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All employees and PhD students at Science and Technology and the ST Administration Centre are invited to the summer celebration on Friday 19 June…
The department is together with student associations, It-Vest and IT forum in the process of arranging a career day where companies can come into…
AU’s IT systems and electrical installations are due for a check-up again. This is called a “service window”, and the next one will take place on the…
Recently, we have observed some suspicious-looking people in our buildings at CS. As the doors from the roof terrace in the Nygaard building has been…
On April 7-8, 2015 we celebrate our annual PhD/PostDoc retreat at Dayz resort in Søhøjlandet.
The University management has decided (based on recommendation by IT og Digitale Medier og IT-forum) on a Standard for usernames at AU.
Professor Ivan Damgård has been selected as the winner of the prestigious RSA Conference 2015 Award for Excellence in the Field of Mathematics for his…
The European Research Council (ERC) established by the European Commission has just awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant of 2 million euro to Associate…
Peyman Afshani who has been an assistant professor at the department since March 2012 is now per 15 March 2015 officially employed as an Associate…
On the basis of his ground-breaking research, which is of inestimable importance for the understanding of modern complex programming languages,…
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