Andreas Pavlogiannis

Andreas Pavlogiannis 

Andreas Pavlogiannis
PhD, IST Austria

Associate Professor
Programming Languages group
Department of Computer Science
Aarhus University

CV, DBLP, Google Scholar

5341 (Turing)-223
IT-parken, Aabogade 34
DK-8200 Aarhus N, Denmark

Research Interests

formal methods, algorithmic verification, automata theory, concurrency, static & dynamic program analysis
network science, evolutionary graph theory, evolutionary game theory

My research has been generously supported by the following foundations



Algorithmic Model Checking

Advanced Topics in Programming Language Theory


APWeb-WAIM 2024 Reachability-Aware Fair Influence Maximization (pdf)
W. Ma*, M. K. Egger, A. Pavlogiannis, Y. Li and P. Karras
IJCAI 2024 Seed Selection in the Heterogeneous Moran Process (pdf) (slides)
P. Petsinis*, J. Tkadlec, P. Karras and A. Pavlogiannis
IJCAI 2024 Robust Reward Placement under Uncertainty (pdf) (slides)
P. Petsinis*, K. Zhang, A. Pavlogiannis, J. Zhou and P. Karras
SOAP 2024 A Better Approximation for Interleaved Dyck Reachability (pdf)
G. K. Conrado and A. Pavlogiannis
Best Presentation Award
ASPLOS 2024 CSSTs: A Dynamic Data Structure for Partial Orders in Concurrent Execution Analysis (pdf) (slides)
H. Can Tunc, B. Cirisci, A. Prashant Deshmukh, C. Enea and A. Pavlogiannis
Best Paper Award
ICSE 2024 Optimistic Prediction of Synchronization-Reversal Data Races (pdf)
Z. Shi, U. Mathur, A. Pavlogiannis
TACAS 2024 Fast Symbolic Computation of Bottom SCCs (pdf)
A. Blume Jakobsen, R. S. Melanchton Jorgensen, J. van de Pol, A. Pavlogiannis
POPL 2024 How Hard is Weak-Memory Testing? (pdf) (slides)
S. Chakraborty, S. Krishna, U. Mathur, A. Pavlogiannis
POPL 2024 On-The-Fly Static Analysis via Dynamic Bidirected Dyck Reachability (pdf) (slides)
O. Tuppe, A. Lal, S. Krishna and A. Pavlogiannis
PLDI 2023 Optimal Reads-From Consistency Checking for C11-Style Memory Models (pdf)
H. Can Tunc, P. Abdulla, S. Chakraborty, S. Krishna, U. Mathur, A. Pavlogiannis
PLDI 2023 Sound Dynamic Deadlock Prediction in Linear Time (pdf)
H. Can Tunc, U. Mathur, A. Pavlogiannis and M. Viswanathan
TACAS 2023 A Truly Symbolic Linear-Time Algorithm for SCC Decomposition (pdf)
C. Abild Larsen*, S. Meldahl Schmidt, J. Steensgaard, A. Blume Jakobsen, J. van de Pol, A. Pavlogiannis
AAAI 2023 Maximizing the Probability of Fixation in the Positional Voter Model (pdf) (slides)
P. Petsinis*, P. Karras, A. Pavlogiannis
SIGLOG News CFL/Dyck Reachability: An Algorithmic Perspective (pdf)
A. Pavlogiannis
Physical Review E Social Balance on Networks: Local Minima and Best Edge Dynamics (pdf)
J. Svoboda, D. Zikelic, J. Tkadlec, A. Pavlogiannis and K. Chatterjee
IJCAI 2022 Invasion Dynamics in the Biased Voter Process (pdf)
L. Durocher, P. Karras, A. Pavlogiannis and J. Tkadlec
ICALP 2022 Reachability in Bidirected Pushdown VASS (pdf)
M. Ganardi, R. Majumdar, A. Pavlogiannis, L. Schutze and G. Zetzsche
PLDI 2022 Efficient Approximations for Cache-conscious Data Placement (pdf)
A. Ahmadi, M. Daliri, A. K. Goharshady and A. Pavlogiannis
AAAI 2022 Fixation Maximization in the Positional Moran Process (pdf) (slides)
J. Brendborg, P. Karras, A. Pavlogiannis, A. Ullersted Rasmussen and J. Tkadlec
ASPLOS 2022 A Tree Clock Data Structure for Causal Orderings in Concurrent Executions (pdf) (slides)
