Aarhus University Seal

Theory Seminar: Payman Afshani, Aarhus University - Fast Computation of Output-Sensitive Maxima in a Word RAM

Info about event


Wednesday 4 December 2013,  at 14:15 - 15:00


Nygaard 395


Dept. of Computer Science

Theory Seminar


Title: Fast Computation of Output-Sensitive Maxima in a Word RAM


Speaker: Peyman Afshani, Aarhus University


Time: Wednesday, December 4 at 14:15 to 15:00

Location: Nygaard 395



We look at the problem of computing the maxima of a set of points in three dimensions and we present
an efficient deterministic output-sensitive algorithm in the Word RAM model. We observe that improving 
our algorithm is most likely difficult since it requires breaking a number of important barriers, even if 
randomization is allowed. 

Throughout the talk, we will also discuss many interesting relevant open problems.


Host: Gerth Stølting Brodal