Aarhus University Seal

Friday lecture talk by Antonio Skarmeta, visiting professor from Murcia

Smart Cities, IoT and Security and Privacy needs

Info about event


Friday 12 June 2015,  at 14:15 - 15:00


5335-016 Peter Bøgh Auditorium

The extension of the Internet to smart things is estimated for reaching by 2020 between 50 and 100 billion of devices, defining the called Internet of Things (IoT).  This IoT deployment it is having especial impact over areas like Smart Cities Services.  Nevertheless, the usage of IoT at large-scale creates the need to address adequately trust and privacy functions. In that sense, it is needed to evolve from a vision of sensors to an integrated view of smart objects forming part of our personal space, and as being shared, borrowed and, in general, having temporal associations with the users and their personal identity, while these aspects are addressed considering security and privacy rules.

In this presentation we will present some of the challenges and needs of the deployment of IoT in Smart Cities with emphasis on security and privacy aspects and how some EU projects are coping with them