Aarhus University Seal

Values-led participatory Design

Info about event


Wednesday 25 November 2015, at 10:00 - Thursday 26 November 2015, at 16:00


University of Oulu, Linnanmaa campus (visiting address: Yliopistokatu 9, door C), Snellmania, class room HU217-6A-C


Ole Sejer Iversen from PIT, Aarhus University, Denmark & Bieke Zaman, KU Leuven, Belgium

This seminar centers around value-orientedness in interaction design for children and young people. It combines lectures with hands-on activities in which attendees will experience how to account for values in participatory design (PD) processes, engaging children as design partners of new technologies. The aim is for students to better conceptualize, understand and establish ways to work more productively with human values in future designs for children and young people. 


Registration is open: http://inforte.jyu.fi/events/value_sensitive_design