Aarhus University Seal

PhDs produced

The following list provides an overview of all PhD's produced at the Department of Computer Science

Number PhD-student Supervisor Date Dissertation title
1 Sven Skyum Arto Salomaa 19-03-1975 Parallelisme i definitioner af sprog
2 Mogens Nielsen Arto Salomaa 14-06-1976 Some results on context-free Lindenmayer systems
3 Kurt Jensen Erik Meineche Schmidt 13-10-1980 Net theory - adequacy and applications in language theory
4 Ole Lehrmann Peter Kornerup 13-10-1980 Anvendelse af attribut-oversættelsesskemaer i realisation af sprogdefinitioner i alternative formalismer
5 Leo Mark Christensen Brian H. Mayoh 24-06-1985 Self Describing Database Systems
6 Gudmund Frandsen Mogens Nielsen 18-08-1986 Semantik af logikprogrammering
7 Jørgen Lindskov Knudsen Ole Lehrmann Madsen 15-12-1986 Understøttelse af undtagelseshåndtering i programmeringssprog
8 Kristine Stougaard Thomsen Ole Lehrmann Madsen 07-09-1987 Understøttelse af nedarvning i programmeringssprog
9 Kurt Nørmark Ole Lehrmann Madsen 07-09-1987 Transformationer og abstrakte præsentationer i en sprogudviklingsomgivelse
10 Andreas Munk-Madsen Morten Kyng 12-10-1987 Vurdering af systemudviklingsprojekter
11 Susanne Bødker Morten Kyng 14-12-1987 Brugergrænseflader - hvordan skal vi forstå dem og deres brug, og hvordan skal vi designe dem
12 Kim Halskov Madsen Kurt Jensen 25-04-1988 Sprogbrug og design
13 Ivan Bjerre Damgård Peter Landrock 30-05-1988 Ubetinget beskyttelse i kryptografiske protokoller
14 Pål Sørgaard Morten Kyng 23-01-1989 A framework for computer supported cooperative work, and its application to system development
15 Per Hasle Brian H. Mayoh 19-06-1989 Logic grammar + computer science = natural language understanding
16 Uffe Henrik Engberg Mogens Nielsen 19-03-1990 Interleaving versus noninterleaving in the theory of concurrency
17 Kaj Grønbæk Morten Kyng 09-09-1991 Edb-baserede værktøjer - muligheder og begrænsninger for aktiv brugerdeltagelse
18 Torben Pryds Pedersen Ivan Bjerre Damgård 10-02-1992 Distributed Provers and Verifiable Secret Sharing Based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem
19 Jens Palsberg Peter D. Mosses 24-08-1992 Provably correct compiler generation
20 Madhavan Mukund Mogens Nielsen 24-08-1992 Models and logics in concurrency - achievements and major open problems
21 Anders Gammelgaard Erik Meineche Schmidt 21-09-1992 From Bisimulation to Chunk-by-Chunk Simulation
22 Søren Christensen Kurt Jensen 26-10-1992 Farvede Petri Net: teori, værktøjer og praktisk anvendelse
23 Elmer Sørensen Sandvad Ole Lehrmann Madsen 08-03-1993 Værktøj til dokumenthåndtering i en programmeringsomgivelse
24 Kim Skak Larsen Erik Meineche Schmidt 08-03-1993 High Level Efficiency in Database Languages
25 Henrik Reif Andersen Glynn Winskel 07-06-1993 Verification of Temporal Properties in Concurrent Systems
26 Torben Amtoft Brian H. Mayoh 21-06-1993 Sharing of Computations
27 Peter Bro Miltersen Sven Skyum 28-06-1993 Bitkompleksiteten af endelige datatyper
28 Jawahar Malhotra Ole Lehrmann Madsen 01-03-1994 Techniques and tools for building tailorable systems using strongly typed object-oriented languages
29 Lars Ramkilde Knudsen Ivan Bjerre Damgård 24-10-1994 Block ciphers - analysis, design and applications
30 Henrik Esbensen Peter Møller-Nielsen 24-10-1994 Genetic algorithms for global routing of VLSI macro-cell layout
31 Preben Holst Mogensen Morten Kyng 24-10-1994 Challenging practice - an approach to cooperative analysis
32 Sten Agerholm Glynn Winskel 20-02-1995 Prioritized and independent actions in distributed computer systems
33 Martin Møller Brian H. Mayoh 20-12-1994 Efficient training of feed-forward neural Networks
34 Claus Torp Jensen Glynn Winskel 20-02-1995 Prioritized and independent actions in distributed computer systems
35 Jan Depenau Brian H. Mayoh 18-10-1995 Automated Design of neural network architectures for classification
36 Holger Orup Peter Møller-Nielsen 27-11-1995 Fast VLSI implementation of modular exponentiation
37 Urban Engberg Glynn Winskel 05-01-1996 Reasoning in the temporal logic of actions
38 Allan Cheng Mogens Nielsen 24-05-1996 Reasoning about concurrency
39 Lars Arge Erik Meineche Schmidt 07-06-1996 Efficient external memory data structures and applications
40 Ole Villumsen Morten Kyng 26-09-1996 Tools for stored interactive multimedia
41 Torben Braüner Glynn Winskel 08-11-1996 An Axiomatic Approach to Adequacy
42 Peter Øbæk Peter D. Mosses 14-03-1997 Trust and Dependence Analysis
43 Alexandre Valente Da Conceicao Sousa Ole Lehrmann Madsen 20-03-1997 Engineering a Reliable Object Storage System
44 Gerth Stølting Brodal Erik Meineche Schmidt 18-04-1997 Worst Case Efficient Data Structures
45 Thore Husfeldt Sven Skyum 02-05-1997 Dynamic Computation
