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Many of us use AI on a weekly or even daily basis, and it sustains major parts of our society. Therefore, it’s important that we keep learning and…
Congratulations to Ole Caprani on his 50th anniversary at Aarhus University on May 1, 2024. This anniversary marks not only a distinguished career but…
Michael E. Caspersen receives the 2024 ACM SIGCSE Award for Outstanding Contribution to Computer Science Education.
“(For Computer Science, red.),…
By 2025, three new English-language Bachelor's programmes in Computer Science, Data Science and IT Product Development will attract even more…
The paper ‘Blended Whiteboard: Physicality and Reconfigurability in Remote Mixed Reality Collaboration’ has just received an Honorable Mention Award.…
In Denmark, trust is high and digitization is well advanced. This combination is in many ways a blessing for society, but it also makes Denmark a…
Three IT Product Development students are behind LakeLog: an exam project that sparked such enthusiasm at Naturvidenskabernes Hus that it's now fully…
The festivities were in full swing as 54 companies showed up for Katrinebjerg's Career Day, Kdag 2024. With a sizzling IT job market, there's a high…
Exactly 4 years after Amin Timany joined the Logic and Semantics research group as a Tenure Track Assistant Professor to do research within program…
Every time you click around on the internet, you leave traces. But perhaps you'll be surprised at HOW well the internet knows you. That was certainly…
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