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Title: High-performance secure multi-party computation for data mining applications.
Title: Private Recommendations Efficiently Using Homomorphic Encryption and Data Packing.
Title: Incentive Ratios of Fisher Markets. Jie Zhang has got his paper accepted at The 39th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and…
IT er i dag en integreret del af vores sociale og kulturelle liv, og vi bidrager i stigende grad alle med at tilpasse teknologien til vores egne…
Datalogisk Institut ved Aarhus Universitet har netop sendt de første kandidater i it-produktudvikling ud på jobmarkedet. Uddannelsen kombinerer…
Prosa: Mandag den 4. juni slog Datalogisk Institut på Aarhus Universitet dørene op for et stjernefelt af verdens førende kryptologer. 22 talere, der…
PRESS RELEASE: When the world’s leading pioneers of cryptography meet at Aarhus University from June 4 to 8, 2012, there are not many secrets among…
Version2: 120 tophjerner inden for kryptologisk forskning er samlet i Aarhus for at diskutere Multiparty Computation.
ComOn Online: Kan man regne uden at kigge på de data, man regner på? Det er et af emnerne, der skal diskuteres på krypteringskonference i Aarhus.
Title: Distributed Public Key Schemes Secure against Continual Leakage. Carmit Hazay has got her paper accepted at 31st Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS…
Title: Tight bounds on computing error-correcting codes by bounded-depth circuits with arbitrary gates. To appear at: 44th ACM Symposium on Theory of…
Title: Secure Two-Party Computation with Low Communication.
PRESS RELEASE: In the coming six years economists and computer scientists will cooperate on developing new state-of-the-art e-market solutions. The…
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