Aarhus Universitets segl

Three PhD-students complete their studies at Department of Computer Science

Congratulations to Allan Stisen, Mads Møller Jensen and Carsten Baum. Recently, each of the three (now formerly) PhD students defended their PhD and concluded their research in three very different research areas: ”How smartphones can help hospital orderlies to coordinate”, ”Interactive Systems and Games for Sports Training" and ”Secure Multiparty Computation”.

Abstract of the three PhD-studies below:

”How can smartphones help hospital orderlies to coordinate more efficiently?” - PhD defence by Allan Stisen:
During his studies, Allan Stisen has researched methods that can support the coordination of logistical tasks at hospitals. The methods he developed are based on data from modern smartphones, and the methods can automatically recognize the status of the logistical workers’ (e.g., orderlies’) tasks. Moreover, the studies have also analyzed the work coordination that takes part in the logistical work, and they have focused on how the workers achieve overview. This has lead to the development of different tools, which can support the workers in their decision making, when they have to plan their schedules. These tools will enable the orderlies to achieve efficient schedules, and enable more efficient flows at hospitals.

The PhD degree was completed at the Ubiquitous Computing and Interaction Group, Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University

 Allan Stisen, completed his PhD at Department of Computer Science, at November 1st, 2016.

”Interactive Systems and Games for Sports Training” -
PhD defence by Mads Møller Jensen:
During his studies, Mads Møller Jensen researched the design and development of interactive systems for sports training inspired by computer game elements. Bridging computer technologies, sports training and game design holds multiple advantages for creating innovative sports training experiences, for example, flexibility in the number of players required in an exercise (including facilitating self-training in team sports), stronger motivation through game and competitive elements as well as novel training aspects, including cognitive processes and perception. Mads designed and developed prototypes of such interactive games for sports training in football and handball, and studied how they are used by athletes and how they affect the training outcome as well as the player experience. His prototypes and studies show that bridging computer technologies, sports training and game design is possible and can facilitate the design and development of novel technologies that leverage quality, engagement and enjoyment of sports training.

The PhD degree was completed at Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University.

Mads Møller Jensen, completed his PhD at Department of Computer Science at November 2nd, 2016.
”Towards More Efficient Secure Multiparty Computation In The Preprocessing Model” - PhD defense by Carsten Baum.
During his studies, Carsten researched the design of protocols for secure computation. Here, two or more computers exchange information over a network in order to evaluate an algorithm on input data that these computers provide. The aim is to obtain a correct result, while keeping the input secret - even in the presence of participants that actively try to learn (secret) information or tamper with the output of the computation. These interactive protocols have applications to e.g. online voting, auctions and the processing of medical or financial data.
The new research findings contribute to the understanding of the efficiency of these interactive computations in the so-called pre-processing model: Here, some algorithm is run in advance in order to speed up the overall computation. The results also lead to the design of efficient, secure protocols with new properties.
The PhD degree was completed at the Department for Computer Science, Aarhus University.

Carsten Baum, completed his PhD at Department of Computer Science at November 7th, 2016.