The department has many PhD students in on our world-class research groups. All PhD students accepted at the department are fully funded and receive a generous stipend (either salary or SU, Danish students' Grants and Loans Scheme).
Many believe that you must complete your Master's degree before applying for a PhD position. However, at Aarhus University it is possible to apply already after your Bachelor's degree or even during your Master's studies. For more info see the figure below or read more in the rules and regulations.
Although research in collaboration with your PhD supervisor and others is the primary focus for a PhD student, there are also other activities in the daily life as a PhD student. You will follow courses and sharpen your skills within the area of research chosen for your PhD studies. However, PhD students typically also work as a teaching assistant or as a part of the department's visitor’s service, where we present computer science to upper secondary school classes. PhD students are also encouraged to take part in the boards and committees at the department.
As a PhD student, you need to view the world from a number of angles – not just from our department. Therefore, all our PhD students visit a foreign research institution, typically from three to six months, to gain experience, collaborate, and establish a network in the academic community. Also, during your PhD studies you attend conferences and summer schools in other parts of the world. The department will cover expenses for travelling.
1. On our research pages, you can find information about the research area and staff members in each of the research groups, at the department.
2. Reach out to potential supervisor to learn about the possibilities of becoming a PhD student on their research projects.
3. Read the application guidelines, which contain information about documentation needed, language test, etc. you need to prepare for your application.
4. Apply via Graduate School of Natural Sciences. Please note the deadlines: February 1, May 1, August 1 and November 1.
Ask the potential superviser you are in contact with whether you should apply for a predefined PhD position or via the open call.
5. Questions? For research-specific questions, please contact the relevant faculty member. For general questions about PhD studies at the department, please reach out to Head of Programme Anders Møller or PhD administrator Henriette Farup.