Aarhus University Seal

CFEM – Center for Research in the 
Foundations of Electronic Markets

CFEM - Center for Research in the Foundations of Electronic Markets

CFEM was a research center committed to combining and advancing state-of-the-art of Computer Science and Economics. More specifically, we dealt with cryptography, algorithmics, complexity, game theory and mechanism design. Our results were used to design, analyze and implement new efficient and secure solutions for any type of electronic trading.

This included auctions, procurement, market regulation, cost allocation and new emerging types of markets on the Internet.


External partners

Peter Bogetoft, professor, Dep. of Economics, CBS

School of Economics and Management, Aarhus University,

Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University,

Copenhagen Business School,

Institute of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen,

The Alexandra Institute,

Danish Competition Authority,

Partisia Market Design, TradeExtensions, Inno:vasion, DONG Energy, Energinet.dk 


Financed by

The Danish Agency for Science Technology and Innovation


Grant for CS activities

  • 26.500.000 DKK


CFEM was supported by the Danish Council for Strategic Research.

The center was based at the Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University and at Copenhagen Business School.

Partners includeded several leading Danish and international research institutions and companies.