CPN Group at DAIMI
Microsoft Research Limited
Danish National Centre for IT-Research
Duration: February 1999 - August 2001
Status reports:
September 1999
In the media:
Alexandra Newspaper, February 2000 (in Danish)
Alexandra Newspaper, February 2000 (in English)
Press Release, September 1999 (in Danish)
Press Release, September 1999 (in English)
Technical Reports
Conference papers
The purpose of this project is to develop and experiment with new interaction techniques for tools offering a complex graphical user interface. These techniques can be classified into three broad categories:
As a test bed for the experiments, the project will design and implement parts of a new user interface for Design/CPN. The new user interface is developed in the object-oriented BETA language which also has been developed a the University of Aarhus. The design and implementation of the basic graphical libraries will be made as reusable frameworks that can be used as the basis for development of other user interfaces with a strong graphical component, e.g., the FREJA graphical editor used in the MJØLNER environment supporting the development of BETA programs. The use of the BETA language and its environment implies that the new user interfaces will be available for the UNIX, Macintosh and Win32 platforms.
As indicated above, the work involves three different groups at the University of Aarhus: the CPN group, the BETA group and the HCI group. These groups are already collaborating in others projects and they are all part of the DEVISE Centre for Experimental System Development. Via the involvement of the HCI group, the project collaborates with the Center for Human-Machine Interaction, funded by the Danish National Research Foundation (Grundforskningsfonden).