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On May 27 at 9:00-12:00 in the Peter Bøgh Auditorium, the team behind new the research center for Big Data Analytics: DABAI - Danish Center for Big…
All 240 seats were snapped up in the Peter Bøgh Auditorium in the IT City, as Aarhus University on Friday afternoon hosted the Katrinebjerg Career…
Usually, it is the students who want to impress a future employer at career fairs. But at Aarhus University’s IT career day is just the opposite. Here…
On the occasion of his 60th birthday Professor Ivan Damgaard gave an interview to Jyllands Posten where he talked about his diverse passions for IT…
The department was well represented at Nordic Game Jam 2016, where two teams made it to the finals at Imperial Theatre in Copenhagen. One team…
The article "Feedback-Directed Instrumentation for Deployed JavaScript Applications" has been selected to receive an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper…
Lars Birkedal has been elected as member of The Royal Danish Academy
of Sciences and Letters, in "the science class" (den naturvidenskabelige …
Professor Lars Birkedal has received 3.3 Mkr from the Villum Foundation in support of a research project on Guarded Homotopy Type Theory. The goal of…
With five million DKK from the Villum Foundation and 1.64 million DKK from Aarhus University Research Foundation Assistant Professor Kasper Green…
Department of Computer Science creates together with a number of universities and corporate partners a new large data-driven research centre, DABAI to…
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