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Lecture in the morning, dialogue in the afternoon, and pizza and beer in the evening. This is what’s on the agenda for around 40 participants who…
Tobias Fjelsted Alrøe, student from IT-product development, won the sustainability category resolving Urban Insects at 'Forum for Social Innovation…
The Danish National Research Foundation has selected 8 stories about how curiosity and ground-breaking research have led to application and…
Dear employee at the Department of Computer Science
In the fall 2012 most of you participated in a questionnaire survey to clarify the psychological…
On January 29, 2013 Casper Wandahl Schmidt could call himself Master in Computer Science from Aarhus University as number 1500 in the line of computer…
Søren Besenbacher is awarded DKK 2.6 million for a project entitled Disentangling mutation and selection in human evolution. Søren is former PhD…
In the latest production of the video series "Ud af boksen" professor Christian S. Jensen explains how data intensive systems can be used in practice,…
In a not so distant future, we will be able to get smart electricity from our power sockets. This may lead to easier, cheaper and greener energy for…
Jacob Markussen, who has graduated in IT product development at Aarhus University in 2012, has just received 1 million DKK from Østjysk Innovation.…
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