Research areas: Data Management and Data Analysis | Databases | Data Mining | Query Processing | Machine Learning
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Research areas: Computer Science | Programming | Logic | Semantics
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Research areas: Algorithms | Data Structure
Research areas: Human-Computer Interaction | HCI | CSCW | Interaction Design | Participatory Design
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Research areas: Theoretical Computer Science | Algorithms | Artificial Intelligence | Algorithmic Game theory
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Research areas: Cryptography | Computational Number Theory | Quantum Information | Algorithms
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Research areas: Visualization | Information visualization | Human Computer Interaction | Visual Analytics | Big data
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Research areas: Ubiquitous Computing | HCI | Visual Analytics | Hypermedia
Research areas: Augmented Reality | Human-Computer Interaction | Visual Computing | Vision Augmentation
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Research areas: Data Structures | Computational Geometry | Theoretical Computer Science | Machine Learning | Complexity Theory
Research areas: Object-Oriented Programming | Object Technology | Software Systems | Pervasive Computing
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Research areas: Programming Languages| Software Engineering | Program Analysis | Static Analysis | Software Testing
Research areas: Cryptography | Distributed Systems | Blockchain
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Research areas: Computer Science | Cryptography | Secure Computation<
Research areas: Interaction Design | Human Computer Interaction | Shape-Changing Interfaces | Tangible User Interfaces | Child Computer Interaction
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Research areas: Formal Methods | Verification and validation | High Performance Model Checking
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Research areas: Theoretical Computer Science | Data Structures | Algorithms | Computational Geometry
Research areas: Cryptographic Engineering ECC| PBC | Electronic Voting
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Research areas: Programming Languages | Computer Security
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Research areas: Human-Computer Interaction | Participatory Design | Computer Supported Collaborative Work
Research areas: Distributed Systems | Peer to Peer Networking | Cyber Foraging | Hypermedia
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Research areas: Computational Complexity Theory | Algorithms | Algorithmic Game Theory
Research areas: Multimodal Interaction | Mobile Interaction | Multi-Touch Techniques | Human-Computer Interaction
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Research areas: Data Management | Data Mining | Privacy | Artificial Intelligence
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Research areas: Human Computer Interaction | Interactive Systems
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Research areas: Programming Languages | Compilers | Static Analysis | Functional Programming | Logic Programming
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Research areas: Graph Mining | Database Usability | Machine Learning | Data Mining
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Research areas: Formal Methods | Programming Languages | Algorithmic Verification | Concurrency | Evolutionary Game Theory
Research areas: Human Computer Interaction | Eye Tracking | Ubiquitous Computing
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Research areas: Visual Analytics | Information Visualization
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Research areas: Theoretical Computer Science | Clustering, Machine Learning
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Research areas: Categorical Type Theory | Semantics | Program Verification | Blockchain
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Research areas: Programming Languages | Type Theory | Logic | Semantics
Research areas: Visual Computing | Visualization | Augmented Reality | XR | Computer Graphics
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Research areas: Data Science | Natural language processing | Human-centered AI | Machine Learning | Causal inference
Research areas: Programming languages | Relaxed memory models | Systems programming
Research areas: Online Learning | Algorithmic Game Theory | Machine Learning | Optimization | Algorithms
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Research areas: HCI | Fabrication | Engineering | Interactive Systems
Research areas: Cryptography | Combinatorics
Research areas: Data Mining | Algorithms | Graph Mining | Information Propagation | Social Influence Analysis
Research areas: Human-Computer Interaction | Proxemics | Mixed Reality Collaboration
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Research areas: Programming Languages | Logic | Cryptography | Type Theory | Fomal Methods