Aarhus University Seal

Organization and Work Environment

Strategic goals

  • Make sure that department organization and governance is continually updated to keep up with growth
  • To maintain a strong department culture fostering engagement, employee involvement, job satisfaction, work-life-balance, and shared responsibility
  • Create a strong sense-of-belonging for all employees
  • Encourage a more inclusive and diverse employee profile

To achieve our goals, we will focus on the following areas:

Department governance

With a growing group of senior faculty members, we will also see a growth in PhDs and Post Docs, and in turn this requires a larger support group of technical and administrative staff (TAP).

Such a growth in number of employees require us to rethink the organization and distribute and delegate more management tasks to a small group of managers to support the scaling of the organization. Thus, we will likely have to introduce the notion of Sections and Heads of Section, being responsible for employee related tasks, while the Department Research Committee will continue to centrally run recruitment of faculty members.

We also need to appoint a Deputy Head of Department for Education to devote more management focus to our expanding Danish and International educations. The Deputy Head of Department for Education and the possible Heads of Sections will become part of the department management team.

Psychological work environment

The department will continue to work systematically on maintaining a high-quality work environment based on the mandatory regular physical and psychological workplace evaluations as well as through culture development. We strive to take work-life-balance, job satisfaction, and general wellbeing into account when developing the department.

The current size of the department enables us to ensure and develop the sense of belonging to one department with mutual interests and a joint sense of direction among the employees. It is important to scale this sense of engagement and belonging with the growth in size. The establishment of a CS Staff Club, which organizes social activities, has proved a success and will be continuously developed.

We will continue to embrace the cultural diversity of the department and use it as a means to create a strong sense-of-belonging at the department for all department employees and students.

Code of Conduct

The department committee for diversity has developed a code of conduct, stating the official policy on social as well as scientific issues related to diversity and inclusion. The CoC promotes respect for all groups (female networks, talent tracks, study programs etc.) and all individual choices, it condemns all discrimination and demands a respectful and professional approach to communication.

We will continue to actively make the Code of Conduct support our work with maintaining an including and contemporary workplace. The Code of Conduct also applies for all students who are introduced to it as part of the introduction when first arriving to the department.

Physical environment

The department committee for diversity has developed a code of conduct, stating the official policy on social as well as scientific issues related to diversity and inclusion. The CoC promotes respect for all groups (female networks, talent tracks, study programs etc.) and all individual choices, it condemns all discrimination and demands a respectful and professional approach to communication.

We will continue to actively make the Code of Conduct support our work with maintaining an including and contemporary workplace. The Code of Conduct also applies for all students who are introduced to it as part of the introduction when first arriving to the department.

Proposed activities

  • Recruit a Deputy Head of Education and organize a scalable educational management
  • Initiate a process for adjusting organization and governance, e.g. establish a few sections as governance umbrellas for smaller research groups with sufficient coherence to constitute a unit
  • Increase our focus on creating a strong sense-of-belonging to the work environment
  • Establish a more coherent physical work environment for staff as well as students
  • Continue to develop an inclusive work environment