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This spring, 30 high school teachers from all over the country have attended a course in programming at Aarhus University. Programming is one of…
At the department, we are currently looking to fill both administrative and scientific positions.
Denmark's digital super star Bjarne Stroustrup, who completed his master at the department, is one of the world's leading computer scientists. With…
This year, no less than 408 applicants have applied for the Bachelor’s degree program in computer science at Aarhus University. More than half of the…
Friday 30th of June, family, friends and teachers gathered at Department of Computer Science to celebrate the graduation of 57 new masters in Computer…
Three students from IT product development - Mads Kleeman, André Schmidt and Oskar Andersen - have developed the DropPoint infotainment system for…
The Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University will welcome 11 new international students from countries such as Czech Republic, Italy, China…
Lars Birkedal, Professor and Head of Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University, has been awarded a Facebook Faculty Research Award. The award…
In his master thesis, Anders Dalskov from Department of Computer Science, investigated the security of the popular cloud-storage solution SpiderOak…
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