Five teachers are nominated for the Teacher of the Year award 2019 at the Department of Computer Science.
All enrolled students at Computer Science and IT Product Development are eligible for voting and have the opportunity to participate in the poll. The students will receive an email with a link to the poll and we encourage every student to help us elect this year's winner.
The award is given to a teacher for a specific course taught now or in the previous year. Teachers can not win for two consecutive years. Selection of nominees is made by a committee consisting of representatives of the department's student associations (DSAU, SOFA) and student representatives from the department's council and committee.
The award will be presented af the Computer Science Day 2019, at 1.15 pm in the Peter Bøgh Andersen Auditorium.
There will also be presented a TA of the year awards as well as a student award, awarded to one or more students who have made a special effort to the benefit of the department in the past year.
Gerth Stølting Brodal - Foundations of Algorithms and Data Structures Gerth is always very committed to the content and goals of the course, and as a student, you want to meet up for the lectures because of the high academic level but also because the lectures are inspirational and fun. Gerth is very engaged in the communication between him self and the students during lectures, and he goes a long way to ensure that everbody actually understands the substance and the examples in every lecture. It is also very clear that Gerth puts a lot of effort into utilising instructors/TA's in the best way possible. |
Henrik Bærbak Christensen - Software Engineering and Architecture Henrik Bærbak Christensen is nominated for the Software Development and Software Architecture course. During the course Henrik managed to exemplify core parts of the curriculum through small stories from the industry - always in a very committed and enthusiastic way. Henrik is very committed to maintaining the students’ attention throughout the lectures and manages to balance the weight of theory and practical aspects in an elegant manner. The course is perfectly complemented by a large project where all students had ample opportunity to apply and implement the theory. That way everyone was able to feel the joy of good code - as well as the frustrations of bad. |
Marianne Graves Petersen – Innovation Project One of the great strengths of this course is that Marianne facilitates a great deal of student ownership and involvement by integrating student involvement in the planning and execution of the entire project. This allows students to develop individual project- and proces- skills but still maintain a focus on the academic subject. |
Jaco van de Pol – Computability and Logic
Anders Møller – Programming Languages The concept of a project-driven course worked very well, and gave a great hands-on experience. The communication around the course (BB, video recorded lectures, Study Cafe setup) and the thorough feedback was outstanding and really made this course a great experience. |