We have a seminar series where members and visitors of the group give talks about recent research in cryptology and information security.
Everyone is welcome to attend the seminars!
The seminars currently take place on Thursdays from 14:30 to 15.30 in Nygaard-295, Finlandsgade 21-23, 8200 Aarhus N.
A list of coming and previous talks is below. Talks prior to Autumn 2020 can be found here
If you want to give a talk, please send an email to our seminar organizer Peter Scholl.
If you would like to start receiving announcements of the seminars, please contact Malene B.B. Andersen.
Week | Date | Speaker | Title |
13 | 27/3 | Katharina Boudgoust | Leftover Hash Lemma(s) over Cyclotomic Rings - How to find the right one for your cryptosystem! |
12 | 20/3 | TBA | |
11 | 13/3 | Ruben Niederhagen | The MEDS PQC Signature Scheme - How to not become a NIST standard |
10 | 6/3 | Pierre Meyer | "Infinity-rate garbling (where rate is defined as amount-of-useful-information-sent / total-size; I won't be taking any questions or remarks as to why we defined rate that way)" |
4 | 23/1 | Chen-Da Liu-Zhang | Recent Advancements in Communication-Efficient Asynchronous MPC |
2 | 6/1 | Stella Wohnig | Time: 13.30 7 place: Nygaard-298 |
Week | Date | Speaker | Title |
48 | 28/11 | Li Quan | LT code and how it improves data availability sampling performance |
47 | 21/11 | Yansong Feng | Explicit Formulas for the Asymptotic Bound of Small Roots in Coppersmith’s Method |
44 | 31/10 | Nan Cheng | Communication Optimization in SS-FSS Hybrid 2PC |
43 | 24/10 | Mark Simkin | Extractable Witness Encryption for KZG Commitments and Efficient Laconic OT |
39 | 26/9 | Markus V. G. Jensen, Hans-Christian Kjeldsen, Andrekas S. Nielsen | Verifying ElectionGuard: a theoretical and empirical analysis |
38 | 19/9 | Mark Simkin | The Power of NAPs: Compressing OR-Proofs via Collision-Resistant Hashing |
37 | 10/9 | Marcel Keller | MP-SPDZ at 6 and the State of Practical MPC Time: 14.15 in Nygaard-295 |
26 | 27/6 | Ivan Damgård | A lower bound on the communication in asynchronous MPC |
25 | 20/6 | Ignacio Amores Sesar | Are DAGs better than chains? |
24 | 13/6 | LaKyah Tyner | Lower Bounds on Anonymous Whistleblowing |
20 | 16/5 | Kaartik Bhushan | Bounded-Key Streaming Functional Encryption from Minimal Assumptions |
15 | 10/4 | Serge Fehr | Knowledge Soundness of Special-Sound Proofs |
14 | 4/4 | Matteo Campanelli | Merlin becomes greedy, obsessed with scalability and a knowledge show-off (Or: How to Make Rational Arguments Practical and Extractable) |
9 | 29/2 | Damiano Abram | Costant-Round Simulation-Secure Coin Tossing Extension with Guaranteed Output |
9 | 28/2 | Aron van Baarsen | Fuzzy Private Set Intersection with Large Hyperballs Time: 15.00 in Nygaard-295 |
8 | 22/2 | Pierre Meyer | A Note on Low-Communication Secure Multiparty Computation via Circuit Depth-Reduction |
6 | 8/2 | Pierre Meyer | Fast Public-Key Silent OT and More from Constrained Naor-Reingold |
Week | Date | Speaker | Title |
49 | 6/11 | Ryo Kikuchi | Secure Statistical Analysis on Multiple Datasets: Join and Group-By |
48 | 30/11 | Kelong Cong | Flash-PSI: Efficient Fuzzy Labeled PSI Time: Thursday at 13.00 // Place: Nygaard-295 |
47 | 22/11 | Khanh Ngoc | Lattice-Based Polynomial Commitments: Towards Asymptotic and Concrete Efficiency |
