Aarhus University Seal


Tuesday, June 25



Session Chair: Jens Leth Hougaard
10.10 Welcome by Peter Bro Miltersen
10.15 Sharing the loss in a gas network. The Spanish case  Abstract
Gustavo Bergantiños
11.15 Coffee break
11.30 Equivalence results in the allocation of indivisible objects: A unified view  Abstract
Jay Sethuraman
12.30 Lunch break (lunch is at your own expense)
Session Chair: Pingzhong Tang
13.30 Non-revelation Mechanism Design  Abstract
Jason Hartline
14.30 Coffee break
14.45 The curse of the first-in-first-out queue discipline  Abstract
Lars Peter Østerdal
15.15 Allocation of Risk Capital: the Lorenz method (student presentation) Abstract
Aleksandrs Smilgins
15.45 Coffee break
16.00 The Price of Anarchy in Games of Incomplete Information  Abstract
Tim Roughgarden
17.00 Pizza and beer

Wednesday, June 26

Session Chair: Jie Zang
09.30 A characterization of single-peaked single-crossing domain  Abstract
Edith Elkind
10.30 Coffee break
10:45 Bidding for Teams  Abstract
John Kennes
11:15 Constrained Signaling for Revenue and Welfare Maximization  Abstract
Nicole Immorlica
11:45 Lunch break (lunch is at your own expense)
Session Chair: Peter Bro Miltersen
13.30 Reductions from Mechanism to Algorithm Design  Abstract
Costis Daskalakis
14.30 Coffee break
14.45 - 15.45 Minimum Cost Spanning Networks  Abstract
Mich Tvede
18.30 Dinner at ARoS

Thursday, June 27

Session Chair: Jens Leth Hougaard
09.30 Proportional Assignment with Quotas, and other methods  Abstract  Presentation
Hervé Moulin
10.30 Coffee break
10:45 Random Assignment: Redefining the Serial Rule  Abstract
Anna Bogomolnaia
11.45 Group photo session
Lunch break (lunch is at your own expense)
Session Chair: Claudio Orlandi
13.30 Differential Privacy for Game Theorists  (tutorial)  Abstract
Kobbi Nissim
15.00 Coffee break
15.15 Modeling Privacy in Mechanism Design  Abstract
David Xiao
16.15 Coffee break
16.30 - 17:30 Mechanism Design for Privacy-Aware Agents  Abstract
Yiling Chen
20:00 Sculpture by the Sea (if weather permits)

Friday, June 28

Session Chair: Jie Zhang
09.15 Optimal mechanisms with simple menus  Abstract
Pingzhong Tang
09.45 Assigning agents to a line  Abstract
Jens Leth Hougaard
10.15 Coffee break

Truthful Approximations to Range Voting (student presentation) Abstract
Aris Filos-Ratsikas

Equilibria of cake cutting protocols (student presentation)  Abstract            
Simina Brânzei
11.30 Coffee break
11:45 On Two Competing Affirmative Actions under Deferred Acceptance Algorithm (student presentation) Abstract
Yun Liu
12.15 Limits on the Power of Cryptographic Cheap Talk (student presentation)  Abstract
Pavel Hubacek
12.45 End of workshop