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News from local Aarhus CTIC Post Doc at Tsinghua University

Currently CTIC Post Doc Dominik Scheder is visiting Tsinghua University, where he is teaching a course on Advanced Theoretical Computer Science.

Dominik is in China for the next three months, and writes the following about his stay:

IIIS, our Tsinghua partner at CTIC, has invited members of CTIC Aarhus to teach a course in fall 2012. Thus, I am currently teaching the first seven weeks of the course Advanced Theoretical Computer Science (http://class.iiis.tsinghua.edu.cn/atcs/). Currently there are about 23 graduate students enrolled. Our Chinese host left it up to us to choose the topic of the course. In the seven weeks I am teaching, I focus on algorithms for boolean satisfiabillity and related lower bounds.