46 Søren Brandt Ole Lehrmann Madsen 14-05-1997 Towards Orthogonal Persistence as a Basic Technology
47 Jens Bæk Jørgensen Kurt Jensen 15-05-1997 Analysing Coloured Petri Nets by the Occurrence Graph Method
48 Kjeld Høyer Mortensen Kurt Jensen 15-05-1997 Coloured Petri Nets - A Pragmatic Formal Method for Designing and Analysing Distributed Systems
49 Søren Lassen Peter D. Mosses 12-12-1997 Relational Reasoning about Functions and Nondeterminism
50 Ole Ildsgaard Hougaard Michael I. Schwartzbach 20-05-1998 Tractable Type Inference made Easy
51 Kim Sunesen Mogens Nielsen 11-06-1998 Reasoning about Reactive Systems
52 Jakob Eyvind Bardram Susanne Bødker 29-10-1998 An Activity Theoretical Approach to the Design of Computer Supported Cooperative Work
53 Rasmus Munk Larsen Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard 03-12-1998 Efficient Algorithms for Helioseismic Inversion
54 Gian Luca Cattani Glynn Winskel 08-02-1999 Presheaf Models for Concurrency
55 Henrik Bærbak Christensen Ole Lehrmann Madsen 10-06-1999 RAGNAROK: An architecture Based Software Development Environment
56 Erik Ernst Ole Lehrmann Madsen 12-10-1999 gbeta - A Language with Virtual Attributes, Block Structure, and Propagating, Dynamic Inheritance
57 Thomas Troels Hildebrandt Glynn Winskel 16-11-1999 Categorical Models for Concurrency: Independence, Fairness and Dataflow
58 Anders Thorhauge Sandholm Michael I. Schwartzbach 18-02-2000 Programming Languages: Design, Analysis, and Semantics
59 Theis Rauhe Sven Skyum 06-03-2000 Complexity of Data Structures
60 Rune Bang Lyngsø Ole Caprani 09-03-2000 Computational Biology
61 Christian N. Storm Pedersen Sven Skyum 09-03-2000 Algorithms in Computational Biology
62 Lars Michael Kristensen Kurt Jensen 29-03-2000 State Space Methods for Coloured Petri Nets
63 Jakob Vogdrup Hansen Brian H. Mayoh 18-04-2000 Combining Predictors - Meta Machine Learning Methods and Bias/Variance & Ambiguity Decompositions
64 Jesper Gulmann Henriksen Mogens Nielsen 26-05-2000 Logics and Automata for Verification: Expressiveness and Decidability Issues
65 Kresten Krab Thorup Ole Lehrmann Madsen 10-11-2000 Discourse on Genericity in Object-Oriented Programming Languages
66 Marcin Jurdzinski Mogens Nielsen 18-12-2000 Games for Verification: Algorithmic Issues
67 Stefan Dziembowski Ivan Bjerre Damgård 19-01-2001 Multiparty Computations - Information-Theoretically Secure against an Adaptive Adversary
68 Niels Olof Bouvin Kaj Grønbæk 26-02-2001 Augmenting the Web through Open Hypermedia - The Development of the Arakne Environment, a Collaborative Open Hypermedia System for Web Augmentation
69 Jakob Pagter Erik Meineche Schmidt 27-03-2001 Time-Space Trade Offs
70 Thomas Seidelin Hune Mogens Nielsen 27-03-2001 Analyzing Real-Time Systems: Theory and Tools
71 Daniel Damian Olivier Danvy 18-05-2001 On Static and Dynamic Control-Flow Information in Program Analysis and Transformation
72 Morten Rhiger Olivier Danvy 17-08-2001 Higher-Order Program Generation
73 Bernd Grobauer Olivier Danvy 31-08-2001 Topics in Semantics-based Program Manipulation
74 Lasse Reichstein Nielsen Olivier Danvy 31-08-2001 A Study of Defunctionalization and Continuation-Passing Style
75 Mads Torgersen Ole Lehrmann Madsen 14-09-2001 Unifying Abstractions
76 Niels Damgaard Michael I. Schwartzbach 01-10-2001 Using Theory to Make Better Tools
77 Aino Cornils Jørgen Lindskov Knudsen 01-11-2001 Patterns in Software Development
78 Flemming Friche Rodler Brian H. Mayoh 16-11-2001 Compression With Fast Random Access
79 Mikkel Thomas Jensen Brian H. Mayoh 23-11-2001 Robust and Flexible Scheduling with Evolutionary Computation
80 Ann Christina Nielsen Susanne Bødker 18-01-2002 Designing to support Mobile Work with Mobile Devices
81 M. Oliver Möller Mogens Nielsen 19-04-2002 Structure and Hierarchy in Real-Time Systems
82 Stefan Stoyanov Dantchev Erik Meineche Schmidt 10-05-2002 On Resolution Complexity of Matching Principles
83 Klaus Marius Hansen Ole Lehrmann Madsen 31-05-2002 Experimental Object-Oriented Modelling
84 Riko Jakob Gerth Stølting Brodal 31-05-2002 Dynamic Planar Convex Hull
85 Jakob Fredslund Ole Caprani 19-06-2002 Simplicity Applied in Projects Involving Embodied, Autonomous Robots
86 Lisa Marie Wells Søren Christensen 28-08-2002 Performance Analysis Using Coloured Petri Nets
87 Bo Lindstrøm Søren Christensen 29-08-2002 Facilitating the Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets
88 Louise Elgaard Søren Christensen 30-08-2002 The Symmetry Method for Coloured Petri Nets
89 Anders Møller Michael I. Schwartzbach 30-09-2002 Program Verification with Monadic Second-Order Logic & Languages for Web Service Development
90 Rasmus Pagh Peter Bro Miltersen 11-10-2002 Hashing, Randomness and Dictionaries
