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Jörg Müller has recently been appointed Associate Professor in Human-Computer Interaction in Ubiquitous Computing, Department of Computer Science,…
At this year's Scandinavian final in First LEGO League at Industriens Hus on 29 November, Crown Princess Mary was invited to attend the event.…
Clemens Klokmose wins Best Paper Award at the Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2014 conference together with Kim Halskov, Janus Bager Kristensen…
During the Aarhus festival ”Børn og Unge” from Aarhus Municipality hosted an event in Ridehuset, where, among other things, a handful of computer…
An app to help farmers monitor their crops, recently brought four computer science students from Aarhus University on top of the rostrum at an…
Department of Computer Science and Institute of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University launches in cooperation with the Alexandra Institute and…
6 PhD students researching into IT have been awarded travel bursaries from the Stibo Foundation worth more than DKK 400,000. The money will enable…
On the eSkills for Jobs 2014 conference on 30 October 2014 in Rome, Italy, Ole Caprani was awarded the e-Skills award for outstanding use of ITC for…
PhD student Asger Feldthaus and his advisor Anders Møller have received an ACM SIGPLAN OOPSLA 2014 Artifact Award for the research tool TSCheck, which…
Associate Professor Aslan Askarov has substituted Harvard University with Aarhus University to become part of the research group in Logic and…
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