46 | 15/11 | Diego Aranha, Lennart Braun, Jakob Burkhardt | CCS 2023 - Speed Talks |
45 | 8/11 | Sasha Lapiha | "SIS-with-hints" assumptions, reductions and lattice-based polynomial commitments |
44 | 1/11 | Sebastian Kolby | Using LaBRADOR to build aggregate signatures for Falcon |
43 | 25/10 | Marius Årdal | Overview of LaBRADOR and how to prove its Fiat-Shamir security |
39 | 27/9 | Peter | VOLE-in-the-Head and FAEST |
38 | 20/9 | Sihang Pu | Lattice-based t-out-of-n Threshold Signatures |
38 | 19/9 | Laasya Bangalore | Differentially Private Distributed Mean Estimation with Malicious Security Time: 14.00-15.00 / Place: Nygaard-295 |
37 | 13/9 | Thomas Prest | Masking-friendly signatures and the design of Raccoo |
36 | 6/9 | Marius Årdal | Proving knowledge soundness of imperfect special sound protocols |
35 | 30/8 | Yash Kondi | Threshold ECDSA in Three Rounds |
34 | 23/8 | Tore Frederiksen | Introducing the fhEVM - Privacy preserving smart contracts using FHE |
33 | 14/8 | Julian Loss | Network-Agnostic Security Comes (Almost) for Free in DKG and MPC |
25 | 19/6 | Jesper Buus Nielsen | On Valiant’s Conjecture |
24 | 12/6 | Amit Agarwal | Communication efficient secure logistic regression |
20 | 15/5 | Mathias Hall-Andersen | Dora -- The Branch Explorer Place: Nygaard-184 |
14 | 3/4 | Nikolaj Schwartzbach | The Planted k-SUM Problem: Algorithms, Lower Bounds, Hardness Amplification, and Cryptography |
12 | 20/3 | Sabine Oechsner | On lower bounds for garbling scheme |
11 | 17/3 | Benedikt Wagner | Chopsticks: Fork-Free Two-Round Multi-Signatures from Non-Interactive Assumptions Time: 14.00-15.00 / Place: Nygaard-295 |
11 | 13/3 | Julian Loss Juan Garay | Gossiping for Communication-Efficient Broadcast Universally Composable Almost-Everywhere Secure Computation |
10 | 6/3 | Hiraku Morita | Constant-Round Private Decision Tree Evaluation for Secret Shared Data |
10 | 28/2 | Yvonne Mao | Security of the NIST SP800 108r1 Key Derivation Functions |
9 | 27/2 | Corentin Jeudy | Lattice Signature with Efficient Protocols, Application to Anonymous Credentials |
8 | 20/2 | Lance Roy | Can We Beat Three Halves Gates? |
6 | 6/2 | Ivan Damgård | Secure DNA and distributed Exponentiation |
4 | 24/1 | AbdelKarim Kati (Karim) | Cryptanalysis Strikes Back, A Realistic assessment of leakage attacks on Encrypted Search |
Week | Date | Speaker | Title |
48 | 1/12 | Ana Costache | On the Precision Loss in Approximate Homomorphic Encryption Time: 11.00-12.00 / Place: Nygaard-295 |
48 | 29/11 | Michael Klooß | Relaxed Range Proofs |
47 | 23/11 | Anca Nitulescu | How to make it private? Content Routing Open Problems! Time: 11.00-12.00 / Place: Nygaard-395 |
47 | 22/11 | Jesper Nielsen | A Walk in the ORAM Forest / About oblivious RAMs and something about tree |
46 | 15/11 | Christian Majenz | Post-quantum Security of Fiat-Shamir Signatures in the Quantum Random Oracle Model |
45 | 9/11 | Maciej Obremski | A New Model of Leakage |
45 | 8/11 | Mark Simkin | Squirrel: Efficient Synchronized Multi-Signatures from Lattices |
44 | 1/11 | Katharina Boudgoust | Simple Threshold (Fully Homomorphic) Encryption From LWE with Polynomial Modulus |
43 | 25/10 | Akira Takahashi | Witness-Succinct Universally-Composable SNARKs |
38 | 20/9 | Yashvanth Kondi | On the Role of Randomness in Straight-Line Extractable Compilers |
