Aarhus University Seal

Women startup retreat

Info about event


Saturday 26 March 2022, at 09:30 - Sunday 27 March 2022, at 16:00


The Kitchen, Universitetsbyen 14, 8000 Aarhus


Free DKK


At this retreat we will dedicate our focus to idea development and value creation.
This workshop can offer you a nice relaxed atmosphere and productivity at the same time. On top of it you will get help on how to work with your entrepreneurial idea and be exposed to helpful methods and startup tools.
You might be thinking “Ehh, I don’t know if this is for me, my idea is just a thought. I have no idea where to begin”- this is what we would love to help you find out!

Creating values for others is what motivates you and your idea might evolve around just that. But you have no idea how to reach your users or even how to move along. When the weekend is over you will have an action plan for the time to come on how to proceed with your idea.
Also you are surrounded by peers and like-minded throughout the weekend and hopefully this leaves you with a network that can support you in the coming process.
In order to kick-off the weekend we will start with a state of the art presentation on women entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship, this is meant as inspiration and it can help you clarify whether your idea can adapt to a social entrepreneurship mindset.


  • breathe life into your startup project
  • get feedback from qualified business and academic professionals
  • get feedback and network among like-minded
  •  get new perspectives on the typical challenges women in startups faces
  • Inspiration on social entrepreneurship
  • An action plan for your startup project


The weekend is for women or people who identify as women.
 Please fill out a short application to join, as we would like to have a dedicated group of participants. You will be notified whether or not you get a spot after submitting your application
 You need to have some kind of startup project idea to participate. But it doesn't have to be anything other than just a thought.
 You do not have to be a part of The Kitchen to apply. But members of The Kitchen are very welcome.

The workshop is open to all, but AU students will be prioritized.


When: Saturday March 26. from 9.30-20.00 (approx.) and sunday March 27 from 9.30-16.00
CATERING: Bring your own lunch. Breakfast included both days. Vegetarian dinner included saturday evening. There will be tea, coffee available.
CAPACITY: Max 15 attendants
DEADLINE: 21/3 kl. 23.59

CONTACT: If you have any questions don't hesistate to reach out to Adriana M. Hansen på adriana@au.dk