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Welcome day for new Master's students in Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science, would like to welcome all our new master students - Danish and international - to the department!

Join us for a chance to meet your co-students, get practical information, meet relevant staff and participate in an optional tour of the department. All to make sure you are ready to start your master studies on August 26.

  • Date: August 23, 2024

  • Time: 10.00 - arrival from 9.30  

  • Location: Åbogade 15, 8200 Aarhus N; Building 5510-104 (INCUBA, Lille Aud)

Tentative program 

9.30-10.00: Arrival and coffee/tea

10.00-10.20: Welcome by Vice Head of Department Anders Møller

10.20-10.30: Ice breaker by Gitte and Louise

10.30-10.50: Introduction to your education and specializations by Louise Wøbbe

10:50-11.05: Introduction to PhD studies by Anders Møller and PhD student 

11:05-11.15: Short break

11.15-11.30: Introduction to your student counselors Marc Tao and Andreas Jespersen

11.30-11.35: Introduction to DSAU

11.35-11.50: Destination AARhus - your contact to IT companies in and around Aarhus University

12.00: Lunchtime - eat sandwiches, socialize with your new classmates, and ask questions to the speakers

13:00: (optional) Tour of the department by Simon Hoggan 

15.00: The Friday bar opens in the Nygaard building

Registration: A link to register for the welcome day will be sent to all new master students at the department via their email in the beginning of August. 

Aarhus University Introduction Days for Internationals

The welcome day at Computer Science is an addition to the Introduction Days for internationals organized by Aarhus University. We recommend you participate in the full program. See program for August 18-21: https://international.au.dk/life/studentscomingtoau/prepareyourarrival/au-intro-days/internationalfulldegree/


If you have any questions, please contact the relevant AU Staff:

We look forward to meeting you!


Gitte Bindzus Foldager

Communications and Recruitment Manager AU Student Administration and Services - International Office

Louise Bødker Wøbbe

Training Consultant Department of Computer Science

Patrick from Germany came to Aarhus to study a master degree in Computer Science. During his studies he got a student job at Danske Bank, which led him to a job as full-time developer for MobilePay. Today, we works as Cloud Data Solution Architect Consultant at Capgemini.

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Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University