Aarhus University Seal

Blogpost: Quantum Computers and Cryptography: Are We Prepared?

As quantum computers advance, current cryptographic schemes face unprecedented threats. Imagine sensitive data being exposed in the future through "store now, decrypt later" attacks. It's imperative to transition to quantum-proof technologies sooner rather than later. Explore two key solutions: Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC), which seamlessly integrates with current infrastructure, ensuring robust encryption and digital signatures, and Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), which uses quantum mechanics for secure key exchange, ideal for high-security environments despite its complex deployment.

Read this blogpost - written by professors Ivan Damgård, Jesper Buus Nielsen and Claudio Orlandi as well as Anders Kragh Dalskov and Søren Eller Thomsen from Partisia - to learn why PQC might be the best bet for widespread security and how QKD can serve specialized needs: https://www.partisia.com/docs/data-privacy-in-a-post-quantum-world/