Aarhus University Seal

New colleague at CS

Welcome to Department of Computer Science (CS) at Aarhus University

We would like to help you get off to a good start. 

On this webpage we aim to provide you with  information, guidance and tips on your new work life at CS, Aarhus University and your life in Denmark.

If you have any further question, please do not hesitate to contact your Research Group Coordinator. who is your primary contact person at CS. 

Getting Started in Denmark

Getting Started in Denmark is an event organised by International Staff Office. It offers orientation and registration for newly arrived researchers and their spouses/partners.

The event provides you with important on-arrival information as well as the opportunity to get registered with the public authorities for your EU residence certificate, CPR number and NemID - all in one visit. 

See the programme and register

Postdoc Tiare Feuchtner, originally from Germany, talks about her research, and what it is like to be a junior researcher at the Department of Computer Science.

Introduction Seminar at AU

All new employees are encouraged to participate in AU's introduction Seminar, which will be twice a year.

You will be introduced to the university's overall strategies and values. You will gain insight into the organizational structure, liaison committees, the union representatives, and rules and guidelines for employees at AU.

Register for the coming Introduction Seminar