U. Mathur, A. Pavlogiannis, H. Can Tunc and M. Viswanathan
Best Paper Award
POPL 2022 The Decidability and Complexity of Interleaved Bidirected Dyck Reachability (pdf) (slides)
A. H. Kjelstrom and A. Pavlogiannis
Scientific Reports Infection Dynamics of COVID-19 Virus under Lockdown and Reopening (pdf) (suppl)
J. Svoboda, J. Tkadlec, A. Pavlogiannis, K. Chatterjee and M. A. Nowak
FSTTCS 2021 Quantitative Verification on Product Graphs of Small Treewidth (pdf)
K. Chatterjee, R. Ibsen-Jensen and A. Pavlogiannis
OOPSLA 2021 The Reads-From Equivalence for the TSO and PSO Memory Models (pdf)
T. L. Bui, K. Chatterjee, T. Gautam, A. Pavlogiannis and V. Toman
CONCUR 2021 Dynamic Data Race Detection through the Fine-Grained Lens (pdf)
R. Kulkarni, U. Mathur and A. Pavlogiannis
Nature Communications Fast and Strong Amplifiers of Natural Selection (pdf) (suppl) (Current Science Daily)
J. Tkadlec*, A. Pavlogiannis*, K. Chatterjee and M. A. Nowak
Inf. Process. Lett. Tight Bounds for Reachability Problems on One-Counter and Pushdown Systems (pdf)
J. C. Hansen, A. H. Kjelstrom and A. Pavlogiannis
CAV 2021 Stateless Model Checking under a Reads-Value-From Equivalence (pdf)
P. Agarwal, K. Chatterjee, S. Pathak, A. Pavlogiannis and V. Toman
FMSD 2021 Faster Algorithms for Quantitative Verification in Constant Treewidth Graphs (pdf)
K. Chatterjee, R. Ibsen-Jensen and A. Pavlogiannis
POPL 2021 Optimal Prediction of Synchronization-Preserving Races (pdf) (slides)
U. Mathur, A. Pavlogiannis and M. Viswanathan
POPL 2021 The Fine-Grained and Parallel Complexity of Andersen's Pointer Analysis (pdf) (slides)
A. A. Mathiasen and A. Pavlogiannis
EMSOFT 2020 Precedence-aware Automated Competitive Analysis of Real-time Scheduling (pdf) (slides)
A. Pavlogiannis*, N. Schaumberger, U. Schmid and K. Chatterjee
ATVA 2020 Faster Algorithms for Quantitative Analysis of MCs and MDPs with Small Treewidth (pdf, video)
A. Asadi, K. Chatterjee, A. K. Goharshady, K. Mohammadi and A. Pavlogiannis
LICS 2020 The Complexity of Dynamic Data Race Prediction (pdf) (slides)
U. Mathur, A. Pavlogiannis and M. Viswanathan
ESOP 2020 Optimal and Perfectly Parallel Algorithms for On-demand Data-flow Analysis (pdf)
K. Chatterjee, A. Kafshdar Goharshady, R. Ibsen-Jensen and A. Pavlogiannis
POPL 2020 Fast, Sound, and Effectively Complete Dynamic Race Prediction (pdf)(slides)
A. Pavlogiannis
PLoS Comput Biol Limits on Amplifiers of Natural Selection under death-Birth Updating (pdf) (suppl)
J. Tkadlec*, A. Pavlogiannis*, K. Chatterjee, M. A. Nowak
TOPLAS Faster Algorithms for Algebraic Path Properties in Recursive State Machines with Constant Treewidth (pdf)
K. Chatterjee, A. K. Goharshady, P. Goyal, R. Ibsen-Jensen, A. Pavlogiannis
OOPSLA 2019 Value-Centric Dynamic Partial Order Reduction (pdf)(slides)
K. Chatterjee, A. Pavlogiannis, V. Toman
POPL 2019 Efficient Parameterized Algorithms for Data Packing (pdf)
K. Chatterjee, A. K. Goharshady, N. Okati, A. Pavlogiannis
Communications Biology Population structure determines the tradeoff between fixation probability and fixation time (pdf) (suppl)
J. Tkadlec*, A. Pavlogiannis*, K. Chatterjee, Martin A. Nowak
Communications Biology Construction of Arbitrarily Strong Amplifiers of Natural Selection Using Evolutionary Graph Theory (pdf) (suppl) (suppl-long) (Quanta) (Wired)(Com Bio Highlights)
