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Congratulations to PhD student Anders Dalskov for winning “Dansk Selskab for Datalogi” best Danish master thesis award for his thesis entitled:”…
Four IT Product Development students from Department of Computer Science are selected for Innovation Fund Denmark's program – InnoFounder. They were…
Our IT Product Development students presented and demonstrated their first year projects. The framework for their projects was Assistive Technology,…
Congratulations to computer science student Christoffer Hauthorn and his business partners in Emplate ApS who just won the entrepreneurial competition…
Last week, the department invited 13 European top-students from countries such as Czech Republic, Portugal, Romania and Germany. All of them are…
This week, 150 researchers, students and experts within the field of MPC Technology visit the Department for the annual ‘Theory and Practice of…
On May 1, Hans-Jörg Schulz started as Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science. He joins the Ubiquitous Computing and Interaction…
Associate professor Bas Spitters has received a grant of DKK 3.4 million from Air Force Office of Scientific Research. The grant includes funding for…
In keeping with tradition, the winners of the CS Awards are always announced at Computer Science Day. This year was no exception as the awards for…
Five teachers are nominated for Teacher of the Year. In a vote the students will name the winner, who will be announced at Computer Science Day on May…
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