bødker, Niels Olof Bouvin | 11-11-2011 | Engaging the citizens through collaborative, mobile and web-based public services | |
202 | Martin Simonsen | Christian Storm Pedersen | 09-12-2011 | Efficient algorithms for tree reconstruction and prediction of molecular interactions | |
203 | Torben Godsk | Kaj Grønbæk | 14-12-2011 | Methods and software architecture for activity recognition from position data - applied to cow activity recognition | |
204 | Jakob Løvstad Funder | Ivan Damgaard | 09-01-2012 | Cryptography with quantum mechanics | |
205 | Thomas Toftkjær | Kaj Grønbæk | 10-01-2012 | Accurate positioning of pedestrains in mixed indoor/outdoor settings - A particle filter approach to sensor and map fusion | |
206 | Jakob Langdal Jensen | Kaj Grønbæk | 12-01-2012 | Supporting seamful development of positioning applications through model based translucent middleware | |
207 | Marcel Karl Sven Keller | Ivan Damgaard | 16-01-2012 | Theory and practice of cryptographic protocols -or- cryptography: will it blend? | |
208 | Morten Tranberg Hansen | Niels Olof Bouvin | 23-01-2012 | Low-power wireless sensor network infrastructures | |
209 | Johnni Winther | Michael Schwartzbach | 22-03-2012 | Improving precision of types | |
210 | Niels Raabjerg Mathiasen | Susanne Bødker | 26-03-2012 | While working around security | |
211 | Allan Rasmusson | Peter Møller-Nielsen | 16-04-2012 | Contributions to computational stereology and parallel programming | |
212 | Thomas Dueholm Hansen | Peter Bro Miltersen | 07-09-2012 | Worst-case analysis of strategy iteration and the simplex method | |
213 | Lasse Kosetski Deleuran | Lars Arge | 17-09-2012 | Homotopic polygonal line simplification | |
214 | Jonas Kölker | Ivan Damgaard | 26-10-2012 | I/O-efficient multiparty computation, formulaic secret sharing and np-complete puzzles | |
215 | Freek Hendrik Van Walderveen | Lars Arge | 30-10-2012 | External memory graph algorithms and range searching data structures | |
216 | Peter S. Nordholt | Ivan Damgård, Jesper Buus Nielsen | 08-04-2013 | New Approaches to Practical Secure Two-Party Computation | |
217 | Mathias Romme Schwarz | Anders Møller | 23-04-2013 | Design and Analysis of Web Application Frameworks | |
218 | Simon Holm Jensen | Anders Møller | 23-04-2013 | Static Analysis for JavaScript | |
219 | Sigurd Torkel Meldgaard | Ivan Damgård | 23-04-2013 | Unconditionally Secure Protocols | |
220 | Matthias Korn | Susanne Bødker | 07-05-2013 | Situating Engagement: Ubiquitous Infrastructures for In-Situ Civic Engagement | |
221 | Kasper Green Larsen | Lars Arge | 17-05-2013 | Models and Techniques for Proving Data Structure Lower Bounds | |
222 | Morten Dahl Jørgensen | Ivan Damgård | 19-06-2013 | Symbolic Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols: Models, Methods, and Soundness | |
223 | Mads Schaarup Andersen | Kaj Grønbæk | 03-09-2013 | Multi-dimensional Location Privacy - Concepts, Architecture, and User Interface | |
224 | Jakob Grauenkjær Thomsen | Erik Ernst | 27-09-2013 | Consistency in the World Wide Web: Specification, Verification, and Evaluation | |
225 | Valerio Pastro | Ivan Bjerre Damgaard | 10-10-2013 | Zero-Knowledge Protocols and Multiparty Computation | |
226 | Rikke Bendlin | Ivan Bjerre Damgaard | 11-10-2013 | Lattice-based Cryptography - Threshold Protocols and Multiparty Computation | |
227 | Rasmus Ibsen-Jensen | Peter Bro Miltersen | 04-11-2013 | Strategy complexity of two player, zero-sum games | |