91 Michael Thomsen Ole Lehrmann Madsen 29-10-2002 Malleable Software Development - Supporting Collaboration and Iteration in Object-Oriented Software Development
92 Claus Rasmussen Brabrand Michael I. Schwartzbach 24-01-2003 Domain Specific Languages for Interactive Web Services
93 Marianne Graves Susanne Bødker 29-01-2003 Designing for Learning in Use of Everyday Artefacts
94 Frank Valencia Mogens Nielsen 05-02-2003 Temporal Concurrent Constraint Programming
95 Christian Heide Damm Ole Lehrmann Madsen 19-03-2003 Collaborative Software Development - Design and Implementation of Tools for Object-Oriented Modelling
96 Jiri Srba Mogens Nielsen 14-04-2003 Decidability and Complexity Issues for Infinite-State Processes
97 Thomas Mailund Jensen Søren Christensen 28-04-2003 Sweeping the State Space - A Sweep-Line State Space Exploration Method
98 Federico Crazzolara Glynn Winskel 15-05-2003 Language, Semantics, and Methods for Security Protocols
99 Giuseppe Milicia Mogens Nielsen 16-06-2003 Applying Formal Methods to Programming Language Design and Implementation
100 Rasmus Kjær Ursem Thiemo Krink 20-06-2003 Models for Evolutionary Algorithms and Their Applications in System Identification and Control Optimization
101 Mario Jose Caccamo Glynn Winskel 23-06-2003 A Formal Calculus for Categories
102 Jesper Buus Nielsen Ivan Bjerre Damgård 07-08-2003 On Protocol Security in the Cryptographic Model
103 Mads Johan Jurik Ivan Bjerre Damgård 07-08-2003 Extensions to the Paillier Cryptosystem with Applications to Cryptological Protocols
104 Maciej Koprowski Ivan Bjerre Damgård 08-08-2003 Cryptographic Protocols Based on Root Extracting
105 Serge Fehr Ivan Bjerre Damgård 08-08-2003 Secure Multi-Player Protocols: Fundamentals, Generality, and Efficiency
106 Paulo Borges Oliva Ulrich Kohlenbach 26-09-2003 Proof Mining in Subsystems of Analysis
107 Mikkel Nygaard Glynn Winskel 21-11-2003 Domain Theory for Concurrency
108 Daniele Varacca Glynn Winskel 24-11-2003 Probability, Nondeterminism and Concurrence: Two Denotational Models for Probabilistic Computation
109 Bartosz Klin Peter D. Mosses 28-11-2003 An Abstract Coalgebraic Approach to Process Equivalence for Well-Behaved Operational Semantics
110 René Thomsen Thiemo Krink 31-05-2004 Evolutionary Algorithms and their Application in Bioinformatics
111 Alex Rune Berg Erik Meineche Schmidt 07-07-2004 Rigidity of frameworks and connectivity of graphs
112 Jannie Friis Kristensen Kaj Grønbæk 08-10-2004 Interaction through Negotiation - Interaction design in a pervasive computing perspective
113 Jens Groth Ivan Bjerre Damgård 15-10-2004 Honest Verifier Zero-knowledge Arguments applied
114 Jesper Makholm Byskov Peter Bro Miltersen 11-11-2004 Exact Algorithms for Graph Colouring and Exact Satisfiability
115 Bjarke Skjernaa Peter Bro Miltersen 26-11-2004 Exact Algorithms for Variants of Satisfiability and Colouring Problems
116 Pawel Sobocinski Mogens Nielsen 03-12-2004 Deriving process congruences from reaction rules
117 Esben Skovenborg Ole Caprani 10-02-2005 Perceptual Features of Music and Speech - Measured by Listening Experiments, and Computer Modelled from Signal Analysis
118 Kirill Morozov Ivan Bjerre Damgård 11-03-2005 On Cryptographic Primitives Based on Noisy Channels
119 Jørgen Iversen Mogens Nielsen, Peter Mosses 12-05-2005 Formalisms and tools supporting Constructive Action Semantics
120 Marco Carbone Mogens Nielsen 30-06-2005 Trust and Mobility
121 Bolette Ammitzbøll Madsen Peter Bro Miltersen 09-09-2005 Exact Algorithms and Exact Satisfiability
122 Jesus Fernando Almansa Guerra Ivan Bjerre Damgård 12-09-2005 A Study for Cryptologic Protocols
123 Saurabh Agarwal Gudmund Frandsen 28-10-2005 GCD Algorithms for Quadratic Number Rings
124 Kasper Dupont Ivan Bjerre Damgård 12-12-2005 Disk Encryption, Group Identification, Byzantine Agreement, and Threshold RSA
125 Dariusz Piotr Biernacki Olivier Danvy 15-12-2005 The Theory and Practice of Programming Languages with Delimited Continuations
126 Henning Korsholm Rohde Olivier Danvy, Andrzej Filinski 19-12-2005 Formal Aspects of Partial Evaluation
127 Thomas Brochmann Pedersen Louis Salvail 23-01-2006 Quantum Encryption Minimising Key Leakage unider Known Plaintext Attacks
128 Malgorzata Biernacka Olivier Danvy 27-01-2006 A Derivational Approach to the Operational Semantics of Functional Languages
129 Mads Sig Ager Olivier Danvy 30-01-2006 Partial Evaluation of String Matchers & Constructions of Abstract Machines
130 Ole Sejer Iversen Susanne Bødker 20-02-2006 Participatory Design Beyond Work Practices - Designing with Children
131 Jakob Svaneborg Vesterstrøm Christian Nørgaard Storm Pedersen 10-03-2006 Heurestic Algorithms in Bioinformatics