A. Pavlogiannis*, J. Tkadlec*, K. Chatterjee, Martin A. Nowak
TOPLAS Algorithms for Algebraic Path Properties in Concurrent Systems of Constant Treewidth Components (pdf)
K. Chatterjee, A. K. Goharshady, R. Ibsen-Jensen, A. Pavlogiannis
POPL 2018 Data-centric Dynamic Partial Order Reduction (pdf) (slides)
M. Chalupa, K. Chatterjee, A. Pavlogiannis, N. Sinha, K. Vaidya
POPL 2018 Optimal Dyck Reachability for Data-dependence and Alias Analysis (pdf) (slides)
K. Chatterjee, B. Choudhary, A. Pavlogiannis
RTS Automated Competitive Analysis of Real-time Scheduling with Graphs and Games (pdf)
K. Chatterjee, A. Pavlogiannis, A. Kößler, U. Schmid
ATVA 2017 JTDec: A Tool for Tree Decompositions in Soot (pdf)
K. Chatterjee, A. K. Goharshady, A. Pavlogiannis
Scientific Reports Amplification on Undirected Population Structures: Comets Beat Stars (pdf) (suppl)
A. Pavlogiannis*, J. Tkadlec*, K. Chatterjee, Martin A. Nowak
ESOP 2017 Faster Algorithms for Weighted Recursive State Machines (pdf)
K. Chatterjee, B. Kragl, S. Mishra, A. Pavlogiannis
ESA 2016 Optimal Reachability and a Space-Time Tradeoff for Distance Queries in Constant-Treewidth Graphs (pdf) (slides)
K. Chatterjee, R. Ibsen-Jensen, A. Pavlogiannis
POPL 2016 Algorithms for Algebraic Path Properties in Concurrent Systems of Constant Treewidth Components (pdf) (slides)
K. Chatterjee, A. K. Goharshady, R. Ibsen-Jensen, A. Pavlogiannis
Scientific Reports Cellular Cooperation with Shift Updating and Repulsion (pdf) (suppl)
A. Pavlogiannis*, K. Chatterjee, B. Adlam, M. A. Nowak
CAV 2015 Faster Algorithms for Quantitative Verification in Constant Treewidth Graphs (pdf) (slides)
K. Chatterjee, R. Ibsen-Jensen, A. Pavlogiannis
POPL 2015 Faster Algorithms for Algebraic Path Properties in Recursive State Machines with Constant Treewidth (pdf) (slides)
K. Chatterjee, R. Ibsen-Jensen, A. Pavlogiannis, P. Goyal
POPL 2015 Quantitative Interprocedural Analysis (pdf)
K. Chatterjee, A. Pavlogiannis, Y. Velner
RTSS 2014 A Framework for Automated Competitive Analysis of On-line Scheduling of Firm-Deadline Tasks (pdf) (slides)
K. Chatterjee, A. Pavlogiannis, A. Kößler, U. Schmid
PLoS Comput Biol The Time Scale of Evolutionary Innovation (pdf) (suppl) (slides)
K. Chatterjee*, A. Pavlogiannis, B. Adlam, M. A. Nowak
FMCAD 2013 Distributed synthesis for LTL fragments (pdf) (slides)
K. Chatterjee, T. A. Henzinger, J. Otop, A. Pavlogiannis
BMC Bioinformatics A flood-based information flow analysis and network minimization method for gene regulatory networks (pdf)
A. Pavlogiannis*, V. Mozhayskiy, I. Tagkopoulos
Theor. Comput. Sci. 2011 Passively Mobile Communicating Machines that Use Restricted Space (pdf)
I. Chatzigiannakis, O. Michail, S. Nikolaou, A. Pavlogiannis, P. G. Spirakis
FOMC 2011 Passively mobile communicating machines that use restricted space (pdf) (slides)
I.Chatzigiannakis, O.Michail, S. Nikolaou, A. Pavlogiannis, P. G. Spirakis
MFCS 2010 All Symmetric Predicates in NSPACE(n^2) Are Stably Computable by the Mediated Population Protocol Model (pdf)
I.Chatzigiannakis, O. Michail, S. Nikolaou, A. Pavlogiannis, P. G. Spirakis
Eureka! 2010 Computational Models for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey (pdf)
A. Filipas, I.Chatzigiannakis, O. Michail, S. Nikolaou, A. Pavlogiannis, P. G. Spiraki