The Ubiquitous Computing and Interaction research group focuses on those aspects of computer science that are part of our surroundings and our daily lives. Its research mission is to create new concepts and prototypes that shape our vision of how we as individuals and as society want to engage with information technology. The group works in four primary areas: 1) Virtual and Augmented Reality focusing on industrial applications, such as human-robot collaboration, remote assistance, and 3D Interaction; 2) interactive spaces, including Shape Changing Interfaces (SUI), Cross Device Interaction, and Proxemics; 3) Visual Analytics for Big Data, including health data from wearables, hospital logistics data, and data from a variety of other domains; 4) Computational Thinking to foster an understanding of modern technologies like Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence through Educational Learning Tools.
Have a look at our recent projects.
The group builds on a variety of competences such as: Interaction Design, Positioning, Context Awareness, Mobile Computing, Peer-2-Peer computing, Augmented Reality, Hypermedia, Visual Analytics and Info Visualization. Sensor based interaction, Crowd-sensing, Data Aggregation etc..
Professor Kaj Grønbæk, is heading the group, while also being Head of Department, he is still Co-PI on large ongoing strategic research projects like DABAI (, MADE (, and HealthD360 (
Read more about the group's background.