228 | Casper Kejlberg-Rasmussen | Gerth Stølting Brodal | 18-11-2013 | Dynamic Data Structures: The Interplay of Invariants and Algorithm Design | |
229 | Ian Steven Zerny | Olivier Danvy | 09-12-2013 | The Interpretation and Inter-derivation of Small-step and Big-step Specifications | |
230 | Vaida Ceikute | Christian S. Jensen | 10-12-2013 | Inferring Groups of Objects, Preferred Routes, and Facility Locations from Trajectories | |
231 | Angela Zottarel | Jesper Buus Nielsen | 14-01-2014 | Public-key Cryptography from Weaker Assumption | |
232 | Nervo Xavier Verdezoto Dias | Morten Kyng | 24-02-2014 | Home-based Self-Care – Understanding and Designing Pervasive Technology to Support Care Management Work at Home | |
233 | Sarah Zakarias | Ivan Damgaard | 29-04-2014 | Secure Computation in the Preprocessing Model | |
234 | Manohar Kaul | Christian S. Jensen | 19-08-2014 | Enabling Advanced Path-Finding on Terrains and in Spatial Networks | |
235 | Pavel Hubacek | Jesper Buus Nielsen | 08-09-2014 | Rationality in the Cryptographic Model | |
236 | Anders Skovsgaard | Christian S. Jensen | 16-09-2014 | Indexing, Query Processing, and Clustering of Spatio-Temporal Text Objects | |
237 | Andreas Sand Pedersen | Christian N. S. Pedersen | 18-09-2014 | Engineering of Algorithms for Hidden Markov Models and Tree Distances | |
238 | Laura Radaelli | Christian S. Jensen | 10-10-2014 | Enabling indoor location-based services | |
239 | Vikas Gupta | Christian N. S. Pedersen | 24-10-2014 | Applied bioinformatics: Genome annotation and transcriptome analysis | |
240 | Morten Revsbæk | Lars Arge | 14-11-2014 | Handling Massive and Dynamic Terrain Data | |
241 | Navid Talebanfard | Peter Bro Miltersen | 17-11-2014 | On the Combinatorics of SAT and the Complexity of Planar Problems | |
242 | Qiang Qu | Christian S. Jensen | 03-12-2014 | Efficient Extraction of Content from Enriched Geospatial and Networked Data | |
243 | Asger Felthaus | Anders Møller | 09-01-2015 | Pointer Analysis for JavaScript Programming Tools | |
244 | Paula Tataru | Christian N. S. Pedersen | 23-01-2015 | Inference of population history and patterns from molecular data | |
245 | Casper Svenning Jensen | Anders Møller | 09-03-2015 | Automated Testing of Event-Driven Applications | |
246 | Jacob Johannsen | Olivier Danvy | 13-03-2015 | On Computational Small Steps and Big Steps: Refocusing for Outermost Reduction | |
247 | Jakob Truelsen | Gerth S. Brodal | 17-04-2015 | Space Efficient Data Structures and External Terrain Algorithms | |
248 | Simina Branzei | Peter Bro Miltersen | 29-04-2015 | Computational Fair Division | |
249 |
| Lars Arge | 13-05-2015 | Efficient Algorithms for HandlingMassive Terrains | |
250 | Magnus Madsen | Anders Møller | 19-05-215 | Static Analysis of Dynamic Languages | |
251 |
| Ira Assent | 22-05-2015 | Outlier Detection and Explanation for Domain Experts | |
252 | Aris Filos-Ratsikas | Peter Bro Miltersen | 05-08-2015 | Social Welfare in Algorithmic Mechanism Design Without Money | |
253 | Majken Rasmussen | Marianne Graves Petersen | 02-09-2015 | Changing the Shape of Interaction: Shape-changing Interfaces | |
254 | Thomas P Jakobsen | Jesper Buus Nielsen | 22-09-2015 | ||
256 | Jesper Asbjørn Sindahl Nielsen | Gerth Stølting Brodal | 25-09-2015 | ||
257 | Yu Ma | Christian S. Jensen | 13-10-2015 | Enabling Time-Dependent Uncertain Edge Weights and Stochastic Routing in Road Networks | |
258 | Pratyay Mukherjee | Jesper Buus Nielsen | 19-10-2015 | ||