35 | 2/9 | Orestis Alpos | Do not trust in numbers: Distributed cryptography and Byzantine quorum systems beyond thresholds Time: 10.00-11.30 / Place: Nygaard-295 |
35 | 29/8 | Tushar Mopuri | Dew: Transparent Constant-sized zkSNARKs |
34 | 24/8 | Sebastian Kolby Anat Paskan-Cherniavsky | The State of the Union: Union-Only Signatures for Data Aggregation On Perfectly Secure 2-party Computation of Symmetric Functionalities with Correlated Randomness |
32 | 10/8 | Ivan Damgård | Some observations on distributed key generation |
27 | 4/7 | Crypto Summer Day 2022 | |
26 | 27/6 | Dario Fiore | On the Impossibility of Algebraic Vector Commitments in Pairing-Free Groups |
21 | 25/5 | Sebastian Kolby | The State of the Union: Union-Only Signatures for Data Aggregation |
19 | 11/5 | Youssef El Housni | SNARKs and elliptic curves |
18 | 4/5 | Aurore Guillevic | A crash course on pairing-friendly curves |
17 | 27/4 | Luisa Siniscalchi | Delayed-Input MPC-in-the-Head and Applications to Black-Box Non-Malleable Commitments |
15-16 | 13/4-20/4 | No seminar due to Easter | |
14 | 6/4 | Mary Maller | ZK-SNARKs: A plethora of ideas guaranteed to upset cryptographers |
13 | 31/3 | Bernardo David | Realising YOSO Communication Channels: Encryption to the Future and its efficient PVSS-friendly Instantiations The talk will be held in Nygaard-327 from 15:00 to 16:00 |
13 | 30/3 | Hannah Keller | Quantifying identifiability to choose and audit epsilon in differentially private deep learning |
12 | 24/3 | Anca Nitulescu | Linear Map Vector Commitments and Applications The talk will be held in Ada-333 from 15:00 to 16:00 |
12 | 23/3 | Akira Takahashi | Verifiable Encryption from MPC-in-the-Head |
11 | 16/3 | Mathias Hall-Andersen | Secure Multiparty Computation with Free Branching |
10 | 9/3 | Rahul Rachuri | Le Mans: Dynamic and Fluid MPC for Dishonest Majority |
9 | 2/3 | Mahak Pancholi | Fiat–Shamir Bulletproofs are Non-Malleable (in the Algebraic Group Model) |
8 | 23/2 | Hamidreza Khoshakhlagh | SNARKY Signatures with Universal and Updatable Setup |
3 | 20/1 | Maciej Obremski | Wondrous journey through the land of Privacy Amplification The tak will be held in the PBA Auditorium |
Week | Date | Speaker | Title |
50 | 16/12 | Thomas K.T. Mogensen and Jakob S. Villumsen | Thomas: MitID - The new NemID // Jakob: Implementing an OPRF The talks will be held in Ada-333 (building 5342, room 333) |
49 | 9/12 | Daniel Tschudi | Cutting Cake Equally The talk will be held in PBA (building 5335, room 016) |
48 | 2/12 | Luisa Siniscalchi | Round-Optimal Multi-Party Computation with Identifiable Abort |
47 | 25/11 | Felix Engelmann | Highly Opinionated Introduction to using git for Collaborative Paper Writing The talk will be held in Ada-333 (building 5342, room 333) |
46 | 18/11 | Petr Sedláček | Limitations of incompressible encodings |
45 | 11/11 | Nico Döttling | Batch-OT with Optimal Rate The talk will be held in the PBA Auditorium (building 5335, room 016) |
44 | 4/11 | Damiano Abram | Distributed (Correlation) Samplers: How to Remove a Trusted Dealer in One Round |
43 | 28/10 | Daniel Escudero | Information-Theoretically Secure MPC against Mixed Dynamic Adversaries The talk will take place in Ada-333, building 5342, room 333 |
42 | 21/10 | Autumn Break | |