132 Branimir Lambov Ulrich Kohlenbach 31-03-2006 Topics in the Theory and Practice of Computable Analysis
133 Aske Simon Christensen Michael I. Schwartzbach 04-05-2006 Something to do with Java
134 Philipp Gerhardy Ulrich Kohlenbach 29-05-2006 Applications of Proof Interpretations
135 Jonas Martin Thomsen Søren Christensen 08-06-2006 Home Appliance Integration by Pervasive Computing
136 Christian Kirkegaard Michael I. Schwartzbach, Anders Møller 04-10-2006 Programming with XML
137 Simon Bo Larsen Ole Lehrmann Madsen 12-10-2006 Pervasive Home Care - Technological support for treatment of diabetic foot ulcers at home
138 Jesper Mosegaard Peter Møller-Nielsen 03-11-2006 Cardiac Surgery Simulation
139 Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen Peter Bro Miltersen 13-11-2006 Constant Width and Constant Depth Computation
140 Karl Kristian Krukow Mogens Nielsen 17-11-2006 Towards a Theory of Trust for the Global Ubiquitous Computer
141 Frank Allan Hansen Kaj Grønbæk 01-12-2006 Context-aware Mobile Hypermedia: Concepts, Framework, and Applications
142 Michael Bang Nielsen Kaj Grønbæk 05-12-2006 Efficient and High Resolution Level Set Simulations - Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications
143 Mads Ingstrup Morten Kyng 15-12-2006 Towards Distributed Declarative Architectural Reflection
144 Thomas Riisgaard Hansen Jakob Bardram 18-12-2006 Pervasive Interaction - Designing interactive pervasive systems for complex work environments
145 Jooyong Lee Mogens Nielsen, Olivier Danvy 26-02-2007 Program Validation by Symbolic and Reverse Execution
146 Christian Schaffner Louis Salvail 27-04-2007 Cryptography in the Bounded-Quantum-Storage Model
147 Kevin Millikin Olivier Danvy 01-05-2007 A Structured Approach to the Transformation, Nomalization and Execution of Computer Programs
148 Michael Edelgaard Caspersen Ole Lehrmann Madsen 31-05-2007 Educating Novices in the Skills of Programming
149 Jan Midtgaard Olivier Danvy 20-06-2007 Transformation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Higher-Order Procedural Programs
150 Anders Torp Brodersen Kaj Grønbæk 27-06-2007 Flexible Methods for Geometric Texturing - From Terrain Visualization to Geometric Texture Mapping
151 Tomas Toft Ivan Bjerre Damgård 06-07-2007 Primitives and Applications for Multi-party Computation
152 Gabriel Moruz Gerth Stølting Brodal 25-08-2007 Hardware-Aware Algorithms and Data Structures
153 Johan Nilsson Gerth Stølting Brodal 15-10-2007 Combinatorial algorithms for partially ordered sets
154 Michael Westergaard Kurt Jensen 23-10-2007 Looking Good, Behaving Well - Behavioural Verification and Visualisation of Formal Models of Concurrent Systems
155 Kristian Støvring Sørensen Olivier Danvy 24-10-2007 On Reasoning Equationally: Lambda Calculi and Programs with Computational Effects
156 Kari Rye Schougaard Nørgaard Ole Lehrmann Madsen 12-12-2007 Programming with Location from Conceptualization to Language Design
157 Troels Bjerre Sørensen Peter Bro Miltersen 10-03-2008 Computing Equilibria of Two Player Games
158 Bent Otto Guldbjerg Christensen Kaj Grønbæk 11-03-2008 Mobile P2P in Ad Hoc Networks: Framework and Applications
159 Martin Brynskov Kaj Grønbæk 31-03-2008 Tools for Social Construction: A Framework for Pervasive Media for Children
160 Michael Østergaard Pedersen Ivan Bjerre Damgård 30-05-2008 Authentication and Privacy with Application to Pervasive Computing
161 Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard Klaus Marius Hansen 08-09-2008 Indoor Positioning with Radio Location Fingerprinting
162 Jeppe Rørbæk Brønsted Klaus Marius Hansen 12-09-2008 Vehicle to Vehicle Services. Service oriented architecture for pervasive computing systems with emphasis on vehicle to vehicle applications
163 Kristian Bisgaard Lassen Søren Christensen 21-10-2008 Using Formal Behavioral Models in Software Development: From Real-World Problems to Software Systems
164 Søren Besenbacher Christian Nørgaard Storm Pedersen 31-10-2008 Challenges in whole-genome association mapping
165 Doina Bucur Mogens Nielsen 21-11-2008 On Context awareness in Ubiquitous Computing
166 Miroslava Sotakova Louis Salvail 20-03-2009 On the Power of Two-Party Quantum Cryptography
167 Martin Mogensen Jakob Bardram 15-04-2009 Infrastructure Support for Collaborative Pervasive Computing Systems
168 Jonathan Bech Bunde-Pedersen Jakob Bardram 16-04-2009 Distributed Interaction for Activity-Based Computing
169 Simon Tjell Søren Christensen 28-04-2009 Formal Requirements Modeling
170 Janus Dam Nielsen Michael I. Schwartzbach 28-05-2009 Languages for Secure Multiparty Computation and Towards Strongly Typed Macroes
171 Rune Ivan Thorbek Ivan Bjerre Damgård 15-09-2009 Linear Integer Secret Sharing