259 | Bryan Wilkinson | Lars Arge | 29-10-2015 | ||
260 | Søren Stiil Frederiksen | Peter Bro Miltersen | 29-10-2015 | ||
261 | Tore Kasper Frederiksen | Jesper Buus Nielsen | 29-10-2015 | ||
262 | Thor Siiger Prentow | Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard, Kaj Grønbæk, and Henrik Blunck | 16-11-2015 | Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Human Activities in Indoor Environments through Mobile Sensing | |
263 | Michael Lind Mortensen | Ira Assent | 29-01-2016 | Multi-Criteria Decision Support Queries in Exploratory & Open World Settings | |
264 | Rasmus W. Zakarias | Ivan Damgård | 22-03-2016 | Practical Secure Computation with Pre-Processing | |
265 | Aleš Bizjak | Lars Birkedal | 15-05-2016 | On semantics and applications of guarded recursion | |
266 | Matthias Nielsen | Kaj Grønbæk | 20-04-2016 | Interactive Visual Analytics of Big Data - a Web-Based Approach | |
267 | Esben Andreasen | Anders Møller | 24-08-2016 | Designing abstractions for JavaScript program analysis | |
268 | Fabio Strocco | Anders Møller | 08-09-2016 | Type Soundness in the Dart Programming Language | |
269 | Allan Stisen | Kaj Grønbæk | 01-11-2016 | Mobile Sensing and Recognition of Human Activities to Support Work Coordination | |
270 | Mads Møller Jensen | Kaj Grønbæk | 02-11-2016 | Game Mechanics and Bodily Interactions: Designing Interactive Technologies for Sports Training | |
271 | Carsten Baum | Ivan Damgård | 07-11-2016 | Towards More Efficient Secure Multiparty Computation in the Preprocessing Model | |
272 | Hans Bugge Grathwohl | Lars Birkedal | 06-12-2016 | Guarded Recursive Type Theory | |
273 | Tobias Sonne | Kaj Grønbæk | 20-12-2016 |
| |
274 | Irene Giacomelli | Ivan Damgård | 04-01-2017 | New Applications of Secret-Sharing in Cryptography | |
275 | Kenneth S. Bøgh | Ira Assent | 01-02-2017 | Parallel Algorithms for Skyline and Skycube Computation on Multicore CPUs and GPUs | |
276 | Henrik Korsgaard | Susanne Bødker | 20-02-2017 | Toward Place-Centric Computing : Making Place With Technology Together | |
277 | Antigoni Polychroniadou | Ivan Damgård | 07-03-2017 | On the Communication and Round Complexity of Secure Computation | |
278 | Bernardo M. David | Ivan Damgård | 05-05-2017 | A Framework For Efficient Homomorphic Universally Composable Commitments | |
279 | Ingo van Duijn | Peyman Afshani | 12-09-2017 | Algorithmic Aspects of Arrangements and Incidences | |
280 | Roberto Trifiletti | Jesper Buus | 29-09-2017 | Amortizing Maliciously Secure Two-party Computation | |
281 | Anders Lehman | Niels Olof Bouvin | 29-10-2017 | Modelling Emission of Pollutants from transportation using mobile sensing data: Advancing modelling of street level pollution and climate forcing gas emissions | |
282 | Edvin Berglin | Gerth Stølting Brodal | 29-11-2017 | Geometric covers, graph orientations, counter games | |
283 | Matúš Tomlein | Kaj Grønbæk | 03-04-2018 | Context-Aware Integrability and Maintainability of Cyber-Physical Ecosystems: Tactics and Tools | |
284 | Christoffer Quist Adamsen | Anders Møller | 23-05-2018 | Automated Testing Techniques for Event-Driven and Dynamically Typed Software Applications | |
285 | Yujin Shin | Lars Arge | 28-09-2018 | External Memory Algorithms for Massive Terrains and Polygons | |
286 | Andreas Fender | Kaj Grønbæk | 23-10-2018 | Optimal Placement of Virtual Content in Physical Space | |
287 | Tiare Feuchtner | Kaj Grønbæk | 24-10-2018 | Designing for Hand Ownership in Interaction with Virtual and Augmented Reality | |
