Aarhus University Seal

PIT talk by Pernille Bjørn, University of Copenhagen, on The Dark side of Global Agile: From Distance to Politics

Info about event


Monday 7 March 2016,  at 12:15 - 13:00


5335-395 Nygaard


Software development today is done in collaborative situations, where clients, developers, managers, testers etc are located in different parts of the world, speaking different languages and living very different lives. Research into global software development is diverse; some are focusing on the processes and methods, others are focusing on the design of technology supporting the work - In this presentation I will report from our ongoing interdisciplinary research project through the last 5 years investigating the Next Generation Tools and Processes for Global Software Development (nexgsd.org), and particular explore the journey which began with designing technologies for collaboration across distance to continue of a future path for designing technologies for collaboration across politics.


Pernille Bjorn is Professor in Computer Supported Cooperative Work at University of Copenhagen, Computer Science Department (DIKU), Denmark.

Pernille¹s main interest is to investigate how people collaborate within complex work arrangement aiming at developing concepts useful for the design of collaborative technologies - and her main research area is Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). She has conducted ethnographic studies of collaborative work practices in several domains such as healthcare, engineering, and software development. Currently her main interest is global software development, where she is responsible for the ethnographic studies in 5 different organisational setups with different industry partners, as part of the NexGSD research project, which is a 5 years research project on global software development funded by the Danish strategic research council (nexgsd.org).

Pernille¹s research is in the cross-roads between CSCW, CHI, STS, and IS research. In December 2014 she published her first book:

Sociomaterial-Design: Bounding Technologies in Practice in the Springer CSCW series. She has over 60 publications in peer-reviewed conference proceedings (e.g. CHI, CSCW, ECSCW) as well as in high-ranking journals such as the Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work, International Journal of Medical Informatics, Information System Journal, Action Research Journal, Science & Technology Studies, European Journal of Information Systems, Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, and IEEE Transaction on Professional Communication (https://scholar.google.dk/citations?user=ZbzjucYAAAAJ&hl=en).

Past affiliations includes associate professor, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark (February 2009-April 2015); visiting faculty at University of California, Irvine, USA and the Intel ISTC center for research on social computing (July 2013-August 2014); visiting faculty at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India (December 2011-January 2012); assistant professor IT University of Copenhagen (September 2008-January 2009); Post-doctoral fellow Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada (December 2006-August 2008); Post-doctoral fellow Roskilde University, Denmark (August 2006-November 2006). Currently, Pernille Bjørn is co-program chair for CSCW2016: 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, in San Francisco, CA, USA.