172 Karsten Østergaard Noe Ole Østerby, Thomas Sangild 01-10-2009 Deformable Image Registration for Use in Radiotherapy, Using GPU Acceleration
173 Thomas Mølhave Lars Arge 21-10-2009 Handling Massive Terrains and Unreliable Memory
174 Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose Susanne Bødker 22-10-2009 On Human-Computer Interaction in Complex Artefact Ecologies
175 Klas Olof Daniel Andersson Peter Bro Miltersen 31-10-2009 Perfect-Information Games with Cycles
176 Martin Olsen Gerth Stølting Brodal 09-11-2009 Link Building
177 Kristian Ellebæk Kjær Klaus Marius Hansen 17-12-2009 Participatory Middleware Design
178 Jacob Andersen Lars Michael Kristensen 02-03-2010 Medical Sensor Network Infrastructures
179 Allan Grønlund Jørgensen Gerth Stølting Brodal 29-04-2010 Data Structures: Sequence Problems, Range Queries, and Fault Tolerance
180 Martin Joakim Bittel Geisler Ivan Bjerre Damgård 11-05-2010 Cryptographic Protocols: Theory and Implementation
181 Brian Bunch Christensen Susanne Bødker 25-05-2010 Efficient Algorithms for Controllable Fluid Simulations and High-Resolution Level Set Deformaties
182 Mikkel Krøigaard Ivan Bjerre Damgård 21-06-2010 On the Computational Overhead of Secure Multiparty Computation
183 Bjarke Hammersholt Roune Peter Bro Miltersen 17-08-2010 Monomial Ideal Algorithms: Connections to Numerical Semigroups and Scarf's Theory of Bodies
184 Karl Bernhard Klose Olivier Danvy 02-09-2010 On the expressiveness of Declarative Meta-Languages
185 Peter Dueholm Justesen Christian Nørgaard Storm Pedersen 27-09-2010 Distinct Candidates Optimization: A Novel Approach to Applied Evolutionary Multi-and Many-Objective Optimization
186 Mads Darø Kristensen Kaj Grønbæk 30-09-2010 Empowering Mobile Devices Through Cyper Foraging: The Development of Scavenger, and Open Mobile Cyber Foraging System
187 Michael Achenbach Olivier Danvy 07-10-2010 An Engineering Approach to Dynamic Program Analysis by Layering Language Abstraction
188 Christian Martin Hofer Olivier Danvy 07-10-2010 Embedded programming Languages and Their Representation
189 Rocio Santillan Rodriguez Peter Bro Miltersen 12-10-2010 Existence and computation of Equilibria in Auction Games
190 Anders Bach Nielsen Erik Ernst 26-10-2010 Initializing and Evaluation of Nested Class Structures
191 Carolin Gabriele Lunemann Louis Salvail 12-11-2010 Cryptographic Protocols under Quantum Attacks
192 Jesper Wolff Olsen Preben Mogensen 27-01-2011 Material Dispositions: a hybrid and interwoven design perspective
193 Claudio Orlandi Ivan Damgaard 07-04-2011 Secure Computation in Untrusted Environments
194 Thomas Greve Kristensen Christian Storm Pedersen 16-06-2011 Virtual Screening Algorithms
195 Karen Johanne Kortbek Kaj Grønbæk 27-06-2011 Staging as a Holistic Perspective on Interaction Design for Public Enviroments
196 Pooya Davoodi Gerth Stølting Brodal 04-07-2011 Data Structures: Range Queries and Space Efficiency
197 Gert Læssøe Mikkelsen Ivan Damgaard 08-08-2011 On the protection of digital identities through threshold cryptography
198 Konstantinos Tsakalidis Gerth Stølting Brodal 23-09-2011 Dynamic data structures: Orthogonal range queries and update efficiency
199 Nikolaj Gandrup Borchorst Susanne Bødker 28-09-2011 Participatory citizenship - supporting citizen empowerment in digitally mediated public service provision
200 Jesper Nielsen Christian Storm Pedersen 28-10-2011 Engineering algorithms for finding patterns in biological data
201 Morten Bohøj Susanne Bødker, Niels Olof Bouvin 11-11-2011 Engaging the citizens through collaborative, mobile and web-based public services
202 Martin Simonsen Christian Storm Pedersen 09-12-2011 Efficient algorithms for tree reconstruction and prediction of molecular interactions
203 Torben Godsk Kaj Grønbæk 14-12-2011 Methods and software architecture for activity recognition from position data - applied to cow activity recognition
204 Jakob Løvstad Funder Ivan Damgaard 09-01-2012 Cryptography with quantum mechanics
205 Thomas Toftkjær Kaj Grønbæk 10-01-2012 Accurate positioning of pedestrains in mixed indoor/outdoor settings - A particle filter approach to sensor and map fusion
206 Jakob Langdal Jensen Kaj Grønbæk 12-01-2012 Supporting seamful development of positioning applications through model based translucent middleware
207 Marcel Karl Sven Keller Ivan Damgaard 16-01-2012 Theory and practice of cryptographic protocols -or- cryptography: will it blend?
208 Morten Tranberg Hansen Niels Olof Bouvin 23-01-2012 Low-power wireless sensor network infrastructures
209 Johnni Winther Michael Schwartzbach 22-03-2012 Improving precision of types
210 Niels Raabjerg Mathiasen Susanne Bødker 26-03-2012 While working around security
211 Allan Rasmusson Peter Møller-Nielsen 16-04-2012 Contributions to computational stereology and parallel programming
