Aarhus University Seal

Useful information for postdocs

Career development, planning and counselling

As a young researcher in a time-limited position, it is highly recommendable that you take the time to plan ahead and engage in career planning. This way you ensure that you have as much knowledge about your preferred job path as possible and the right skills and competences for succeeding in getting and managing that job whether it is in- or outside of academia.

Read more and book an appointment for career counselling

The junior Researcher Association

Become a member of the Junior Researcher Association. Engage with your peers and advocate for an optimal work environment of junior researchers. 

See https://talent.au.dk/for-junior-researchers/the-junior-researcher-association

Foundations and programmes

Research Professional – www.researchprofessional.com

Research Professional is an external funding database with a comprehensive coverage of especially European and other international funding opportunities within all research areas.

All employees at Aarhus University have access to the database, and the search results can be saved, downloaded or shared with colleagues.

When signing up, you will continuously be notified of funding opportunities that are relevant to you or your research group.

Create your profile here

Career Paths

Junior Researchers have promising employment perspectives and find employment in many different sectors: in academia, in public and private sector and in industry. The skills and expertise that follow with a research career are in high demand.

For many researchers it is difficult to envision the possible career paths and options available. To make this slightly easier, you can find a description of the key pathways that are the typical for young researchers. This will provide you with an overview of possibilities and ideas about how to plan your own career. The four tracks are meant as guidelines that can inspire you to reflect on which path that matches your skills, interests and values the most. 

Explore the four main career paths for junior reseachers.

Teaching courses at the university educational centre (CED)

CED offers a wide range of courses, webinars and workshops for assistant professor and postdocs.