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All Danish computer science departments and the Alexandra Institute form a unique alliance, which is supported by DKK 100 million by Innovation Fund…
“The Sapere Aude programme is a fantastic opportunity to consolidate my research and develop my skills as a research leader. It is great to see my…
Researchers from Logic & Semantics and Programming Languages have had a remarkably high number of papers accepted at the top conferences OOPSLA’20 and…
Once again HCI at Aarhus University hosts the NordiCHI conference. In 2022 the overall theme will be “Participative computing for sustainable…
All Computer Science and IT Product Development students can now apply for an office at the department, for the 2021 spring semester. Deadline is…
This weekend, associate professor Kasper Green Larsen gave a talk about Lower Bounds for Multiplication via Network Coding for the finalists in the…
Bachelor students Jonathan Lindegaard Starup and Jesper Steensgaard have been part of the department’s Talent Track programme, in which students get…