212 Thomas Dueholm Hansen Peter Bro Miltersen 07-09-2012 Worst-case analysis of strategy iteration and the simplex method
213 Lasse Kosetski Deleuran Lars Arge 17-09-2012 Homotopic polygonal line simplification
214 Jonas Kölker Ivan Damgaard 26-10-2012 I/O-efficient multiparty computation, formulaic secret sharing and np-complete puzzles
215 Freek Hendrik Van Walderveen Lars Arge 30-10-2012 External memory graph algorithms and range searching data structures
216 Peter S. Nordholt Ivan Damgård, Jesper Buus Nielsen 08-04-2013 New Approaches to Practical Secure Two-Party Computation
217 Mathias Romme Schwarz Anders Møller 23-04-2013 Design and Analysis of Web Application Frameworks
218 Simon Holm Jensen Anders Møller 23-04-2013 Static Analysis for JavaScript
219 Sigurd Torkel Meldgaard Ivan Damgård 23-04-2013 Unconditionally Secure Protocols
220 Matthias Korn Susanne Bødker 07-05-2013 Situating Engagement: Ubiquitous Infrastructures for In-Situ Civic Engagement
221 Kasper Green Larsen Lars Arge 17-05-2013 Models and Techniques for Proving Data Structure Lower Bounds
222 Morten Dahl Jørgensen Ivan Damgård 19-06-2013 Symbolic Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols: Models, Methods, and Soundness
223 Mads Schaarup Andersen Kaj Grønbæk 03-09-2013 Multi-dimensional Location Privacy - Concepts, Architecture, and User Interface
224 Jakob Grauenkjær Thomsen Erik Ernst 27-09-2013 Consistency in the World Wide Web: Specification, Verification, and Evaluation
225 Valerio Pastro Ivan Bjerre Damgaard 10-10-2013 Zero-Knowledge Protocols and Multiparty Computation
226 Rikke Bendlin Ivan Bjerre Damgaard 11-10-2013 Lattice-based Cryptography - Threshold Protocols and Multiparty Computation
227 Rasmus Ibsen-Jensen Peter Bro Miltersen 04-11-2013 Strategy complexity of two player, zero-sum games
228 Casper Kejlberg-Rasmussen Gerth Stølting Brodal 18-11-2013 Dynamic Data Structures: The Interplay of Invariants and Algorithm Design
229 Ian Steven Zerny Olivier Danvy 09-12-2013 The Interpretation and Inter-derivation of Small-step and Big-step Specifications
230 Vaida Ceikute Christian S. Jensen 10-12-2013 Inferring Groups of Objects, Preferred Routes, and Facility Locations from Trajectories
231 Angela Zottarel Jesper Buus Nielsen 14-01-2014 Public-key Cryptography from Weaker Assumption
232 Nervo Xavier Verdezoto Dias Morten Kyng 24-02-2014 Home-based Self-Care – Understanding and Designing Pervasive Technology to Support Care Management Work at Home
233 Sarah Zakarias Ivan Damgaard 29-04-2014 Secure Computation in the Preprocessing Model
234 Manohar Kaul Christian S. Jensen 19-08-2014 Enabling Advanced Path-Finding on Terrains and in Spatial Networks
235 Pavel Hubacek Jesper Buus Nielsen 08-09-2014 Rationality in the Cryptographic Model
236 Anders Skovsgaard Christian S. Jensen 16-09-2014 Indexing, Query Processing, and Clustering of Spatio-Temporal Text Objects
237 Andreas Sand Pedersen Christian N. S. Pedersen 18-09-2014 Engineering of Algorithms for Hidden Markov Models and Tree Distances
238 Laura Radaelli Christian S. Jensen 10-10-2014 Enabling indoor location-based services
239 Vikas Gupta Christian N. S. Pedersen 24-10-2014 Applied bioinformatics: Genome annotation and transcriptome analysis
240 Morten Revsbæk Lars Arge 14-11-2014 Handling Massive and Dynamic Terrain Data
241 Navid Talebanfard Peter Bro Miltersen 17-11-2014 On the Combinatorics of SAT and the Complexity of Planar Problems
242 Qiang Qu Christian S. Jensen 03-12-2014 Efficient Extraction of Content from Enriched Geospatial and Networked Data
243 Asger Felthaus Anders Møller 09-01-2015 Pointer Analysis for JavaScript Programming Tools
244 Paula Tataru Christian N. S. Pedersen 23-01-2015 Inference of population history and patterns from molecular data
245 Casper Svenning Jensen Anders Møller 09-03-2015 Automated Testing of Event-Driven Applications
246 Jacob Johannsen Olivier Danvy 13-03-2015 On Computational Small Steps and Big Steps: Refocusing for Outermost Reduction
247 Jakob Truelsen Gerth S. Brodal 17-04-2015 Space Efficient Data Structures and External Terrain Algorithms
248 Simina Branzei Peter Bro Miltersen 29-04-2015 Computational Fair Division
Jungwoo Yang 
Lars Arge 13-05-2015 Efficient Algorithms for HandlingMassive Terrains
250 Magnus Madsen Anders Møller 19-05-215 Static Analysis of Dynamic Languages
Barbora Micenkova 
Ira Assent 22-05-2015 Outlier Detection and Explanation for Domain Experts
252 Aris Filos-Ratsikas Peter Bro Miltersen 05-08-2015 Social Welfare in Algorithmic Mechanism Design Without Money
253 Majken Rasmussen Marianne Graves Petersen 02-09-2015 Changing the Shape of Interaction: Shape-changing Interfaces
254 Thomas P Jakobsen Jesper Buus Nielsen 22-09-2015

