Aarhus Universitets segl

Masters and Diplomas graduated at Computer Science


Evaluation of CI/CD Tools for Smaller Development Teams

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Microservice in an embedded system

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen


Single Sign-On in SkyCave

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Scaling Subscriber-Tailored Data Streaming in Distributed Systems

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen


Case study of Introducing Chaos Engineering in Kamstrup A/S

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Architectural Modernization, from monolith to microservice

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen


Infrastructure as code' and 'Record and playback' in  a multiple service application

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Image classification using microservice architecture

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Monolith to microservices using Branch by Abstraction for improvements in deployability

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

GitOps in Energinet development team

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen



Reliability and performance analysis of running a microservice application with service churn in Docker Swarm

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Introducing a change-based code review classification in EnviDan A/S

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Performance Optimeringer af Microservice Arkitekturer ved Feature Clustering

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen



(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

A study on the architectural differences of microservices and monoliths

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen


(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

System Deployment af distribueret system i cloud-miljø uden sideeffekter (CONFIDENTIAL) 

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen



(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Modifiability and Availability in Maturing Software Architecture

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Web API Capacity Study

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Exchanging Data Distribution Layer

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Performance Analysis in the DataDistributor System

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen



(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Distributed Access Control in Smart Metering Networks (CONFIDENTIAL) 

Supervisor: Claudio Orlandi


(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

A Literature Study of Architectural Erosion And Comparison To An Industrial Case In Danfoss (CONFIDENTIAL) 

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen



(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Performanceevaluering af en microservice og monolitisk application

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development) 

Performanceevaluering af en microservice og monolitisk application

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Design af en Big Data arkitektur for at etablere ny viden fra bagagesorteringsanlæg

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development) 

Design af en Big Data arkitektur for at etablere ny viden fra bagagesorteringsanlæg

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Diploma of Information Technology, Software Development) 

Performance Engineering as a Case Study

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen


(Master of Information Technology, Software Development) 

File Transfer and File Routing Optimization (CONFIDENTIAL) 

Supervisor: Niels Olof Bouvin

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

File Transfer and File Routing Optimization (CONFIDENTIAL)

Supervisor: Niels Olof Bouvin

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Refactoring of Legacy Code, an Experiment Based on Payment Terminal Software

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Code Coverage as a Tool - a Study of Implementation and Use of Coverage Metrics 

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Reproducing Failure Scenarios in TV2's Online Video Platform - Striving for Availability (CONFIDENTIAL)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Reproducing Failure Scenarios in TV2's Online Video Platform - Striving for Availability (CONFIDENTIAL)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Reproducing Failure Scenarios in TV2's Online Video Platform - Striving for Availability (CONFIDENTIAL) 

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen



(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Micro Services – Investigate Availability and Maintainability within a microservice Architecture

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Domænespecifikke sprog I en eksisterende arkitektur (CONFIDENTIAL)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Cross Platform Mobile Development

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Vurdering af SQALE som kvalitets evalueringsmodel

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)


Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen



(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Using Source Code Maintainability Measures, for Risk Evaluations in In-Sourcing

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

JavaScript Type Inference Using Dynamic Analysis

Supervisor: Anders Møller



(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

An upgrade of legacy web service infrastructure

Supervisor: Anders Møller

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Software architecture reconstruction using Symphony (CONFIDENTIAL)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Software architecture reconstruction using Symphony (CONFIDENTIAL)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Software architecture reconstruction using Symphony (CONFIDENTIAL)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

DLI Admin: Evaluering af performance- og availabilitykvalitet med arkitekturprototyper

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Overvejelser ved mobil-udvikling: Web-baseret kontra native

Supervisor: Niels Olof Bouvin

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Bringing a Legacy System under Test Control

Supervisor: Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Refactoring the Legacy Code

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen


(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Security in Automatic Metering Systems

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Security in Automatic Metering Systems

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen



(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Tamper free deployment and execution of software using TPM

Supervisor: Jesper Buus Nielsen


(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

BDD med SpecFlow vs. TDD

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Software kvalitets attributter i praksis

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Design af en dynamisk datamodel

Supervisor: Ira Assent

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Optimering af dataoverførsler på mobile enheder

Supervisor: Niels Olof Bouvin

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

OpenSign Refaktorering

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

2012-06-14: Jan Thorup Jørgensen Bjerg

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Erik Grönvall

Evaluering af tilpassede Scrum metoder

2012-06-14: Steen Voersaa

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Niels Olof Bouvin

Optimering af dataoverførsler på mobile enheder

2012-06-28: Hardy Jean Rusbjerg

(Diploma of Information Technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Jens Edlef Møller

