PITalk with Pär-Ola Zander: Trust and politics when doing participatory design in Bangladeshi Government
This talk reports on a PD project, ePolicyInPractice, situated in the Bangladeshi public sector. The main organisational context is a public university, which is governed very differently from organisations where PD mostly hitherto has been practiced.
The case is interesting because of its complex relations with the national politics of Bangladesh, which has concrete implications for how to organise participatory design activity and organisational change in general. The talk will analyse motives for designing in such contexts. It will also examine issues of control and trust in design methods when the context is characterised by language barriers, uncertainty and even infiltration. Coming to the economic environment of Bangladesh and persuading people into doing PD resulted in the encounter with other mature participatory traditions, well established in Bangladesh, something which have influenced my reflections on the project.