288 | Morten Krogh-Jespersen | Lars Birkedal | 12-12-2018 | Towards Modular Reasoning for Stateful and Concurrent Programs | |
289 | Mathias Rav | Lars Arge | 18-01-2019 | ||
290 | Satrajit Ghosh | Jesper Buus Nielsen | 15-03-2019 | Secure Computation Based on Oblivious Function Evaluation (not available online) | |
291 | Sabine Oechsner | Ivan Bjerre Damgård | 28-03-2019 | Constructions and Proof Techniques for Secure Computation (not available online) | |
292 | Michael Nielsen | Ivan Bjerre Damgård | 15-04-2019 | Correlated randomness in cryptographic protocols (not available online) | |
293 | Helene Haagh | Claudio Orlandi | 13-08-2019 | Fine-grained Access and Secure Computation on Encrypted Data (not available online) | |
294 | Andreas Mathisen | Kaj Grønbæk | 14-08-2019 | Collaborative Visual Analytics: Leveraging Mixed Expertise in Data Analysis | |
295 | Kasper Buhl Jakobsen | Marianne Graves Petersen | 03-10-2019 | Graphene-based Interaction Design for Constructive Play: Tangible Music-making Technologies for Children | |
296 | Manuel Rafael Ciosici | Ira Assent | 08-10-2019 | Characterizing Word Representations For Natural Language Processing | |
297 | Mark Simkin | Ivan Damgård | 22-10-2019 | Alice, Bits, and Bob | |
298 | Mathias Pedersen | Aslan Askarov | 23-10-2019 | Enforcement of Timing-Sensitive Security Policies in Runtime Systems | |
299 | Konstantinos Mampentzidis | Gerth Stølting Brodal | 24-10-2019 | Comparison and Construction of Phylogenetic Trees and Networks | |
300 | Erik Krogh Kristensen | Anders Møller | 31-10-2019 | Automated Techniques for Creation and Maintenance of TypeScript Declaration Files | |
301 | Kristoffer Just Arndal Andersen | Lars Birkedal | 13-11-2019 | Automatic Program Verification (not available online) | |
302 | Lau Skorstengaard | Lars Birkedal | 14-11-2019 | ||
303 | Alvis Logins | Panagiotis Karras | 30-03-2020 | Resource Allocation in Networks | |
304 | Jens Emil Grønbæk | Marianne Graves Petersen | 06-05-2020 | Rethinking Proxemics - Designing Interactive Technologies for Co-located Collaboration | |
305 | Jan Neerbek | Ira Assent | 01-09-2020 | Sensitive Information Detection: Recursive Neural Networks for Encoding Context | |
306 | Ida Larsen-Ledet | Susanne Bødker | 06-10-2020 | More Than Writing Text: Multiplicity in Collaborative Academic Writing | |
307 | Casper Benjamin Freksen | Kasper Green Larsen | 09-11-2020 | A song of Johnson and Lindenstrauss | |
308 | Anders Peter Kragh Dalskov | Claudio Orlandi | 16-11-2020 | Cats or Croissants? Techniques for Secure Inference | |
309 | Benjamin Barslev Nielsen | Anders Møller | 29-01-2021 | Static Analysis for Node.js | |
310 | Anke van Oosterhout | Susanne Bødker | 23-02-2021 | A Design Perspective on Force Feedback | |
311 | Mirzel Avdic | Susanne Bødker | 20-04-2021 | Physical Actuation as an Alternative Approach to the Intelligibility of Smart Speakers | |
312 | Nathalie Alexandra Bressa | Susanne Bødker | 03-08-2021 | ||
313 | Troels Rasmussen | Kaj Grønbæk | 04-08-2021 | Supporting Tailorability and Awareness for Remote Assistance in Large Industrial Task Spaces | |
314 | Simon Aagaard Enni | Ira Assent | 12-08-2021 | ||
315 | Svend Christian Svendsen | Lars Arge and Gerth Stølting Brodal | 07-10-2021 | ||
316 | Daniel Esteban Escudero Ospina | Ivan Damgård | 02-11-2021 | ||
317 | Martin Toldam Torp | Anders Møller | 26-11-2021 | Techniques and Tools for Supporting Maintenance of Node.js Programs | |
