Aarhus University Seal


RainAI - Intelligent solutions for precipitation management, optimization and prediction, Industrial PhD project, Innovation Fund Denmark in collaboration with Cordulus https://www.cordulus.com/.

 Our research project focuses on improving short-term local rain forecasts, which are critical for the agricultural industry. Farmers rely heavily on accurate weather predictions to make decisions that directly impact the success of their crops, from planting to harvesting. Unfortunately, current weather forecasts, particularly for rain, are often imprecise on a local level, making it difficult for farmers to plan effectively. Moreover, large meteorological models require substantial resources.

To address this, we aim to enhance rain predictions by devising machine learning models capable of so-called precipitation nowcasting. Combining various publicly available data sources, such as weather models and radar images, with real-time data from a dense network of local weather stations, we hope to provide farmers with highly accurate, hyper-local rain forecasts.