While it demands discipline and lots of working hours to be a student at the University, the University life also consists of other things - good friends, network and inspiring study environments to bridge the academic life and social activities.
The Department of Computer Science is located in the IT City Katrinebjerg, where Aarhus University has assembled all of its IT degree programmes. The area called Katrinebjerg is located close to the campus area and not far from the city center. The IT City's placement at Katrinebjerg provides the department with a unique study environment with a lot of both academic and social offers and activities. With about 3000 students from different fields of study, exciting research environments, and a considerable number of different IT companies, the IT City is a place with plenty of opportunities for interdisciplinary work, in-depth academic study, and development through student jobs.
As a new student at a University everything tends to be new and possibly confusing. However, a lot of people are at the ready to make sure that you are well received as a new student of either Computer Science or IT Product Development.
Prior to the commencement of studies, a three-day introduction and orientation programme is taking place for you as a new student together with all the other new 1st-year students. You will be well received by senior students (tutors) who are organising your introduction programme. The introduction provides you with an opportunity to get to know some of your fellow students and get familiar with the University before your courses and studies begin.
In the introduction week you get help purchasing books, and get an introduction to campus and to the party and lecture associations as well as the local student organisations. You will also be introduced to the University layout and the locations and buildings at the department to help finding your way around. You will have lots of opportunities to speak with and ask the senior students about your study programme and life as a student.
In addition to this, the tutors also help you organise study groups. Group oriented project work is an important part of your degree programme, and your reading group automatically provides you with a study-related network that can support you throughout your studies.
Completing the introduction week, the senior students will still stick around for you and your team to make sure your beginning at the University is the best it can be.
Your day-to-day activities take place at the Department of Computer Science’s facilities in the IT City Katrinebjerg. The department provides rooms and workstations for students, which are all well suited to group work. Teaching facilities and auditoriums exist in various sizes and are all of good quality.
At the department you will find a local Study Café available for students to use on a daily basis and which is suited for both individual and group work. The Study Café provides scheduled hours for 1st-year students where teaching assistants will be present and available for questions. Here you can get help with both your written assignments and exercises. The department also has a prototype lab with 3D printers, a lasercutter and various other tools for students to use for their projects.
Two common canteens are available for use, as well as is the library, along with an on-site information desk, where you are always welcome with any questions.
Institut for Datalogi har både institut- og studenterdrevne foreninger, koncepter og events, og der er gode muligheder for at deltage i det der foregår eller selv engagere sig og melde sig ind i foreningerne og det frivillige arbejde.
IT-studerende er i høj kurs på arbejdsmarkedet, og virksomhederne er derfor også jævnligt synlige på instituttet, når de arrangerer alt fra gratis morgenkaffe til relevante kurser og oplæg, og rigtig mange virksomheder deltager også i instituttets årlige karrieremesse Kdag. Som studerende er der således rig mulighed for at blive klogere på både sin faglighed og jobmulighederne både under og efter studietiden. Se f.eks. facebooksiden med jobopslag og andre muligheder; CS Jobwall.
Questions frequently arise at the beginning of a new study programme – just as there may be things you need clarifying from time to time.
At the Department of Computer Science in Aarhus, we focus much of our work on how you, as a student, have easy access to the guidance and feedback you need.
Therefore a lot of different people with various roles are in place for you to get the help that you need, and they are each specialized in helping you with certain areas.