Practical Aspects of Secure Multiparty Computation


Jesper Asbjørn Sindahl Nielsen

Gerth Stølting Brodal


Implicit Data Structures, Sorting, and Text Indexing


Yu Ma

Christian S. Jensen


Enabling Time-Dependent Uncertain Edge Weights and Stochastic Routing in Road Networks


Pratyay Mukherjee

Jesper Buus Nielsen


Protecting Cryptographic Memory against Tampering Attack


Bryan Wilkinson

Lars Arge


Exploring the Problem Space of Orthogonal Range Searching


Søren Stiil Frederiksen

Peter Bro Miltersen


Semi-algebraic Geometry for Stochastic Games


Tore Kasper Frederiksen

Jesper Buus Nielsen


The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Garbled Circuits: Garbled Circuits and their Applications to Maliciously Secure Two-Party Protocols 


Thor Siiger Prentow

Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard, Kaj Grønbæk, and Henrik Blunck


Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Human Activities in Indoor Environments through Mobile Sensing


Michael Lind Mortensen

Ira Assent


Multi-Criteria Decision Support Queries in Exploratory & Open World Settings

264 Rasmus W. Zakarias Ivan Damgård 22-03-2016 Practical Secure Computation with Pre-Processing
265 Aleš Bizjak Lars Birkedal 15-05-2016 On semantics and applications of guarded recursion
266 Matthias Nielsen Kaj Grønbæk 20-04-2016 

Interactive Visual Analytics of Big Data - a Web-Based Approach

267 Esben Andreasen Anders Møller 24-08-2016 Designing abstractions for JavaScript program analysis
268 Fabio Strocco Anders Møller 08-09-2016 Type Soundness in the Dart Programming Language
269 Allan Stisen Kaj Grønbæk 01-11-2016 Mobile Sensing and Recognition of Human Activities to Support Work Coordination
270 Mads Møller Jensen Kaj Grønbæk 02-11-2016 Game Mechanics and Bodily Interactions: Designing Interactive Technologies for Sports Training
271 Carsten Baum Ivan Damgård 07-11-2016 Towards More Efficient Secure Multiparty Computation in the Preprocessing Model
272 Hans Bugge Grathwohl Lars Birkedal 06-12-2016 Guarded Recursive Type Theory
273 Tobias Sonne Kaj Grønbæk 20-12-2016
Assistive Technologies to Empower Children with ADHD: Conceptual Framework and Technological Solutions
274 Irene Giacomelli Ivan Damgård 04-01-2017 New Applications of Secret-Sharing in Cryptography
275 Kenneth S. Bøgh Ira Assent 01-02-2017 Parallel Algorithms for Skyline and Skycube Computation on Multicore CPUs and GPUs
276 Henrik Korsgaard Susanne Bødker 20-02-2017 Toward Place-Centric Computing : Making Place With Technology Together
277 Antigoni Polychroniadou Ivan Damgård 07-03-2017 On the Communication and Round Complexity of Secure Computation
278 Bernardo M. David Ivan Damgård 05-05-2017 A Framework For Efficient Homomorphic Universally Composable Commitments
279 Ingo van Duijn Peyman Afshani 12-09-2017 Algorithmic Aspects of Arrangements and Incidences
280 Roberto Trifiletti Jesper Buus 29-09-2017 Amortizing Maliciously Secure Two-party Computation
281 Anders Lehman Niels Olof Bouvin 29-10-2017 Modelling Emission of Pollutants from transportation using mobile sensing data: Advancing modelling of street level pollution and climate forcing gas emissions
282 Edvin Berglin Gerth Stølting Brodal 29-11-2017 Geometric covers, graph orientations, counter games
283 Matúš Tomlein Kaj Grønbæk 03-04-2018 Context-Aware Integrability and Maintainability of Cyber-Physical Ecosystems: Tactics and Tools
284 Christoffer Quist Adamsen Anders Møller 23-05-2018

Automated Testing Techniques for Event-Driven and Dynamically Typed Software Applications

285 Yujin Shin Lars Arge 28-09-2018 External Memory Algorithms for Massive Terrains and Polygons
286 Andreas Fender Kaj Grønbæk 23-10-2018 Optimal Placement of Virtual Content in Physical Space
287 Tiare Feuchtner Kaj Grønbæk 24-10-2018 Designing for Hand Ownership in Interaction with Virtual and Augmented Reality
288 Morten Krogh-Jespersen Lars Birkedal 12-12-2018

Towards Modular Reasoning for Stateful and Concurrent Programs

289 Mathias Rav Lars Arge 18-01-2019

Event-Based Flood Risk Assessment on Massive Terrains

290 Satrajit Ghosh Jesper Buus Nielsen 15-03-2019 Secure Computation Based on Oblivious Function Evaluation (not available online) 
291 Sabine Oechsner Ivan Bjerre Damgård 28-03-2019 Constructions and Proof Techniques for Secure Computation (not available online)
292 Michael Nielsen Ivan Bjerre Damgård 15-04-2019 Correlated randomness in cryptographic protocols (not available online)
293 Helene Haagh Claudio Orlandi 13-08-2019 Fine-grained Access and Secure Computation on Encrypted Data (not available online)
294 Andreas Mathisen Kaj Grønbæk 14-08-2019 Collaborative Visual Analytics: Leveraging Mixed Expertise in Data Analysis 
295 Kasper Buhl Jakobsen Marianne Graves Petersen 03-10-2019 Graphene-based Interaction Design for Constructive Play: Tangible Music-making Technologies for Children
296 Manuel Rafael Ciosici Ira Assent 08-10-2019 Characterizing Word Representations For Natural Language Processing 
297 Mark Simkin Ivan Damgård 22-10-2019 Alice, Bits, and Bob
298 Mathias Pedersen Aslan Askarov 23-10-2019 Enforcement of Timing-Sensitive Security Policies in Runtime Systems
299 Konstantinos Mampentzidis Gerth Stølting Brodal 24-10-2019 Comparison and Construction of Phylogenetic Trees and Networks 
300 Erik Krogh Kristensen Anders Møller 31-10-2019 Automated Techniques for Creation and Maintenance of TypeScript Declaration Files
301 Kristoffer Just Arndal Andersen Lars Birkedal 13-11-2019 Automatic Program Verification (not available online)
302 Lau Skorstengaard Lars Birkedal 14-11-2019