Architectural Reconstruction of EasyHMI (CONFIDENTIAL)

2012-06-28: Britt Johnsen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Jens Edlef Møller

Maintainability-metrikkers værdi ved tilpasning af et COTS (CONFIDENTIAL)

2012-06-29: Søren Christensen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Erik Grönvall

Escaping the Haunted House. A study of end-user opportunities in today's smart house systems (CONFIDENTIAL)

2012-06-29: Erik Tobias Laursen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Erik Grönvall

Escaping the Haunted House. A study of end-user opportunities in today's smart house systems (CONFIDENTIAL)

2012-07-06: Preben Eriksen

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Behaviour-driven development med JBehave

2012-12-06: Lars Frederiksen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Jens Edlef Møller

Administreret softwareopdatering af serviceklienter via internettet


2011-06-28: Thomas Broman Skelgaard

(Diploma of Information Technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Niels Olof Bouvin

MVP Lookless View: Et UI afhængigt pattern

2011-06-28: Henrik Lavdal

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Kari Rye Schougaard

Availability-taktikker inden for agent-orienteret softwareudvikling

2011-06-28: Søren Bardino Kaa

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Kari Rye Schougaard

Availability-taktikker inden for agent-orienteret softwareudvikling

2011-06-27: Jess Christian Flinker Nielsen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Investigating consolidated logs to improve the availability of Window Services

2011-06-27: Morten Andersen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Different Paths to High Availability by Introducing Redundancy in a Distributed SCADA System

2011-06-27: Yasser Ibrahim Tallouzi

(Diploma of Information Technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Web Work Desk

2011-06-27: Anders Bloch

(Diploma of Information Technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Web Work Desk

2011-02-04: Thomas Mollerup Lanng

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Evaluering af udbud og modenhed af Cloud Computing Software teknologier

2011-02-04: Brian Hvarregaard

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

GreenWeb Digital Skiltning - Distribution af indhold

2011-06-28: Kasper Moth Tofting Larsen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Niels Olof Bouvin

Simulering af radionetværk

2011-02-04: Medo Huremovic

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

GreenWeb Digital Skiltning - Distribution af indhold

2011-02-04: Hans Kolind Pedersen

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Fra "legacy code" til kode under testkontrol - sikker ændringshåndtering og øget pålidelighed vha. smoke test (CONFIDENTIAL)

2011-06-28: Claus Frederiksen

(Master of Information Technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Niels Olof Bouvin

Simulering af radionetværk

2011-02-04: Morten Krøll Breiner

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Fra "legacy code" til kode under testkontrol - sikker ændringshåndtering og øget pålidelighed vha. smoke test (CONFIDENTIAL)

2010 and earlier

2010-07-06: Peter Bugge Jakobsen

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Anders Møller

Caching i JEE backends

2010-09-28: Erik Voigt

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Varianthåndtering og Polymorfisme i et Realtidssystem

2010-08-06: Jesper Madsen

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Niels Olof Bouvin

Social network extender (SNE)

2010-08-06: Lars Nielsen Lind

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Niels Olof Bouvin

Social network extender (SNE)

2010-07-06: Jan Duelund

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Behaviour-driven development med JBehave

2010-07-06: Ole Ventzel Davidsen

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Niels Olof Bouvin

Spatial information sharing

2010-07-06: Morten Wegelbye Holm

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Niels Olof Bouvin

Spatial information sharing

2010-07-05: Niels Jordan Andersen

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Jeppe Brønsted

Automatiseret text af GUI i webapplikationer

2010-07-05: Preben Christensen

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Jeppe Brønsted

Automatiseret text af GUI i webapplikationer

2010-07-05: Katazyna Rodziewicz

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Refactoring af integrationssystem til kompositionel design

2010-07-05: Peer Bech Hansen

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Implementering af systematisk kodereview med kodenær værktøjsunderstøttelse (FORTROLIG)

2010-07-05: Henning Kristensen

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Deployability (FORTROLIG)

2010-07-05: Morten Staugaard Sørensen

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Deployability (FORTROLIG)

2010-07-02: Leysa Sørensen

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Kari Rye Schougård

Reconstructing architectural dokumentation for BOS

2010-07-02: Jesper Veggerby

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Jørgen Lindskov Knudsen

Object-relational mappers i .NET

2010-07-02: Michael Lykke

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Jørgen Lindskov Knudsen

A new architectural approach for context-aware self-adaptable systems

2010-07-02: Kim Martin Ginnerup

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Elmer Sandvad

Refaktorisering kontra omskrivning af legacy kode

2010-07-02: Jakob Marager

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Elmer Sandvad

Refaktorisering kontra omskrivning af legacy kode

2010-07-02: Thomas Daugaard

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor:  Elmer Sandvad

Distributed Unit Tests

2010-07-01: Kasper Ellebye Rasmussen

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

OWN: Omniscient Web Navigation

2010-07-01: Troels Aagaard Pedersen

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor:  Henrik Bærbak Christensen

