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Meet Fie from Systematic

Fie Hebsgaard Morell

Systems Engineer at Systematic

Master's in Computer Science from Aarhus University in 2015


The best thing about computer science is how application-oriented it is. You can directly apply what you learn in your professional life - and use what you've learned. In that way, computer science is a very practical subject. It means a lot to me that I can use the things I learned in my studies in real life. My interest in computer science actually stems from my favorite subject, mathematics, which is closely related to computer science. I had mathematics at A-level in high school, and I think it's a great subject: algebra, algorithms, and mathematical analysis. The ability to prove things and come up with a solution with confidence is something that appeals to me. That's why I chose to study a bachelor's in mathematics at Aarhus University.

During my bachelor's, I became interested in algorithms and data structures as well as cryptography and security, which are central parts of computer science studies. So for me, it was obvious to pursue a Master's degree in computer science as a continuation of my Bachelor's in mathematics. Especially because the computer science program is very flexible, and you can tailor it to your interests. I chose to specialize in cryptography and IT security. It's an area of computer science that is very present in public debate with topics like cybercrime and privacy protection.

The environment at the Department of Computer Science is extremely exciting and inspiring. There are many student events, the professors are very visible, the lecturers are very active and skilled, and the students are active - and it's contagious.

From student to Systems Engineer

During my computer science studies, I attended several career fairs, such as K-day. Here, I realized the high demand for computer scientists and IT professionals. Companies are almost lining up to recruit.

As a recent graduate, there are many things you don't know. But because you've learned the methods in computer science studies, you quickly get into the rhythm of everyday life and tasks. As a Systems Engineer at Systematic, I have many different tasks. Right now, I'm working in a large team on developing the new Danish library system. You might not think about it, but there are many restrictions that need to be met in terms of privacy protection, for example, when borrowing a book from the library. It's a huge development task, and it's been great to be part of starting the project and finding the best possible solutions for the system. At the same time, it's a task where you collaborate with both software architects, project managers, and designers.

I think it's fantastic to work in a large international company because it gives me the opportunity to work with IT security in many different industries - such as defense or health. But it also means that I can steer my career in a different direction if I suddenly feel like it - and that way, I keep a lot of doors open.

In the IT industry, you often get clear feedback on how you can improve within a specific area or task. That means I have the opportunity to develop both professionally and personally. And that's great!

More women should choose an IT education

Even though there aren't nearly as many women as men studying computer science, you shouldn't be discouraged. It's really good that more women decide to go into computer science. Because even though men and women have the same professionalism, it brings a different dynamic to the studies and the workplace because we approach and solve tasks in very different ways.

As a woman, I find that we're good at juggling many tasks. We usually have good leadership skills, keep things organized, and women are often better at asking questions when necessary. In the development of complex software solutions, it's important that someone dares to ask questions. I find that women are particularly competent at thinking holistically and considering all aspects, and that's especially important in an industry that constantly works with designs, tests, and solutions.

I hope and believe that more women in the future will choose an education in IT, as they have a lot to contribute to this exciting and innovative industry.