Aarhus University Seal

Danish HCI Day 2022

In collaboration with DIREC, Aarhus University will host a Danish HCI day on October 13, following NordiCHI in Aarhus.

Everybody in the Danish HCI community is invited to participate.


9.15-9.30 Hello and welcome
9.30-10.30 Round-table discussion featuring young assistent profs at Danish universities. 5-6 participants invited participants present their research in about 5 minutes, followed by a joint, moderated discussion for about 30 minutes. Overall theme: Status of Danish HCI and where is it heading?
    Confirmed participants:
            • Valkyrie Savage DIKU
            • Søren Knudsen, ITU
            • Michael Wessely, CS/AU
            • Midas Nouwens, IKK/AU
            • Henning Pohl, AAU
10.30-11.00 Coffee
11.00-12.00 The Rework project (a provocation by Irina Shklovsky)
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.30 Group discussion: All – prepare a 5 minute presentation of yourself and your work (no slides). Discussion of questions from panel and talk
14.30-15.00 Coffee
15.00-15.30 Wrap-up in plenary


Place/rooms: Preben Hornungstuen, Fredrik Nielsens Vej 4, 8000 Aarhus (same complex as NordiCHI)


Groups (tentative)  All – prepare a 5 minute presentation of yourself and your work (no slides). Discussion of questions from panel and talk

    1.     M1.1
    Clemens Klokmose
    Unnikrishnan Radhakrishnan
    Nina Boulus-Rødje
    Olga Iarygina
    Rikke Hagensby Jensen
    Valkyrie Savage
    Joel Winter

    2.     M1.2
    Eve Hoggan
    Tor-Salve Dalsgaard
    Henning Pohl
    Asbjørn A Flügge
    Teresa Hirzle
    Michael Wessely
    German Leiva
    Marius Hogräfer

    3.     M1.3
    Hans Jörg Schulz
    Suray Shalawadi
    Milo Marsfeldt Skovfoged
    Tim Merrit
    Juliane Busboom
    Midas Nouwens
    Søren Knudsen
    Olav Bertelsen

    4.     M2.2
    Kasper Hornbæk
    Bastian Ilsø Hougaard
    Philip Tchernavsky
    Niels van Berkel
    Jens Emil Grønbæk
    Majken Kirkegaard Rasmussen
    Carla Griggio
    Henrik Korsgaard