Aarhus University Seal

Researchers in the Ubiquitous Computing and Interaction group


Niklas Elmqvist

E: elm@cs.au.dk

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Visualization | Information visualization | Human Computer Interaction | Visual Analytics | Big data

Hans Gellersen

(part time)

E: hwg@cs.au.dk 

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Ubiquitous Computing | Human Computer Interaction

Kaj Grønbæk

E: kgronbak@cs.au.dk 

My webpage | My Google scholar

Ubiquitous Computing | HCI | Visual Analytics | Hypermedia

Marianne Graves Petersen

E: mgraves@cs.au.dk

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Interaction Design | HCI | Shape-Changing Interfaces | Child Computer Interaction

Associate Professors and Tenure Track Assistant Professors

Niels Olof Bouvin

Associate Professor

E: bouvin@cs.au.dk 

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Distributed Systems | Peer to Peer Networking | Cyber Foraging | Hypermedia

Jens-Emil Grønbæk

Assistant Professor

E: jensemil@cs.au.dk

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HCI | Proxemics | Shape-Changing Interfaces | Augmented Reality

Ken Pfeuffer

Tenure Track Assistant Professor

E: Ken@cs.au.dk  

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Human Computer Interaction | Eye Tracking | Ubiquitous Computing

Hans-Jörg Schulz

Associate Professor

E: hjschulz@cs.au.dk 

My Web Page | My Google scholar

Visual Analytics | Information Visualization


Tiare Feuchtner

E: tiare@cs.au.dk

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Human computer interaction | Virtual and augmented reality | Body Ownership Illusion

Magnus Høholt Kaspersen

E: magnushk@cs.au.dk

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Research-through-design | computational thinking | HCI | interaction design | shape-changing interfaces

Qiushi Zhou

E: qiushi.zhou@cs.au.dk

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Human computer interaction | Extended reality

PhD students

Christoph Albert Johns

E: cajohns@cs.au.dk

Arvind Srinivasan

E: arvind@cs.au.dk

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Ubiquitous Analytics | Human-Centered AI | Knowlede Synthesis |Human Computer Interaction

Mathias Nørhede Lystbæk

E: mathiasl@cs.au.dk

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Augmented Reality | Eye tracking | Adaptable User Interfaces

Pavel Manakhov

E: pmanakhov@cs.au.dk

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HCI | Usability | UX | Virtuel and Augmented Reality

Research group coordinator