Aarhus University Seal

Guidelines for teaching to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection

The steps below will help lecturers and TAs follow the general guidelines to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection.

Feel free to pick up face masks at the Information office if you wish to use them when you are teaching.

Before classes in class rooms

  • Students are not allowed to enter before the previous class has left and the room has been sanitised
  • Make sure that the students keep distance and sanitise their hands
  • Make sure that the students take their seats without blocking the way for fellow students. Ask them to seat themselves farthest from the exit, so that others can find a seat without having to push them.

Before classes in auditoriums:

  • The students are divided in teams. Each team has its own color. The color will indicate where to sit in the auditorium.
  • Those of you who are teaching big lecture courses have been offered help to guide the students for the first two weeks of the semester. However, you are all responsible to
    • Make sure that the students keep distance
    • Make sure that the students take their seats without blocking the way for fellow students. Ask them to seat themselves farthest from the exit, so that others can find a seat without having to push them.

During class

If you have any doubts at all, you are obligated to interrupt a class if it is not possible to adhere to the social distancing and hygiene guidelines. If necessary, you can contact Na Ree Sørensen for help in rectifying the situation.

After class

  • Instruct the students to sanitise the room before leaving (i.e. tables and chairs)
  • Let the students seated closest to the exit leave first
  • Inform the students outside the room waiting to get in that they are not allowed to do so until after the previous class sanitises the room and exits it.