Aarhus Universitets segl

Student Collaboration

Student jobs

Recruiting and events

Project and thesis collaboration

Project and thesis collaboration

Your company have the opportunity to cooperate with students at the Department of Computer Science at several points during their education. It might be during courses, projects or their final thesis. To enable more students and companies to we are creating CS Project Bank, where your company can list potentiel projects. When cooperating with a student from the Department of Computer Science, your company may gain benefits such as:

  • Access to the newest academic knowledge and methodes
  • Investigating issues and solving problems that the company itself does not have the skills or resources to handle
  • Contributing to upgrading the student's job readiness
  • Gaining an insight into student competencies
  • Access to and potential recruitment of future graduates

Depending on the project, you will work with either Computer Science students or IT Product Development students.

Types of collaboration

  • Vocational Training Project (Erhvervsprojekt): The student carry out a project in collaboration with the company under guidance from academic supervisor from the department and a project supervisor from the company. The project constitute a third of the semester. The industry project (Erhvervsprojekt) is designed specifically to enable collaboration between companies and students.

  • Bachelor's Project: The bachelor project are typically done in groups during spring and constitute half of the semester. The project is supervisor by an academic with knowledge of the given topic.

  • Master Project:  The master project is the concluding project of the master programme. The project constitute a full semester. The project is supervisor by an academic with knowledge of the given topic

  • Industry case for a course: The company can be involved in cases in two ways. Either as a case study during the course or as a collaboration between the company and the students about a relevant problem. The type of involvement and the role of the company in relation to the course depends on the teacher/supervisor.

Rules and regulations

Working with students sometimes requires that agreements about confidentiality, milestones, end-product etc. is agreed upon before engaging in the collaboration.

Read more about: guidelines, rules and regulations about IPR, Non Disclosure Agreement etc.

Recruiting and events

As a company you may also be interested in hosting an event such e.g. competitions, hackathons or talks for our students. Please contact Søren Poulsen poulsen@cs.au.dk to investigate your opportunities. 

You may also be interested in our career fair, Kdag - Katrinebjerg Karrieredag, held every year in April/May.

Student Jobs

At CS Jobwall business and collaboration partners have the opportunity to post job positions directly to students at Department of Computer Science such as:

  • Study jobs
  • Full time jobs
  • Part-time jobs
  • Possible project collaborations (eg. Bachelor Projects, Master thesis, etc)

CS partner members in CS Business Club can advertise an unlimited number of jobs on CS Job Wall. Non-partner members: Please contact Søren Poulsen poulsen@cs.au.dk for the possibility to post job positions.

Another possibility to post study-relevant jobs and projects at AU Job and Project Bank.