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Professor Pankaj K. Agarwal, Duke University, USA, is a leader in the computer science field of big data on an international scale. In connection with…
In these days 225 new students start at the Department of Computer Science which is the highest number ever.
In the past two weeks, the AU's Center for Participatory IT has hosted a summer school "SummerPIT". The center has had guests from home and abroad,…
This year’s focus at the MADALGO Summer School is on data structures. But the event provides far more than knowledge. PhD students from 19 different…
The Danish National Research Foundation Center for the Theory of Interactive Computation (CTIC) has just been extended research grant until 2017. CTIC…
Robert (Bob) Endre Tarjan is one of the main attractions at MADALGO Summer school 2013 on Data Structures. Bob Tarjan was the 1986 co-recipient of the…
The bachelor education in IT at the Department of Computer Science have experienced a 50 percent increase in the number of applicants compared to…
On August 19.22, 2013 the Center for Massive Data Algorithmics (MADALGO) will repeat the success from 2012 and host yet another summer school.
The Ubiquitous Computing and Interaction research group at Department of Computer Science is working on developing a technology and software based on…
26 graduate students from the IT Product Development Masters degree program at CS is currently collecting the pieces after some amazing months of…
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