OWN: Omniscient Web Navigation

2010-07-01: Svend Åge Christiansen

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

OWN: Omniscient Web Navigation

2010-04-13: Gerth Isaksen

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

High availability arkitektur til TDC Play (FORTROLIG)

2010-04-13: Jesper Puggaard Hansen

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

High availability arkitektur til TDC Play (FORTROLIG)

2010-04-13: Kim Bernhard Andersen

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

High availability arkitektur til TDC Play (FORTROLIG)

2010-03-26: Michael Sørensen Loft

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Test framework for integration testing of embedded software

2008-02-28: Mikkel Roth Kristiansen

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Case analyse af embedded software arkitektur (FORTROLIG)

2008-02-14: Bernd Schrøder

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Susanne Bødker

Organisatoriske forandringsprocesser

2008-02-07: Kenneth Lerche Andersen

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Migrering af Sampo Pankis indbetalingsautomater til Danske Banks it-platform (FORTROLIG)

2008-02-07: Lene Maria Hale

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Migrering af Sampo Pankis indbetalingsautomater til Danske Banks it-platform (FORTROLIG)

2008-01-21: Klaus Kolle

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Klaus Marius Hansen

Epidemic Information Distribution

2007-06-21: Jesper Palm Mortensen

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Klaus Marius Hansen

Arkitektonisk evaluering og dokumentation af J2EE rammeværk til generelt brug ved implementering af web-systemer til løn-håndtering i Java

2007-05-31: Bo Mangor

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Detektion af indholdsmæssige ændringer på websider

2007-05-31: Bjarne Flugt Juhl

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Detektion af indholdsmæssige ændringer på websider

2006-12-01: Jesper Rohde

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Jens Bæk Jørgensen

Title: NYAM-specifikation af nyt dataintensivt informationssystem til Jyske Bank (FORTROLIG)

2006-11-30: Jess Christian Flinker Nielsen

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Klaus Marius Hansen

Title: Arkitektonisk dokumentation og evaluering af et system til elektronisk faktura overførsel (FORTROLIG)

2005-09-16: Paw Melin-Nielsen

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Susanne Bødker

Brugbarhed af usability laboratorium

2006-06-11: Ole Lysgaard

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Jens Bæk Jørgensen

Software specifikationer på Grundfos - Introduktion af NYAM

2005-06-17: Poul Kappel Kilsgaard

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor:  Ulrik Pagh Schultz

Clinical Context Framework

2005-06-17: Jesper Medom Vestergaard

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor:  Ulrik Pagh Schultz

Analyse og specifikation af et wizard framework

2005-06-17: Jan Wisen Francke-Larsen

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Ulrik Pagh Schultz

Information Hiding in Stateful Webservices

2005-06-17: Niels-Ole Gram

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Ulrik Pagh Schultz

Architectural documentation and evaluation of Sinope (FORTROLIG)

2005-06-16: Kent René Simonsen

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Design Pattern Refactoring i Eclipse

2005-06-16: Leif Bredgaard Andersen

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Bent G. Christensen

Succesfull Data Mining using context aware Hypermedia

2005-06-16: Carsten Schmidt

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Filterdriverdefragmentering (FORTROLIG)

2005-06-16: Uffe Anders Holm Hansen

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Design Pattern Refactoring i Eclipse

2005-06-16: Troels Jegbjærg Mørch

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Test Driven Development

2005-05-27: Søren Stiig Hansen

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Composite Device using distributed MVC

2005-05-27: Allan Rasmussen

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

DEMS: dokumenthåndtering med semi-automatisk klassifikation

2005-05-27: Allan Haurum Hedegaard

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

DEMS: dokumenthåndtering med semi-automatisk klassifikation

2005-05-27: Hans-Ole Korslund Larsen

(Diploma of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

DEMS: dokumenthåndtering med semi-automatisk klassifikation

2004-06-25: Helle Holtemann

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Framework til grafisk præsentation af tidsseriedata

2004-06-25: Ole Boisen Hansen

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Henrik Bærbak Christensen

Framework til grafisk præsentation af tidsseriedata

2004-03-02: Gunner Tejlgaard Olsen

(Master of Information technology, Software Development)

Supervisor: Anders Møller

Systemintegration med Webservices på virksomhedens intranet