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One Education, a Rainbow of Opportunities: Three Alumni Shared Their Career Paths from Study to Full-time Job

Wondering what a future as an IT Product Developer could look like? At our recent career talk, three graduates in IT Product Development gave the students new perspectives on exactly that.

Software developer, project manager, high school teacher, UX designer; the same education, but vastly different career paths. IT Product Development provides specialized yet broad skills in e.g. software development, design, problem-solving and prototyping, and with a diploma in hand, students can choose to direct their IT expertise in many directions. 

The department regularly hosts career talks where students can meet alumni, thereby broadening their perspective on what opportunities that education and the job market offer. At the latest talk, three graduates in IT Product Development were visiting and shared their paths into working life: Senior Software Developer at Universal Robots Anders Kromann Nielsen, former high school teacher and now Project Manager and UX Designer at SCADA MINDS Tobias Elling, and front-end Software Developer at Mjølner Louise Mathiasen. 

They explained and reflected —first individually, then together—on their study time and job choices: do you aim for a specific title or industry? What matters most: salary or a flexible workplace with room for having fun with colleagues? Which skills from the education do you use the most? Large or small workplace? And what might a typical workweek look like? 

The students contributed with questions and reflections, and because the evening's three alumni were in their shoes only a few years ago, it was easy to have some great eye-level conversations. 

The evening ended with sandwiches in the summer sun—and for the students also with new inspiration for what professional adventures the future could bring.