Aarhus University Seal

CoronaLytics – health data from smartphones help us to better deal with corona

Kaj Grønbæk, Professor and Head of Department at the Department of Computer Science together with Carsen Obel, Professor at the Department of Public Health, are initiators of the CoronaLytics project. Photo: Mellissa Bach Kirkeby Yildirim, Aarhus University.

Innovation Fund Denmark supports the CoronaLytics project with 4 M DKK. From University of Aarhus, Professor Kaj Grønbæk of the Department of Computer Science and Professor Carsten Obel of the Institute of Public Health have received support from the Innovation Fund to analyze health data from smartphones and wearables. Their project, CoronaLytics, is carried out in a partnership between Aarhus University, the Alexandra Institute, the Research Unit for General Practice in Aarhus, the Danish Technological Institute and the MedTech Innovation Consortium.

The project will, through analysis of collected health data, help to better understand changes in behavior and the spread of infection in and outside households before, during and after the society lockdown. Based on a unique analysis of this health data from smartphones and so-called wearables, combined with supplementary questions in an app, the project will develop new knowledge about citizens' changing patterns of living, the development of infection and how it has affected families' everyday lives and quality of life. This knowledge should support families and doctors to better handle a new corona wave or pandemic.