Formal Reasoning about Capability Machines 

303 Alvis Logins Panagiotis Karras 30-03-2020 Resource Allocation in Networks
304 Jens Emil Grønbæk Marianne Graves Petersen 06-05-2020 Rethinking Proxemics - Designing Interactive Technologies for Co-located Collaboration
305 Jan Neerbek Ira Assent 01-09-2020 Sensitive Information Detection: Recursive Neural Networks for Encoding Context
306 Ida Larsen-Ledet Susanne Bødker 06-10-2020 More Than Writing Text: Multiplicity in Collaborative Academic Writing
307 Casper Benjamin Freksen Kasper Green Larsen 09-11-2020 A song of Johnson and Lindenstrauss
308 Anders Peter Kragh Dalskov Claudio Orlandi 16-11-2020 Cats or Croissants? Techniques for Secure Inference
309 Benjamin Barslev Nielsen Anders Møller 29-01-2021 Static Analysis for Node.js
310 Anke van Oosterhout Susanne Bødker 23-02-2021 A Design Perspective on Force Feedback
311 Mirzel Avdic Susanne Bødker 20-04-2021 Physical Actuation as an Alternative Approach to the Intelligibility of Smart Speakers
312 Nathalie Alexandra Bressa Susanne Bødker 03-08-2021

Data In Situ: a Design Approach for Situated Visualization

313 Troels Rasmussen Kaj Grønbæk 04-08-2021

Supporting Tailorability and Awareness for Remote Assistance in Large Industrial Task Spaces

314 Simon Aagaard Enni Ira Assent 12-08-2021

Deliberation and Dissemination in Machine Learning

315 Svend Christian Svendsen Lars Arge and Gerth Stølting Brodal 07-10-2021

Algorithms for Massive Terrains and Graphs

316 Daniel Esteban Escudero Ospina Ivan Damgård 02-11-2021

Multiparty Computation over $\mathbb{Z}/2^k\mathbb{Z}$

317 Martin Toldam Torp Anders Møller 26-11-2021

Techniques and Tools for Supporting Maintenance of Node.js Programs

318 Frederik Hvilshøj Ira Assent  09-12-2021

Fast and Explainable Deep Neural Networks

319 Alexander Mathiasen Kasper Green Larsen 31-01-2022

Algorithmic Improvements to Boosting and Neural Networks

320 Martin Ernst Bidlingmaier Bas Spitters 22-04-2022 Probabilistic Programming and Multiverse Models of Type Theory
321 Marcel Borowski Clemens Klokmose 16-05-2022 Exploring Computational Media as a Possible Future of Software
322 Joachim Christensen Nyborg Ira Assent 30-05-2022 Deep Learning for Remote Sensing in Precision Agriculture: Large-scale and label-efficient methods for satellite image data
323 Akira Takahashi Claudio Orlandi 28-06-2022 Cryptography from Zero Knowledge: Advanced Security and New Constructions
324 Hamidreza Khoshaklagh Jesper Buus 31-08-2022 Cryptography for Scalability and Identity in Blockchain Applications
325 Jakob Rødsgaard Jørgensen Ira Assent 22-09-2022 Parallel algorithms for clustering, subspace clustering, and projected clustering on the GPU
326 Rasmus Killmann Brogaard Petersen Peyman Afshani 29-09-2022 A Tale of Twines, Quadrangles and Colorful Hierarchies
327 Judith Hermanns Panagiotis Karras 11-10-2022 Spectral Graph Correspondences
328 Zesen Qian  Lars Birkedal 18-11-2022 Concurrency and Races in Classical Linear Logic
329 Wenkai Han Hans-Jörg Schulz 13-01-2023 Towards Trustworthy Decision Making in Visual Analytics
330 Marius Hogräfer Hans-Jörg Schulz 16-01-2023 Contributions towards Improving the Usefulness of Partial Visualizations
331 Sai Rahul Rachuri Peter Scholl 25-01-2023 Practical Multiparty Computation: Approaches to Private Machine Learning
332 Søren Eller Thomsen Jesper Buus Nielsen 14-03-2023 Message Dissemination in the Nakamoto Era
333 Simon Oddershede Gregersen Lars Birkedal 17-03-2023 Higher-Order Separation Logic for Distributed Systems and Security
334 Karl-Emil Kjær Bilstrup Marianne Graves 21-03-2023 Embodied Computational Empowerment
335 Magnus Høholt Kaspersen Marianne Graves 30-03-2023 AI EDUCATION THAT MATTERS -- Designing Computationally Empowering Learning Tools for Machine Learning
336 Benjamin Salling Hvass Diego Aranha 12-04-2023 Foundational Verification of Cryptographic Primitives
337 Aïna Linn Georges Lars Birkedal 16-06-2023 Designing and Proving Robust Safety of Efficient Capability Machine Programs
338 Joao Marcelo Evangelista Belo Kaj Grønbæk 28-06-2023 Context-Aware Adaptive User Interfaces for Mixed Reality
339 Oskar Haarklou Veileborg Anders Møller 29-06-2023 Localized Static Program Analysis for Optimization and Error Detection
340 Kasper Høgh

Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen

31-08-2023 Complexity of Total Search: Equilibria and Fair Division
341 Nikolaj Ignatieff Schwartzbach Ivan Damgård 26-09-2023 Smart Contracts and Rationality
342 Abel Nieto Rodriguez Lars Birkedal 28-09-2023 Conflict-free Replicated Data Types have Abstract Data Type
343 Pingan Cheng Peyman Afshani 13-10-2023 On Geometric Range Searching and Its Variants
344 Irfansha Shaik Jaco van de Pol 25-10-2023 Concise Encodings for Planning and 2-Player Games
345 Daniel Gratzer Lars Birkedal 27-10-2023 Syntax and semantics of modal type theory
346 Alexander Munch-Hansen Peter Scholl 16-11-2023 Quattro Formaggi: Zero-Knowledge from VOLE