Aarhus University Seal

PIT talk by Kasper Skov Christensen and Mikkel Hjorth entitled "In the age of measurement: Assessing design literacy in K-12 education"

Info about event


Monday 8 February 2016,  at 12:15 - 13:00


5335-395 Nygaard Møderum

Kasper Christensen and Mikkel Hjorth will present an instrument for quantitatively assessing K-12 students' stances towards inquiring into wicked problems, even though such a stance cannot be formulated unambiguously. The DeL tool is an outcome of the FabLab@school.dk research and development project. The DeL tool is meant to provide educators, leaders, and policy makers with strong arguments for introducing design literacy in K-12 schools, which, we posit, function within in an age of measurement. The DeL tool shows large differences in the stances taken by digital design-, information studies- and K-12 students.