This paper reports on project in which CPN Tools is used to model and analyze the embedded system of digital document printer. Simulation is used to analyze the behavior and performance. The challenge in modeling is to create building blocks that enable flexibility in reconguration of architecture and design space exploration. CPN Tools and ProM (a process mining tool) are used to collect and analyze the simulation results. ProM can be used to monitor the real system and the simulated system making comparison easier.
The following paper describes how CP-nets were used to model and analyse the planning process for airplane arrivals in air traffic control. State space analysis is used repeatedly during each cycle of the planning process to generate and evaluate potential solutions to the sequence planning problem. Results obtained through state space queries are used as input for a simulation of the next planning cycle.
This paper reports on an exercise on constructing a visual animation layer for a behaviourally-intensive reactive system. The use cases and scenarios for a system under consideration are translated into a CPN model, which is subsequently complemented with animation-specific elements. The paper describes how CPN model can be structured to facilitate the animation process, and it present the supporting tools for creating the animation. The paper demonstrates that a CPN model complemented with a visual animation layer constitutes a solid basis for addressing behavioural issues in an early phase of the development process, namely during the validation task.
Petri nets represent a convenient formalism for the description of the operational logic of internal agent components within agent-based architectures of simulation models. The ABAsim architecture (as an example) already utilizes place/transition nets for the description of internal components of agents. This paper presents a modified approach which uses non-hierarchical CP-nets for describing behavioural rules of autonomous agents.
The banker's algorithm (BA) can be used to avoid deadlock in resource allocation systems (RAS) with non-sequential processes with flexible routing and use of resources of multiple types at once. This paper presents a modified version of the BA which has been implemented in CPN ML, and it illustrates how the algorithm can be used on a small example RAS which is a transportation system.
The following paper describes how CP-nets and the CPN tools were used to model and simulate the truck courier network of Shawmut National Corporation, which is the third largest bank in New England. The trucks feed the processing centres of the bank with checks from more than 300 branches located throughout Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. The objective of the modelling project was to optimise the truck delivery schedules so that checks are delivered just in time to keep the processing centres operating at maximum capacity. By using the CPN model, the bank reduced the number of trucks in the courier network and hence the cost of the overall operation.
The project is also described in Chapter 15 of:
The following paper describes how CP-nets and the CPN tools were used to model and improve a nuclear waste management programme in charge of the creation of a new system for permanent disposal of nuclear waste.
K.H. Mortensen, V.O. Pinci: Modelling the Work Flow of a Nuclear Waste Management Program. In: R. Valette (ed.): Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1994. Proceedings of the 15th International Petri Net Conference, Zaragoza 1994, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 815, Springer-Verlag 1994, 376-395.
The project is also described in Chapter 19 of:
The following paper describes how CP-nets and the CPN tools were used to model an actor-based framework for time-dependent systems. The model allows both functional and time properties to be validated.
The following papers describe how CP-nets and the CPN tools were used to simulate biochemical processes. The purpose is to augment the knowledge about the control mechanisms of such processes in particular organisms. This knowledge can be helpful for the goal oriented design of drugs.
The following papers describe how CP-nets can be used as a supplement with the Unified Modelling Language (UML). The ideas are illustrated with models and specifications of a healthcare system.
The following paper presents initial work on modelling probabilistic inference using CPN. The development of Factor Graphs and their message passing algorithms provide a way of translating Bayesian Networks into CPN. The occurrence graph with the equivalence class tool is used to assist validating inference algorithms.