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The digital ‘revolution’ is in full swing, and will only escalate in the coming years.
Department of Computer Science is part of Aarhus University…
One of the recent publications from: Creativity in Blended Interaction Spaces.
At Department of Computer Science Panagiotis Karras has joined the research group on Data-Intensive Systems, where he will do research in data…
Professor Wendy E. Mackay, a research director with INRIA Saclay/Université Paris-Sud in France, has been appointed honorary doctor at Aarhus…
Department of Computer Science is proud to be a part of DIGIT - the new centre for Digitalisation, Big Data and Data Analytics which will open at…
Over the summer seven new PhD students have joined the department. Welcome to Troels Rasmussen (UBI), Simon Gregersen (Prog. Languages), Ida…
Study jobs, full time jobs and possible project collaborations - find it all at CS job wall, the new meeting place for companies and students at…
After three intense introductory days, 208 new students have started their bachelor's degree in computer science or IT product development at the…
208 applicants have been offered a place at our two bachelor programmes at Department of Computer Science.
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