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COBRA Seminar Talk with Dankrad Feist from Ethereum Foundation

Info about event


Tuesday 5 April 2022,  at 14:15 - 15:00


Nygaard-295 (building 3553, room 295), Finlandsgade 23, 8200 Aarhus N

Title: The next 10 years in Ethereum

Abstract: An overview of the protocol upgrades that are coming to Ethereum in the near and not-so near future. Consensus updates (Proof of Stake), Scalability (Data Availability Sampling, Optimistic Rollups, ZK Rollups), Security (Proof of Custody, Secret Single Leader Election), Performance Upgrades (Statelessness), Randomness (Verifiable Delay Functions), Front-running protection (Threshold Encryption, Delay Encryption) and Quantum proofing will be covered.

About the speaker: Dankrad Feist is a researcher at the Ethereum Foundation. The Ethereum Foundation is visiting the Aarhus Crypto Group April 4 to 6, 2022.

About the seminar: The COBRA Seminars are bi-weekly seminars open to everyone with an interest in blockchain research. This semester the seminars will take place on Tuesdays in Nygaard-295 (building 3553, room 295), Finlandsgade 23, 8200 Aarhus N. More information on the seminar website: https://cs.au.dk/research/centers/concordium/activities/cobra-seminars