Aarhus University Seal

Record international interest: Significant increase in applications to Computer Science

Last week was the application deadline for higher education programmes in Denmark. In total, the Department received 391 applications for our two bachelor programmes, of which 47% have either Computer Science or IT Product Development as their first-priority. The number is slightly lower than last year, but we are happy to see a continued interest from female students, who constitute almost 22% of the applicants to our bachelor programmes.

“I am excited about every application we receive, and I look forward to welcoming all our new students. I would, of course, have loved to see many more applicants, since society desperately needs our graduates. There are endless opportunities with an IT education and a very rich IT job market. All our graduates can pick and choose their dream job and make an impact in many areas of society – whether it be IT entrepreneurship, health, climate, or the energy sector," says Head of Department Kaj Grønbæk.

Record-high number of international applications

The Department has once again received a record-high number of applications for our master’s degree in Computer Science, primarily driven by a significant increase in international full-degree students interested in joining the department. This year, 427 international students applied for admission, marking an impressive 87% increase in international applicants compared to 2023, highlighting the growing global appeal of our programme.

“This significant interest from international students is not just good for the department but also for Danish IT businesses, which are in dire need of more IT talents. Looking ahead, in 2025, Aarhus University will launch Denmark's first international bachelor programmes in Computer Science, IT Product Development, and Data Science. I expect that these new programmes will – similar to our master’s – attract a high number of applicants, further contributing to the education of IT professionals in Denmark," says Kaj Grønbæk.

SEE ALSO >>> Excited business community: Aarhus University opens new IT degree programmes in English

Thanks to everyone who has applied for acceptance to our bachelor and master programmes! We look forward to meeting you all when the new semester begins on August 26.

Applications to Aarhus University

This year, Aarhus University received a total of 29,355 applications (6% more than in 2023). The Faculty of Natural Sciences, which the Department of Computer Science belongs to, has received 2,451 applications, of which 826 are first-priority applicants. More information about the 2024 admission figures at Aarhus University can be found here: https://www.au.dk/nyheder/artikel/kvote-1-stor-interesse-for-aarhus-universitet