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OK Google, I would like to visit a city like Aarhus". A seemingly simple question like this finds only disappointing answers from modern smart…
What would you rather compute with a paper and pencil, 3'593'103 + 1'502'348 or 3'593'103 x 1'502'348? Most sane people would prefer adding the two…
I would like to invite you to celebrate a 25 year old high-impact paper from Department of Computer Science, AU. To my knowledge, the paper is…
The digital society, including our personal life, depends increasingly on software. Software errors are annoying, hinder productivity, screw up our…
In this talk, we will discuss software-based microarchitectural attacks, with a focus on Meltdown and Spectre.
Abbreviations are convenient when we refer to a concept again and again, in particular if it is a long or complicated term. Naturally, due to the…
It is well known that if you want to prevent aliens (or just other people) from reading your thoughts, you can simply wear a tinfoil hat. However, as…
Inauguration Lecture: Hans-Jörg Schulz
With starting point in her newly started ERC grant, Susanne Bødker will talk about the digital objects that people, in everyday life as well…
How worried should we be?
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