41 | 14/10 | Ivan Damgård | An open problem in communication complexity of MPC The talk will be held in the PBA Auditorium, building 5335/room 016 |
40 | 7/10 | Katharina Boudgoust | Hardness of Module Learning With Errors With Small Secrets |
39 | 30/9 | No seminar due to EuroCrypt deadline | |
38 | 23/9 | CS Colloquium with Aurore Guillevic on "The knapsack algorithm in analytical chemistry" | |
37 | 16/9 | Maciej Obremski | The Mother of All Leakages |
36 | 9/9 | Suvradip Chakraborty | Combining Forward-Security and Leakage-Resilience for Non-Interactive Key Exchange |
35 | 2/9 | Nikolaj I. Schwartzbach | Secure rational multi-party computation from publicly verifiable covert secure protocols |
34 | 26/8 | No seminar due to PhD and Postdoc Retreat | |
33 | No seminar | ||
32 | 12/8 | Jonathan Bootle | Sumcheck Arguments and their Applications |
27-31 | Summer Break | ||
26 | 1-2/7 | Crypto Summer Days | |
23 | 10/6 | Matteo Campanelli and Felix Engelmann | Key-value Commitments for Multi-token QuisQuis |
22 | 3/6 | No seminar | |
21 | 27/5 | Daniel Escudero | Secure Computation in a Unstable Network with Dropouts and Comebacks |
20 | 20/5 | Mathias Hall-Andersen | Stacking Sigmas: A Framework to Compose Σ-Protocols for Disjunctions |
19 | 13/5 | No seminar due to Ascension Day | |
18 | 6/5 | No seminar | |
17 | 29/4 | Ivan Damgård | Work-in-progress-talk |
16 | 22/4 | Nikolaj I. Schwartzbach | Game theory on the blockchain: a model for games with smart contracts |
15 | 15/4 | Peter Sebastian Nordholt | Cross-Layer Deanonymization Methods in the Lightning Protocol |
14 | 8/4 | Thomas Attema | Compressed Σ-Protocol Theory |
13 | 1/4 | - | Easter break |
12 | 25/3 | Danilo Francatti | Kolmogorov complexity and cryptography: New connections and applications to space-demanding functions |
11 | 18/3 | No seminar | |
10 | 11/3 | Katharina Boudgoust | Towards aggregating lattice signatures |
9 | 4/3 | Mahak Pancholi | Reverse Firewalls for Adaptively Secure MPC without Setup |
8 | 25/2 | No seminar | |
7 | 18/2 | Rasmus Pagh | On the Power of Multiple Anonymous Messages |
6 | 11/2 | Peter Scholl | The Rise of Paillier: Homomorphic Secret Sharing and Public-Key Silent OT - The talk will start at 12:30. |
5 | 4/2 | Carsten Baum | Banquet: Short and Fast Signatures from AES |
2020 | |||
52=> | 24/12=> | Christmas Break | |
51 | 14/12 | Various | Aarhus Crypto Winter Day - Postponed to 2021 due to COVID-19 |
50 | 10/12 | Aurore Guillevic | Factoring RSA of 240 decimal digits and computing discrete logarithms in a 240-decimal-digit prime field with the same software and hardware |
49 | 3/12 | Luisa Siniscalchi | Multiparty Computation with Covert Security and Public Verifiability |
48 | 26/11 | Tjerand Silde | Lattice based shuffle and verifiable mixing networks |
47 | 19/11 | No seminar | |
46 | 12/11 | No seminar | |
45 | 5/11 | Tore Frederiksen | P2DEX: Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Exchange |
44 | 29/10 | Carsten Baum | Mac'n'Cheese: Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Arithmetic Circuits with Nested Disjunctions |
43 | 22/10 | Eduardo Soria-Vazquez | Rinocchio: If you like SNARKs you should put a ring on them |
42 | 15/10 | -- | Autumn Break |
40 | 1/10 | Salvatore Ingala | Fast Hash-Based Additive Accumulators |