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Students from the IT-bachelor programme at the Dept. of Computer Science will exhibit and demonstrate projects and prototypes at June 17 2013 (2-5PM),…
The Professor of programming languages, Lars Birkedal has received DKK 11.900.000 with the purpose of solving one of the major challenges in Computer…
Flooding caused by extreme weather has had dramatic consequences in recent years. Leading Danish forces in handling large amounts of data and analysis…
Andy Yao,one of the superstars in Computer Science, is currently visiting CTIC and will give a lecture on Friday 31 May 2013.
Thomas Dueholm Hansen was one of the five PhD students on Tuesday 28 May 2013 who received the Aarhus University Research Foundation PhD - prize along…
PhD project contributes to the development of techniques for handling large live data streams
On the 1st of April, industrial PhD Peiman Mamani…
Five teachers are nominated for the award as Teacher of the Year at the Department of Computer Science. All students in CS are eligible to vote and…
Computer science graduate Jakob Nielsen received ACM SigCHI lifetime practice award, in connection with the CHI conference in Paris.
The five AU students behind the WasteAware project to minimize the waste of food in kitchens, hope that being in the playoff for a major innovation…
CTIC (Center for the Theory of Interactive Computation) offers postdoc positions within the theory of computation and related areas at Aarhus…
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