318 | Frederik Hvilshøj | Ira Assent | 09-12-2021 | ||
319 | Alexander Mathiasen | Kasper Green Larsen | 31-01-2022 | ||
320 | Martin Ernst Bidlingmaier | Bas Spitters | 22-04-2022 | Probabilistic Programming and Multiverse Models of Type Theory | |
321 | Marcel Borowski | Clemens Klokmose | 16-05-2022 | Exploring Computational Media as a Possible Future of Software | |
322 | Joachim Christensen Nyborg | Ira Assent | 30-05-2022 | Deep Learning for Remote Sensing in Precision Agriculture: Large-scale and label-efficient methods for satellite image data | |
323 | Akira Takahashi | Claudio Orlandi | 28-06-2022 | Cryptography from Zero Knowledge: Advanced Security and New Constructions | |
324 | Hamidreza Khoshaklagh | Jesper Buus | 31-08-2022 | Cryptography for Scalability and Identity in Blockchain Applications | |
325 | Jakob Rødsgaard Jørgensen | Ira Assent | 22-09-2022 | Parallel algorithms for clustering, subspace clustering, and projected clustering on the GPU | |
326 | Rasmus Killmann Brogaard Petersen | Peyman Afshani | 29-09-2022 | A Tale of Twines, Quadrangles and Colorful Hierarchies | |
327 | Judith Hermanns | Panagiotis Karras | 11-10-2022 | Spectral Graph Correspondences | |
328 | Zesen Qian | Lars Birkedal | 18-11-2022 | Concurrency and Races in Classical Linear Logic | |
329 | Wenkai Han | Hans-Jörg Schulz | 13-01-2023 | Towards Trustworthy Decision Making in Visual Analytics | |
330 | Marius Hogräfer | Hans-Jörg Schulz | 16-01-2023 | Contributions towards Improving the Usefulness of Partial Visualizations | |
331 | Sai Rahul Rachuri | Peter Scholl | 25-01-2023 | Practical Multiparty Computation: Approaches to Private Machine Learning | |
332 | Søren Eller Thomsen | Jesper Buus Nielsen | 14-03-2023 | Message Dissemination in the Nakamoto Era | |
333 | Simon Oddershede Gregersen | Lars Birkedal | 17-03-2023 | Higher-Order Separation Logic for Distributed Systems and Security | |
334 | Karl-Emil Kjær Bilstrup | Marianne Graves | 21-03-2023 | Embodied Computational Empowerment | |
335 | Magnus Høholt Kaspersen | Marianne Graves | 30-03-2023 | AI EDUCATION THAT MATTERS -- Designing Computationally Empowering Learning Tools for Machine Learning | |
336 | Benjamin Salling Hvass | Diego Aranha | 12-04-2023 | Foundational Verification of Cryptographic Primitives | |
337 | Aïna Linn Georges | Lars Birkedal | 16-06-2023 | Designing and Proving Robust Safety of Efficient Capability Machine Programs | |
338 | Joao Marcelo Evangelista Belo | Kaj Grønbæk | 28-06-2023 | Context-Aware Adaptive User Interfaces for Mixed Reality | |
339 | Oskar Haarklou Veileborg | Anders Møller | 29-06-2023 | Localized Static Program Analysis for Optimization and Error Detection | |
340 | Kasper Høgh | Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen | 31-08-2023 | Complexity of Total Search: Equilibria and Fair Division | |
341 | Nikolaj Ignatieff Schwartzbach | Ivan Damgård | 26-09-2023 | Smart Contracts and Rationality | |
342 | Abel Nieto Rodriguez | Lars Birkedal | 28-09-2023 | Conflict-free Replicated Data Types have Abstract Data Type | |
343 | Pingan Cheng | Peyman Afshani | 13-10-2023 | On Geometric Range Searching and Its Variants | |
344 | Irfansha Shaik | Jaco van de Pol | 25-10-2023 | Concise Encodings for Planning and 2-Player Games | |
345 | Daniel Gratzer | Lars Birkedal | 27-10-2023 | Syntax and semantics of modal type theory | |
346 | Alexander Munch-Hansen | Peter Scholl | 16-11-2023 | Quattro Formaggi: Zero-Knowledge from VOLE | |